Dan Sullivan - The 21-Day Positive Focus

Dan Sullivan - The 21-Day Positive Focus

Salespage: http://private.strategiccoach.com/store/product/91 The 21-Day Positive Focus Workbook ONLY! Successful people have successful habits. The 21-Day Positive Focus, a straightforward tool from the Strategic Coach Program, is designed to help you focus on your most important achievements and keep your confidence at its peak on a daily basis.

Use it to create your own new habits for success. Learning to take your "wins as they occur is a great way to bolster your confidence. By setting aside a regular time to focus on your positive achievements each day for three weeks, you can develop a new "confidence habit.? You?ll have the energy and motivation to do more, and youll find yourself enjoying the results of your efforts more, too. The 21-Day Positive Focus? will guide you through the process of establishing and reinforcing this valuable habit.

A big thank you to mystikal who made this material available!

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