Training Your Brain For Dummies
For Dummies
Dr Tracy Packiam Alloway
Timothy E. Parker

ISBN-10: 0470974494
276 Pages
3.61 MB

Mastering the latest fitness craze-keeping your brain healthy at any age
Judging from the worldwide popularity of the brain game, Nintendo DS, and such mind-bending puzzles as SuDoku and KenKenŽ, keeping one's mind as limber as an Olympic athlete is an international obsession. With forecasters predicting over a million people with dementia by 2025, today's young and senior population have a vested interest in keeping their grey matter in the pink for as long as possible. Training Your Brain For Dummies is an indispensable guide to every aspect of brain fitness-and keeping your mind as sharp, agile, and creative for as long as you can. Whether you want to hone your memory, manage stress and anxiety, or simply eat brain healthy food, this guide will help you build brain health into your everyday life...............

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