Last saterday, members noticed that they was not able to login in their account.
In fact, the database was disconnected from the server, because the programers had to work on it.

Now, all is back to normal, so you can login.

This problem also made that you did not receive your daily interest.

We tried to give you back the interests missed, but the script was not able to do it, manually, without a very high risk to corrumpt all the database.
So we appologise about this situation.

The most important thing, is that we are still there, still paying, and this is why we are doing so much work on the site and the database; because we want to have a strong and stable script, able to support our incredibly growing program.

We have now more than 1855 members.

Sometimes, if we cannot reach together by the YS website, we may be able to do so using this forum. So always take a look on the official forum (www.rolclub.com), when there is a problem in the YS website.

Thank you all to be there. It is a great pleasure for us to work with you.
