I've been reading through all the current threads re PIPSaid,etc and there seems to be a loud minority trying to use this as a way to get there whining about frozen funds to the forefront.
If you want your funds unfrozen,BNM is your gripe,NOT Bryan.You can either be inactive or proactive,it looks to me as though Bryan is trying to be proactive by bringing a small part of PIPS back online ASAP.
I read all the posts re gambling is bad,I don't do that blah,blah,blah.We get it already,you don't gamble nor do you approve of gambling,move on with your life,nobody cares if you join the new site or not.DON'T PREACH TO OTHER PEOPLE ABOUT THE ILLS OF GAMBLING,most of us already know gambling is a,well,a "gamble"!!!!
A lot of this crap reminds me of "big brother" stepping in all over in the land below us and "protecting" people from supposed scammers by closing HYIPs and freezing funds without properly investigating what it is they are protecting us from,not that it would matter to the alphabet people anyway.There are always people who are looking out for our best interests out of the goodness of their teeny tiny little hearts,yeah right!!
I could probably go on for a while longer,but I'm plumb tuckered out now,so I'll go and rest for awhile.