Jeff Walker & Mike Filsaime - Free Money Forever Workshop

Jeff Walker & Mike Filsaime - Free Money Forever Workshop
Free Money Forever
1 Day Workshop
- $497.00 Value

* Not available for sale any where on the web.

* Jeff Walker and Mike Filsaime were asked by Rich Schefren to create unique content for his premiere students. To this day people tell me this content change their lives and helped allow them to crack the code for their own product.

* This information, while advance, was broken down to allow you to find the "Hook" in your marketing. It may not sound exciting, but when you figure this out, you will never look back and you will be the next GURU in your industry.

* After you apply this, you will stand out from everyone and people will beat a path to your door to buy your products.

* Jeff Walker and Mike Filsaime did all the content

* Attendees paid an additional $1000 to attend this event 2 day workshop on top of the several thousand to attend the workshop above.

If you want find about product ? Request here !
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