I hope everyone is having an amazing 2008 and is creating cash flow for them that will allow them to retire in style. There are so many bogus opportunities out there that are now catering to baby boomers and soon to be retirees. You have to really do your due diligence to weed through all the offers out there. So many of them are just glorified money games that have products that have no value. Many get sold on the hype and fall for the promise of fast riches.

To be able to have a successful business you can do from home that can create real cash flow you need to have three aspects. Number one a foremost a product. A product that is a STAND ALONE product that sells itself. That doesn't need an opportunity attached to it. Secondly you need a system that allows the distributor to make the sales without being a super salesman or a master marketer. Lastly you need a compensation plan that makes it worth your time and energy. If you cannot see yourself netting $10k+ a month with a business then it probably isn't a good investment to get started with.

The travel industry is a booming industry. I work with a company called Global Resorts Network that offers lifetime timeshare membership to those who want to save 70-80% off retail prices staying at 4 and 5 * Resorts. It is backed by a 22 year old leader in the timeshare industry. This is the perfect alternative to those that do not want to spend $15k-30k+ on a typical timeshare and then get saddled down with maintenance fees etc. The PRODUCT SELLS ITSELF. We earn $1000 per transaction and it is easily a business where you can potentially earn $100k+ in year one. It is not for everyone but it is really a great alternative to those that have no options. Whether they want to have a willable product to pass down that will save their family tens of thousands of dollars over time or they are looking to create more cash flow.

Do your due diligence and stay away from the money games! Enjoy your retirement. Travel and splurge. That is the American Way!

[email protected]