"How to Make $100K in an Hour a Day" teleseminar March 24th 2011 [1 AUDIO (MP3)]

"How to Make $100K in an Hour a Day" teleseminar.Date: Thursday, March 24th, 2011.Duration: 70 Minutes approx*
Peak Potentials?Warp Speed Success teleseminars cut to the chase,delivering only the core essentials you need to start creating greatersuccess in your life.
Multi-millionaire entrepreneur and Peak Potentials FounderT. Harv Eker will grill world-renowned marketer, business strategistand trainer Alex Mandossian in a no-holds-barred conversation aboutthe core essentials you need to build wealth fast.
Alex has generated more than $210 million in revenue for himself andhis clients. He?ll reveal his proven 4-step process that anyonecan use to create a 6-figure income in their spare time.
Creating financial freedom requires doing things differently than you?vealways done them. Open your mind and invest an hour of your time tolearn how this time-tested system can create the income to set you free.