Regarding ThePIPSAuthority: I think this is one of the "false" positive rumours I spoke about in another forum. Well, not false actually. TPA seems to like to take info from nelsonlee and nair and rewarm it for his updates, which is fine as it gets the news out (I think most of what he says is true btw, it is just not NEW. It is reworded info from nelsonlee and nair). What alarms me is this part:

I am
very pleased that the positive faxes you all have
been sending to the bank are making a huge impact on
this investigation.

You see, I think TPA is a troll using positive information to get us to send faxes to the bank. WE ALL KNOW NOT TO DO THAT, RIGHT?

Every single one of his posts mentions these "positive faxes" and I am sure and certain that faxing the bank, either positive or negative, can only lead to pissing the bank off beyond reason.

PLEASE DO NOT FAX THE BANK ANYTHING. It will only be considered a nuisance and we do not want to put the investigators into a bad mood, now do we?

Here is what I would ask of each and every one of you... go to your forums, BTI, AUSpips when it comes back on line, here, hyip, ProtectyourDream and even the dreaded TG and post positive thoughts about Bryan and PIPS.

Start new threads. Use positive titles. Express your EXPECTATION that Bryan and PIPS will pull thru and how much PIPS has done FOR you and your hopes and dreams for the future. Express your confidence in Bryan.

Just send a thank you to Bryan by doing this. FLOOD ALL THE FORUMS WITH POSITIVE THREADS!!

THIS is what will help right now. THIS is what is wanted and needed.

The investigation is almost over, but the last days are essential. Let's fill it with rainbows and butterflies for our future.
