Product is about using Facebook to drive views to Youtube to improve Google Rankings.
Module 1: Keyword Selection
Module 2: Video creation
Module 3: Listing Optimization
Module 4: Priming the Pump
Module 5: 5 minute video seo
Five Sample Squeeze pages included

One of the things I know works really well for videos is to go and create a bunch of backlinks for videos to get them ranked in Google. Well, this Social Tube Traffic System video is a little different. It's all about using Facebook and Youtube together to get free traffic!
And who can get enough free traffic?!
Social Tube Traffic System Review - What It Is?
Social Tube Traffic System is all about using Facebook and Youtube together to get videos ranked and seen by potential buyers? Why? Because videos get shared and are one of the easiest things you can create to rank online!
The Social Tube System walks you through the exact series of steps, from video creation, all the way through social influence, that you need to take to be successful with this strategy.

Some of the stuff you'll learn in Social Tube Traffic System is:
How to create videos that people want to watch
How to encourage sharing of those videos
What markets videos work really well in (any products you have, local marketing, etc)
How to get videos ranked
How to get traffic from those videos to your site
Here's some of the stuff I really liked about the course?

Name Product: Ryan Deiss - Social Tube Traffic System
Market price: $194
Author: Ryan Deiss
Size: 297 MB

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