Dan Kennedy - Advanced Magnetic Marketing Workbooks

Dan Kennedy - Advanced Magnetic Marketing Workbooks

Website: http://gkic.com/
Sales Letter:
I Know You May Go To A Lot Of Seminars, Hear A Lot Of Speakers, And Own A Lot Of Books And Tapes. Still, I Outright Guarantee You've Never Gotten Your Hands On Anything Quite As Powerful And Practical As My Materials

I have assembled a product like no other - yes, it includes audio CD's, but you MUST NOT prejudge it because of that.

This is actually a complete "TOOL KIT"? real tools you take and use in your business. It's called THE MAGNETIC MARKETING SYSTEMS KIT and you might think of it as a complete, transformational marketing department in a box.

Actually, this is such a unique product it is hard to describe, but I'm going to take my very best shot.

There are 6 main, moneymaking "components" in my MAGNETIC MARKETING SYSTEMS KIT - let me walk you through each of them:
"No Brainer," Fast Implementation

First, in general, I've made implementation an 80% "no-brainer," because I have done 80% of the work for you. In addition to teaching on the CD's included in the Kit, I have taken 11 different businesses and 4 different sales careers, in 6 different business categories, and treated each one as a private, paying client, and created complete direct marketing/Magnetic Marketing Systems for each one, including all of the "power documents": prospecting and sales letters, ads, postcards, and so on.

And these documents are all marked "Copyright Free," which gives you permission to take them and use them, virtually as-is! (When I am paid to develop ONE collection of documents, for one client, I am typically paid $7,500.00 to as much as $15,000.00 plus royalties, so there is over $75,000.00 worth of copywriting services provided in this Kit!)

Now, here's the best part: Information and ideas are fine, but let's bridge the gap to implementation. It turns out that 90% of all businesses and sales careers fit one (or more) of these categories so perfectly and ?YOUR business or sales career will match up with (at least) one of these categories so perfectly, you will be able to "steal" and use those "power documents" and strategies outright, just as if they were created for you ? only very minor adaptation necessary!

Please pay attention to this point! At each seminar, after each speech, I am surrounded by people, each asking if the Kit applies to this business, that business, each believing theirs to be so "different" it must not be included.

So, to repeat: 90% of all businesses and sales careers are covered by this Kit! For most, at least one category is such a perfect match, there's instant application with little or no creative adaptation.

The Kit covers business-to-business selling situations, to-consumer situations, retail, restaurants, professional practices, real estate, automobile sales, even financial services sales (where there are compliance issues), direct sales and network marketing, industrial, big ticket items, on and on. And just about everybody who gets this Kit finds one category to be a very close match ? they learn and "borrow" from ALL the materials, AND they are able to instantly and easily apply the tools from the one category best matched to their business.

Included in these Copyright-Free Documents, in one of the business examples, are the now-famous "Giorgio, Romance Director" Letters that I show at most seminars, that every audience falls in love with! You've just got to see this "marketing masterpiece!"

Learn From What Others Have Done

In addition to everything I created for you, I have also included 102 - yes, 102! - additional "Exhibits" that I did NOT create. These came from people just like you, who purchased previous Editions of the Kit, took something, adapted it to their business, then sent it in with a report of extraordinary results.

These Exhibits let you see exactly how business owners, marketing executives, and salespeople have very successfully adapted and used the 'power documents' in the Kit. By seeing how they've moved the 'documents' from one business to another, from a different business to theirs, you can see how to do it too.

Included in these 102 Exhibits, you even get a "Cash Flow Surge Letter"?..4 typed pages that brought in $58,000.00 of extra, cash business in 15 days for an art gallery owner and has been adapted, with similar success, in over a dozen different businesses that we know of. These four typed pages ALONE could easily be worth thousands of dollars to you.

Don't mistake this Kit for a big collection of "form letters," by the way. SOME of my Marketing Systems are "letter driven." But virtually EVERY possible media; every effective method of getting your "marketing message" out to your target markets is included in my Systems. My MAGNETIC MARKETING KIT is a comprehensive, integrated package of help with marketing messages, target marketing, and every media and method.
The "Cafeteria Tape"

CD #1 "walks" you through every page, every 'power document', every tool, every example in the Kit. Sit down for about a half-hour at your desk or kitchen table, with the Kit, listen to this first Tape, and you will understand everything in the Kit, where it is, why it's there, how it is to be used. This way, you quickly set up your own "cafeteria line," so you can go back through the line, pick out the strategy and "tools" most relevant to your business right now, get those up and running, working for you, and then go back through the line and pick another system, etc.

Oh, and don't worry about the "how to eat an elephant problem" here - the answer IS "one bite at a time." This Kit is NOT something you're going to zip through once, put on a shelf and never go back to. Not at all! It IS a true "tool kit" you'll keep going back to, time after time, month after month. And each time you choose and put to work a System, a strategy, or tool, you will AGAIN simplify your business, strengthen your marketing, increase your income!

A "Crash Course" In Magnetic Marketing

CDs #2, 3, 4 and 5 give you a fast, crash course in these unusual, powerful marketing strategies. These unique recordings condense my answers to a full day of interviewing about all of my marketing methods?..it's a total "brain drain"?..and it's eminently listenable. I promise you: you're going to EAGERLY listen to these CD's over and over again, making new discoveries every time! If you have business associates, get them to listen to these 4 CDs, and they'll instantly have their minds opened to these new approaches.
Get Off To A Super-Fast Start ?

CD #6 is the "Fast Start Tape." Here, I focus only on a couple of the most powerful, easy to master, easy to implement Marketing Systems you can very quickly see great results from

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