[B]New new from Hare does not look good for SI

First, the status report. As you are aware, we filed a lawsuit against Solid Investment and its operators shortly after the program defaulted on its obligations to its investors. We successfully obtained a final judgment against this operation in the amount of $44,763,122.24. By virtue of this judgment, we have the legal right to seize and execute upon any assets belonging to the defendants, up to the amount of the judgment.

We are happy to report that we have already secured and recovered some of the funds that were stolen from you. Although the amount we have recovered so far is significant in absolute terms, it is only a fraction of the total amount stolen by the operators of this criminal enterprise. We cannot yet predict how much each of you will receive from the recovered funds, because determining the pro rata distribution depends on compiling complete and accurate loss information. However, as we continue to gather such information and calculate the pro rata distributions, we will keep you informed.

We are also continuing our efforts to locate other assets and to recover additional funds in further satisfaction of our forty-four million dollar judgment. If we meet with success on those fronts, we will let you know.

As we have previously communicated, nearly one thousand of you have joined in this recovery effort. It is our intention to proceed with the recovery and distribution as expeditiously as possible, even given the great number of clients involved. We are now moving into the next phase of this case – the claims process. We plan to take this in steps to make the whole process move as smoothly as possible.

We will ultimately distribute the recovered funds by mailing checks to each of you. (Because some of you conveyed funds to Solid Investment by e-gold, and others by e-bullion, and others by bank wire or other methods, the only efficient and practical way to distribute the recovery is by sending checks to everyone.) Therefore, we need you to send us an email with your full legal name and your physical mailing address. (Remember, we will be receiving such emails from hundreds of you – by following these instructions carefully, you will help to ensure that we are able to process claims as quickly as possible.)

1. Please address your email to the following three email addresses:

[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

For prompt processing, be sure to include all three addresses.

2. In the subject line of your email, paste or type the following: Solid Investment Contact Information. (This will help us to sort and process the email quickly.)

3. In the body of the email, provide the name to whom the recovery check should be made payable, and

4. Immediately underneath your name, provide your mailing address in the format you use locally, including country, state/province, zip code or any other information required by your postal authorities to achieve delivery of a letter. We cannot verify the accuracy of your address, or its formatting, so it will be your responsibility to provide this information carefully.

5. Finally, on separate lines, provide the following loss information: (a) the total amount you invested, (b) the total “interest payments” or other repayments you received from Solid Investment, (c) the form of your investment (that is, e-gold, e-bullion, bank wire, check, etc.), and (d) if you used a digital currency such as e-gold or e-bullion, all account numbers from which you made investments or into which you received refunds. (Even if you have already given us some or all of this information, we need to have it again in this format from everyone in order to process the claims efficiently.)

6. Please DO NOT put any other information in your email at this time – doing so will only slow down the claims process.

7. If your email address is the point of contact for several victims, please send a separate email with this information for each victim.

Thus, your email should look something like this example:

To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

Subject: Solid Investment Contact Information


John Q. Public

123 Main Street

Anytown, PA 12345

Invested $500

Received $12.50


account number ######

If you change your email address, please notify us immediately. Send us an email that identifies your old email address and let us know what your new address is/will be. If you don’t keep us updated with your current email address you may not receive your share of the recovery at the time of distribution.

Please do not send us emails asking for updates. We promise that we will provide updates when there is news to report. Please do not be upset if we ignore emails asking for an update – we do not have the ability to respond to hundreds or thousands of those types of requests – or if we did, we would not have any time left to process claims and actually distribute funds to you. We trust that is more important to you.

Please send your contact and loss information, as requested above, as soon as possible. Once this step has been completed, we will send you another update.

Although it is impossible to predict with any certainty when we will be in a position to make a distribution, we are determined to complete it as soon as possible. Your cooperation and assistance is greatly appreciated and will have a measurable impact on whether we are able to achieve this goal.

Scott Michael Hare
Bartony & Hare, LLP
Law & Finance Building
429 Fourth Avenue
Suite 1801
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Tel: 412/338-8632
Fax: 412/338-6611
This communication and accompanying document(s) or files are CONFIDENTIAL and PRIVILEGED and intended for sole use by addressee. If received in error, disclosure, copying, distribution or taking of action relative thereto is prohibited. Inadvertent disclosure shall not compromise or waive attorney-client privilege as to this communication or otherwise. If received in error, please delete the communication and contact me at the phone number above. Thank you kindly.

That is alot of cash