I have read in one thread that the message about PIPS was not anymore present on the Bank of Negara Website. However I just read it right now in the updates part on the top right (rolling menu) of the site .http://www.bnm.gov.my

The message is still the same :

"PureInvestor.com, Inc., PIPS Inc., and its Related Companies
This is to inform that Bank Negara Malaysia, the Central Bank of Malaysia, has received a number of inquiries regarding Pure Investor.Com Inc., PIPS Inc., and its related companies. Bank Negara Malaysia is still working closely with the relevant authorities and is currently still in the midst of investigating PureInvestor.com, Inc., PIPS Inc. and its related companies.

Bank Negara Malaysia
22 February 2006"

Some people are arrested and are innocent. beeing arrested is surely not a proof you did something bad. A friend of mine has been arrested, the real criminal had denounced him. 5 years after they are both at the right place.