Now we finally found the bugs on referal daily earnings, and think that all should be fixed now.
Here are the new rates, starting now:

-- 4% earnings on referals E-Gold deposit

-- 0,30%/ daily on referals investments

In the past, you earned 4% daily on your referals balance. This was very interesting for our recruiters, who made a lot and a lot of money with their referals. But it was not our goal to give so much money, all this was the result of a bug in our script settings, since the begining of YS.

Now this bugs is finally fixed, and we have set a more normal and more credible rates.

The 4% earnings on referal E-Gold deposit has not changed.

What have changed is the daily referals earnings. Yesterday, we set it to 1%/daily on your referals earnings. That meant around 0,03% of your referals account balance.

But members has sticked on the 0,03% instead of the 1%/daily on referals earnings. Even if these 2 figures means exactly the same thing, 0,03% has a bad psychologic effect.

Also, I received a lot of complaints in Email saying that this is not anough to encourage good recruiters.

So I tought hard about this today, and decide to make a compromise.

I will offer 0,30% daily on your referals account balance.


John refers Marco.
Marco invest 1000$. He will earn 32$/daily (around).
John will earn 0,30% on Marco's deposit , wich is 3$ daily.

I think this will be better for both, members and us.

We will then offert a normal and secure referals commissions, and good recruiters will earn anough to be happy.

Dont hesitate to give me your comments and suggestions about this.

*The amounts given in the last days will not be revised. The new rates (0,30% daily on referals account balance) will start in the next pay round.
** This is not the new script. This is only a patch on the old one. The new script is expected in about 10 days.