Ok time for me to come out of the woodwork on this subject.

I am like many dinar investors in here. I invested last year, and have seen nothing but speculation and guessing.

I am happy to say, though that from all the information and buzz that is going on internationally.... we are FINALLY close to reval.

I was also disappointed by the call, but really no big deal....I think they just had to put someone in there for filler because they expected reval but it hasnt happened yet.... thats just my opinion.... thats my take on it anyways I could be wrong.

No matter, I am a firm believer in the Dinar and its potential.

We are all very lucky.

Anyways let me close with a bit of shameless advertising....

There is an excellent program that looks very much like all the other MLM programs out there.... but if you study it very closely as I have, you will see that it is very much in a class of it's own.

It is in prelaunch, but they are already paying their members.

It is very low risk (none really) and has HUGE potential.

It launches Sept 15th.

Don't be left out people

I am looking for team members. Captains.

How much experience do you need? None! Because I am going to help you

Once these Captains take their spot on my team, my marketing team goes to work IMMEDIATELY for them, and blasts their link to google, yahoo, ask jeeves, alta vista, ALL the major search engines all over the word, more that 35,000 altogether THREE TIMES A WEEK!!!

Wanna be on a winning team?

Click my name and view my profile for the link.

To our success.