This was in my PM box on one of the forums which I frequent, can you explain the meaning of it, although it is now clear to me what is going on.

You and Marek should be ashamed of yourselves. Let me advise you that this is also being sent to Bryan. I am sick of this garbage, and sick of the implications which I am seeing here in this post and on this forum. I have had it with reading the insults from Des (yb)about the reputations of Pioneers, and combined now with the implications which Marek thought he was intelligent doing on behalf of "PIPS" members without their consent; by contacting the BNM after Bryan asked that it not be done.

Rolclub has 17,000 registered members (take off all the multiple accounts), that is less than 1% of all PIPS MEMBERS. Now to find that YOU STYLE ARE A PUPPET FOR THIS BS, talk about losing a reputation. This forum is a wonder Bryan isn't posting here.

FYI MAREK-you can ban me from here, but I have a copy and it will find its way to other PIPS members who do not frequent this forum, see you don't speak on behalf of PIPS members, only that handful of members who frequent your forum.

IFF is a much nicer forum, didn't you think Style before you were banned from there for some of these antics ???

You continue to ignore my PM's, when I KNOW you are getting them, you continue to let that B* ban me, so now I have no other choice but to go public on all of the other forums about you. I am going to tell the truth about everything. About how you contacted me on Msn Messenger and asked me to go to rolclub and stir up shit about Craig (about how I had the "green light" from you as long as I was doing it for you, but when I voice my opinion about Bryan, I get banned). About how you asked me to go to IFF and Aus. Pips and stir up chit about **** and *****. I have saved the text of all of those messages (yes where you called them all MF'ers and everything) and I will post them on the forums as well. How when I try to login as Style,it says I was banned and the reason "none", yes thats exactly what it says, "None".You will NOT treat me like this and get away with it. I gave you an opportunity to fix this but you refuse to. Now I have to do what I have to do!
You can start to look for the membership to decline quite a bit once I say what I have to say! People all over the forums tend to back me for some reason. This will cause you a LOT of damage!
