Perry Marshall -3 sales funnel profits boosters

Dear Online Marketing Professional:
On Friday April 15 I'm joining the VP of Marketing for InfusionSoft to discuss my "big picture" marketing tactics and Tyler will show you how to apply it in your own sales funnels.
? Concept #1: How to quickly engineer a sales message that automatically adapts to the behaviors and actions of your prospects during the sales cycle.
? Concept #2: Ever get the feeling your sales funnel is leaking potential profits? I'll show you how to plug the profit leaks and then scale your traffic.
? Concept #3: I'll destroy the myth of the "one ideal customer" and then we'll show you exactly how to have different conversations with your audience simultaneously.
If you apply just one of these tactics this presentation will be one of the most valuable you've seen all year. If you apply two or three your sales funnel may never be the same again.
To your success

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