OK here we go then..... Strategy Time....

Special plan is supposed to end on 31st May... according to Mr Punnup at SI forum. He isn’t often wrong, but does drive me mad with his predictions... (but that’s another story) Im sure he gets inside information.

Back to the topic... Therefore, to maximize the return of the 60 day plan, I would suggest to open a new 60 day plan with $10 before the end May (31st) so you can then upload your current matured June/July 60 day plan into your principle in your newly established May60plan, taking advantage of another 4-5% for another 40-50 days depending when your original plan matures.

It is also written that SI will possibly run this plan for another 5 years or so... not sure who to believe.., just some thoughts in preparing for the future to maximize profit return. What else has anyone else heard ? Other views and strategies on the 60 day !!