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  1. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seaview View Post
    Parliament decides to interrogate and Trade Minister Abdul Falah Sudan next Sunday

    Iraq's parliament has decided that its meetings would be on Sunday for the host or the questioning of a member of the E.xecutive branch to be Trade Minister Abdul Falah Sudanese first to be questioned at a meeting of 16 of the month of May.

    This was emphasized by the "Radio Sawa" independent MP Wael Abdul-Latif: "the House of Representatives decided that its meetings would be on Sunday for the host or the questioning of a member of the E.xecutive and the meeting of 16 of the month of May will be devoted to the questioning of Minister of Commerce."

    The Abdul Latif said that consultations are underway to host Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to inquire about the security breaches in the capital Baghdad and some other cities as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, saying the ministers and officials who will be hosting the meetings, or interviewed in the next parliament, parliamentary blocs, the agreement:

    "There are many requests to interrogate a number of ministers, including the questioning of nominated ministers of trade, transportation and oil and hosting the President of the Iraqi Media Network as a new office, and proceeded to host consultations of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, in his capacity as commander-in-chief of the armed forces."

    It was scheduled to host the House of Representatives at its former security minister and the leadership of Baghdad, but the minister did not attend and only a host of command in Baghdad, Defense and Security Committee of Parliament.
    Iraq Parliament plans to question Al Maliki

    Iraq’s Parliament plans to host Prime Minister Nuri Al Maliki and question him over recent security violations in Baghdad and mounting corruption in some ministries. Independent MP Wael Abdul Latif told Al Hayat Newspaper that more than 60 lawmakers have signed a list to host Al Maliki in Parliament and question him along with Defense and Interior Ministers. He added that questioning Al Maliki is viewed in his quality of armed forces general commander and the first accountable for any security breach in the country.

    Abdul Latif said some parties are likely trying to blackmail Al Maliki politically and influence him while there are plans to withdraw confidence from some ministers.

    Accordance Front MP Ahmad Al Sulayman affirmed that Al Maliki questioning is not a sort of pressure or political blackmail saying it’s a usual matter part of Parliament’s work.

    Sulayman clarified to Al Hayat Newspaper that Accordance Front has no problem with Al Maliki and only seeks to impose law and abide by the Constitution.

    He added that Parliament is acting out of its monitoring and legislative authorities noting that Parliament needs several clarifications from Al Maliki on disputed issues namely security, corruption in Trade Ministry, virtual contracts and billions of dollars embezzlements in addition to services deterioration.

    Al Daawa Party leader MP Ali Al Adib explained that questioning Al Maliki does not target him in person but is addressed to security chiefs and the office of armed forces general commander in order to clarify recent bombings and rise of violence. Al Adib noted that the questioning is not considered as a political blackmail, it’s a usual process, while security chiefs are likely to be summoned as well next Sunday, he added.

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    Smart Card will be present in all branches of the Rafidain bank and good soon

    The Director of the company's global smart card optimistic mechanism for the distribution of cards among the retired and covered by the social protection system .. adding that this year will see the completion of the distribution of the ratio between the bulk of the cards included.

    Called on the citizens not to stand on one branch through the distribution of pensions or grants covered by social protection and leave the rest of the branches, which may create confusion, or busy in the work based on the distribution or the bank itself ..

    And Bahaa Abdel Hussein, during his speech that the plan prepared by the company to complete the full distribution of cards among the beneficiaries, and coverage of other segments of the business, personnel and businesses, as the phase after the retired and covered by the social protection system is the expansion of the distribution of cards among the businessmen and investors and civil Chierfat, according to Abdul-Hussein, indicating the possibility of the future Chierfat covered the salaries of the network of social protection or pension deductions in exchange for banking is very simple and will be providing services through them.

    Director Commissioner also revealed that the smart card will work in all branches associated Bmsrvi good of Iraq and through the mechanism has been developed for this purpose and will start work very soon .. Adding that the company is in the process of completing the process of awareness of citizens covered by the smart card which shows the working mechanism and what are the sections devoted to the granting of the card and the other branches for the distribution of wages, The Smart Card (so) that can provide some of the 250 service to subscribers, including the registration entry and exit for the government officials and payment of water bills, electricity, telephone and the rest of the tax cuts ..

    Can also be used Khoip tariff in the near future ..

    It also means that it is impossible to falsify in order to provide the technological system which is designed.

  3. #53
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    Dollar exchange rate falling in Baghdad, Irbil and remain stable in Basra

    The U.S. dollar has seen prices in the local market in Iraq fluctuated markedly throughout the day Thursday, as the price rose in Baghdad, Basra and Arbil, from 1170 dinars to the dollar to 1250 dinars to 1224 dinars Baghdad and in Erbil and Basra, and then returned in the fall of Baghdad to Arbil in 1223 and 1221 to, and it is conservative to the price of 1224 in Basra.

    This comes amid reports of lack of liquidity due to reduced sales in dollars the central bank, by the requirement to provide additional gripping of the private banks, which rely on the central auction to provide its customers in dollars.

    A source in the banking pond bank in Baghdad, that the exchange rate of the dollar against the dinar, "has fluctuated over the transactions which took place on Thursday, as selling prices rose to 1250 dinars to the dollar after the rate of 1170 dinars, and then back down to 1222 and then rose to 1223, "adding that" prices are currently unstable, and many of the banking offices of the U.S. dollar selling prices differ from one another, according to the demand, but prices range between 1222 and 1225 dinars to the dollar."

    In Basra, (490 south of Baghdad), a source in the spectrum of the banking company said the dollar "at a corresponding rate of 1224 dinars per Aloodlar, and still retains Bsaara," likely "rise in the dollar exchange rate more in the coming days."

    In the city of Arbil (360 km north of Baghdad), the dollar has dropped to 1221 after arriving at 1224 dinars per dollar.

    A source in the company of Nepal Branch Banking of Arbil, the local exchange rate for the dollar "has risen to over 1224 hours of the day (Thursday), but returned for the fall to 1221 dinars to the dollar."

    The official Department of the Gulf Bank banking Mohsen struggle, "he told Voices of Iraq (VOI) earlier, that the exchange rate of the dollar against the dinar rose to 1250 dinars to the dollar after the rate of 1170 dinars, citing the central bank to reduce the sales of the dollar after the request of the private banks participate in the water bottle to bring additional evidence that the trends gripping the amounts required by the act.

    The Central Bank sold dollar at the basis of 1170 dinars per dollar, while the cash sales price of 1176 dinars per dollar after the addition of the commission charged by the Central Bank to the base rate.

    He improved to demand cash on the dollar is internally through the sale of small and large vary according to customer needs, and most of the buying and selling foreign currency in Iraq, which led to the exchange rate and to stop some of their operations to reflect the reality of the situation and whether it would go down the central on the new resolution.

    Asked told Voices of Iraq (VOI) on the nature of archives required by the central bank, explained that it was improved in the past is a specific form, fill and a written pledge from the World, Today, banks are required to bring Mnavist and documents relating to the full demands of the coin, which are usually not available in detail because it is related to requests by many customers, some for example, required a hundred dollars for the purchase of m.obile, or five thousand dollars for a car Cra larger amounts or for the purchase of a home, such as not able to collect all those documents.

    The central bank held an auction of five meetings a week starting from Sunday to Thursday for the sale and purchase of foreign currencies, and receive a cash commission on the sale of six dinars per dollar, and receive a commission of three dinars per dollar on the sale of remittances outside the country.

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    Jabir Khalifa: government loans from cash reserve will lead to devaluation of the dinar

    MP Jaber Khalifa Jaber said the government loans from the assets of the Central Bank will lead to a decline in the value of the Iraqi dinar and the weakness of its purchasing power.

    Jabir said: "This will impact negatively on the Iraqi staff member because the process is viewed as a direct consequence of the non-withdrawal of his salary."

    Khalifa said: "The best solution for the government to obtain funds to meet their needs is to increase oil production, and not borrowing from central bank reserves." He attributed the Maimer Khalifa, the country now and the government to the wrong policies of the Ministry of Oil.

    The government borrowing from the Central Bank of Iraq, which in turn, rejected the lending process.

  5. #55
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    Central Bank: No worries about the Iraqi dinar value
    Warned citizens against being led astray by the speculators in the market

    Assured the Central Bank of Iraq, when he reiterated his commitment to the citizens to support the value of the dinar exchange rate against the dollar, and urged not to be deceived and dragged behind the speculators in the currency.

    It is hoped to discuss the House of Representatives in the coming days, the Government's request to borrow from the central bank.

    The adviser said the appearance of the World Bank, Dr. Mohammed Saleh told the "morning": that this week will see the return of an auction after a suspension last week due to several circumstances.

    The exchange rate of U.S. dollar on the black market between 1995-1200 KD, although the official rate of exchange (sale) of 1170, purchasing 1168 dinars.

    Saleh added that there were "expectations have generated considerable price bubble led speculators to profit at the expense of wrong information and wrong signals received in the market conditions are favorable, however, caused a decrease in the value of the dinar against the dollar less than 5 percent over the past week, after its value rose by 25 percent during the past three years. "

    He continued: "Despite the decline in the value of the dinar, but the Central Bank in the light of his recent statement in this May 7, it covers all the market demands of the foreign transfers to cover the import costs assumed by the private sector and the market generally," stressing that the Iraqi dinar is a strong currency covered with full coverage of foreign currency, which add stability to the value. adviser called the Central Bank not to be deceived by people behind the profit-makers and speculators who are working against the interests of the citizen and the interest of stability in the national economy, adding that "the auction will be the next milestone in the auction to restore stability to the market," and what happened is just a bubble, and the mechanics of cross-price auction is still a flexible and easy to operate in the legal and economic framework to ensure lasting stability of the value of the Iraqi dinar. In the framework of another request of the Government is still the issue of central bank lending and the tune of $ 400 million, for the implementation of contracts and the Ministry of electricity, the latter refused, the controversial, despite the Council of Ministers request to parliament gives him the right to borrow.

    A parliamentary source of the "morning" that the House could put on his agenda for the next meetings of the Government's request for borrowing, adding that there is a disparity in the views of MPs on that.

    It should be noted that the Ministry of Finance has recently announced that the balance of the country's foreign currency exceeded the seventy billion dollars, 44 billion dollars to the Federal Reserve central bank, 25 to $ 30 billion in the calculation of the Development Fund for Iraq until the end of the year 2008, stressing that the stock side the country, the repercussions of the global financial crisis that has hurt many of the oil states in the current year such as Venezuela and others.

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    U.S Speaker Pelosi arrives in Baghdad

    The Speaker of the U.S House of the Representatives Nancy Pelosi on Sunday, May 10 arrived in Baghdad to hold talks with the Iraqi officials among them her counterpart Iyad al-Samarai.

    Bearing in mind, this is the second visit of Pelosi to Baghdad since being elected Speaker of the House of the Representatives.

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    Oil Ministry: Kurds agree on central distribution of oil revenues

    Abdel-Karim Luibi, the undersecretary of the Iraqi oil ministry for the Oil drilling, in a statement to al-Sharq al-Awsat newspaper said that the difference between his ministry and the Kurdistan Regional Government is not on exporting oil and the financial revenues, but the old contracts signed by the KRG.

    That came one day after the announcement of the KRG ministry of natural resources about exporting 100.000 barrels of crude oil pd at the beginning of next June.

    “All should know, there is no dispute over the ownership of oil financial revenues with the KRG because the Kurds agree with us on this point, they believe that oil revenues extracted from any part in Iraq should be for the benefit of all Iraqi people. The owner of Iraqi oil is the Iraqi citizen in the north or central or southern Iraq”, Luibi added.

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    Oil Ministry denies permit for the KRG to export crude oil

    Oil Ministry denied the permit to the Government of Iraq's Kurdistan region to export crude oil from the fields of the northern region.

    He said the ministry spokesman Assem Jihad said the ministry has been given to the territorial Government in this matter because it is incompatible with the Constitution, adding that he had been the conclusion of any agreement between the Ministry and the provincial government in this regard.

    The Ministry of natural resources in the Kurdistan region has announced the start of the export of crude oil in the first of next June a formal field Tauki approximate rate of about 60 thousand barrels per day after it was linked to the completion of the field pipe line pipe in the area of Iraq Turkey border Fishkhabour.

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    The Central Bank to open financial level reached 169 million requested

    Opened by the Central Bank of Iraq during the week, the financial daily canteen for the sale of foreign currency The level of the request amounted to 169 million and 593 thousand dollars at the exchange rate fixed at 1170 dinars per dollar.

    The media office of the bank in the bulletin obtained a copy of that total dollar sales reached 5 million and 100 thousand dollars in cash and the bank paid a fixed exchange rate was 1176, including the World Bank's commission of $ 6 dinars per dollar.

    While the value of the amounts transferred out of the country's 164 million and 493 thousand dollars in cash Sddhl the World Bank, including a commission of $ 3 dinars per dollar.

    Did not provide the 18 banks participating in the auction, any offers to buy the dollar, the bank note Receive a commission of $ (3) dinars per dollar with a deduction of (1) JD / Dolreetn amounts purchased

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    SOMO is sole marketer of Iraq oil – ministry

    The State Oil Marketing Organization (SOMO) is the sole body invested with the authority of marketing Iraqi oil, according to an Iraqi oil ministry spokesman on Sunday.

    “There is no agreement between the ministry and the Iraqi Kurdistan region’s government to export oil from the region as of next June,” Asim Jihad told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

    “Iraqi oil marketing via the Kurdistan region must be in agreement with the central government or the ministry through mechanisms between the two sides,” Jihad noted.

    The autonomous region’s ministry of natural wealth had announced on Saturday (May 9) that it will “officially” start exporting crude oil from the Tawki field at a rate of about 60,000 barrels per day on June 1.

    Jihad pointed out that the exported crude oil is marketed by SOMO and the proceeds go to the central government “for the benefit of the Iraqi people as a whole”.

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