When marketing a product or service you companies use web direct marketing techniques or offline promotional technique. Nowadays companies often use both these techniques for effectively capturing the market.
An effective Web Direct Marketing technique is Online Chat. This mechanism provides a forum where customers can come together and share their experiences with each other and you. This interactive tool allows you direct access to customer opinions where you can gauge trends and determine their views on the industry. Thus this can tremendously help you to make small changes in your products and thus achieve phenomenal sales increase.
Another method is the Online tours. This provides you with an opportunity to showcase particular products and services, and highlight their key benefits. For instance, you may have a CRM product that you would like to promote. What better way to show how it works than to provide a tour of the product - making what could be a potentially complex product look simple and easy to use.
Offline marketing methods should include Trade Shows. Attending trade shows is an effective way to increase awareness of your business to a targeted audience and provide you with direct access to potential customers, who can get hands-on knowledge about your business and its products or services. Attending a trade show will also enable you to identify trends in the industry and provide you with information about your competitors. Furthermore, you can give away products with your web site address and encourage customers to complete forms for prizes, providing you with valuable customer data.
Launch Events can also create tremendous awareness of your products. An event that introduces new products and services is an effective way to generate excitement and develop relationships with potential customers. For instance, you can obtain customers’ contact information so you can follow-up after the event with promotions or introduce new products and services. As well, inviting prominent guests to the event as speakers or supporters will generate interest in the media, which can result in free publicity and bring greater exposure to your business.
It should be kept in mind that your offline and online marketing should be synchronized and complimenting each other and that it should never clash.