:D Hi Everyone,

I spoke to one of the merchants today about
an order I want to place, and I was told that all
the merchants orders are on hold right now, but
that they will be an approved merchant.

I was also told that one of the owners speaks to
BM everyday, and that things (such as a payment
platform, were being put in place, and that we should
hear something by Friday or at least by Monday.

I can't answer any questions, because this is
all I was told, and I think this is good news.

It would seem that whatever was thought would
be in place last week, didn't turn out that way,
so no post...but now I think we will be hearing
something soon.

I'm really hoping this works out because I haven't
received my initial investment back and I would
hate to lose it. (Add it to the pile of lost funds
since I started trying to make money on the
internet in 1999 :shock: )

I hope everyone will try to stay positive. As long
as the door is still open, we have hope.