Hi. I'm new here. I stumbled across this forum a few months ago but just really started looking into it today.

I was laid off from a job in a dying industry (non digital printing) I have worked in for almost 30 years, and I'm trying to figure out a way to make some extra money.

I also posted to get rid of that annoying message that pops up if you haven't posted in a while. :)

Anyway, I also have an ex wife looking to make some cash from home, so I decided to start hunting around and instead of searching through the millions of scams out there, I thought it wiser to talk to some folks who are already doing what I'm trying to do.

I'm pretty versatile as far as work goes, but my background has been in the printing industry (I had my own company for a few years) and sales. I've sold lots of things, but me mental state is a bit far from sales mode these days. I need to be really upbeat and positive to sell and after the year I've just had, it hasn't been easy.

I'm not depressed or anything like that; I'm just under some heavy financial pressure and stress and I'm having trouble paying the bills. I also have two sons I need to take care of and I'm looking to get into a position where I can do more for them. They're not neglected, starving or anything like that, but I just want to be able to do more for them. It brings me a great deal of joy to see my kids happy and in a few short years, they'll be out on their own and I don't want to miss out on anything in the meantime, or not be able to do what I want to do for, and with them. They're my number one priority in life.

After being laid off for a few months, I fell behind on pretty much everything as far as my expenses go, and even though I'm back to work every day (not quite full time yet in a job I'm REALLY tired of), it's taking me forever to get everything caught up.

It's not so hard to stay current when my cash flow is predictable, but I don't know how much I'll be making each week and that's a problem. Being behind on the bills is also a major problem because even though I'm laying out all of my money for the most part, I got so far behind when I was laid off that it feels like I'll never get caught up and it's just buggin' me. I don't need this stress and I'm willing to do whatever is necessary to put an end to it.

I guess that about sums it up. I hope I wasn't too long winded but the message told me to give an introduction, so this is it. Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated and any advice I can offer to anyone will be freely given as well if I'm able.
