Building the Gymnastic Body The Science of Gymnastics Strength Training l 12.05 MB
By Christopher Sommer
Published by Olympic Bodies LLC in 2008
PDF, 195 pages, English


The world has always marveled at their amazing physiques whenever the gymnasts take center stage at the world's premier athletic competitions. Awe-inspiring feats of strength, skill and agility are performed with what appears to be effortless ease. The gymnasts seem a breed apart and their physical accomplishments appear to be beyond the reach of the average man; that is until now.

For the first time, Building the Gymnastic Body allows you to go deep within the world of gymnastics strength training. Extremely comprehensive and detailed, with nearly 200 exercises (many of which have never been seen before by the general public) and well over 500 photographs, it is a complete developmental template for building the essential foundation of strength required for all gymnastics success. Whether you are a competitive athlete looking for an edge, a fitness enthusiast or just beginning a healthier lifestyle, Building the Gymnastic Body is the answer you have been searching for.


CHAPTER ONE - Gymnastics as Conditioning

CHAPTER TWO - General Information, Tools of the Trade - 9, Basic Gymnastics Terminology - 11, The Selection of These Exercises - 15, Handstands & Press Handstands - 16

CHAPTER THREE - Basic Strength - 21

CHAPTER FOUR - Fundamental Static Positions; L-sit - 26, Straddle L - 30, Manna - 35, Back Lever - 41, Front Lever, Planche - 49

CHAPTER FIVE - Upper Body Pressing; Fundamental Bodyweight Exercises, Push-up Variations - 61, Dip Variations - 68, HSPU Variations - 76, Multi-plane Pressing Variations - 83

CHAPTER SIX - Upper Body Pulling; Row Variations - 91, Pull-up Variations - 96, Curl Variations - 103, Multi-plane Pulling Variations - 106

CHAPTER SEVEN - Combined Pull/Press; Muscle-up Variations - 113, Other CPP Variations - 118

CHAPTER EIGHT - Core; V-up Variations - 123, HLL Variations - 127, Lower Back Variations - 132, Oblique Variations - 138, Straight Body Variations - 144

CHAPTER NINE - Legs; Deck Squat Variations - 156, Single Leg Squat Variations - 159, Hamstring Variations - 165

CHAPTER TEN - Program Design Options; Static Strength Training - 171, Basic Strength Training - 175, Integrated Training - 178, Managing Intensity - 179, Group Training - 182

APPENDIX A - Tips for Increasing Pull-ups - 185

APPENDIX B - Static Strength Only Training Results - 186

APPENDIX C - 120 Muscle-ups in 15 minutes - 187

Index - 189

A Special Thanks - 194

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