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    Tuesday May 22, 1:10 PM
    EXCLUSIVE - Bush: September "important moment" in Iraq

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush said on Monday he believes September will be an "important moment" to assess the extent of progress in Iraq under his much-criticized troop buildup plan.
    Bush, who has rejected timetables for a U.S. pullout from Iraq proposed by Democrats, is under pressure by lawmakers from his Republican Party to show progress in Iraq by September or risk their desertion.

    He expects to get an assessment of the impact of the troop buildup plan from the top U.S. commander in Iraq, Gen. David Petraeus, at the end of the summer.

    "I see it as an important moment, because David Petraeus says that's when he'll have a pretty good assessment as to what the effects of the surge has been," Bush told Reuters in an interview when pressed on whether he sees September as a make-or-break period.

    A group of Republican lawmakers visited Bush privately at the White House earlier this month to express their concerns to him. Bush called it a good session that included a "very frank discussion" of his views about Iraq and "their hopes that we can succeed."

    "Very few people come to the White House and say, gosh, I hope we fail. Most people are saying, well, I hope this works, and I am concerned about the situation there," Bush said. ADVERTISEMENT

    Congress is trying to approve by next week about $100 billion in new funds for U.S. troops fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan because existing funds are running out.

    But lawmakers and Bush are embroiled in a fight over whether any conditions should be attached to that money, such as Democrats' desire to impose timetables for ending the 4-year-old war.

    Talks last Friday that appeared to be edging toward an agreement ended in acrimony.

    Bush said he had directed White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten to negotiate with lawmakers on what consequences should be imposed to pressure the Iraqi government to meet measurements of progress.

    "There is a way forward, there's a compromise to be had. My hope is that the Democrat leader sees it," Bush said.

    Lawmakers need to understand that a failed Iraq would embolden al Qaeda, Bush said, adding that he would underscore the point in a speech on Wednesday that "al Qaeda is public enemy number one in Iraq and is public enemy number one for America."

    Bush called Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on Monday and urged him to proceed with political reconciliation among warring groups there, the White House said.

    Maliki has been under fire from U.S. lawmakers for not moving quickly enough to gain approval for an oil revenue-sharing law and other measures aimed at a political reconciliation in Iraq.

    Bush gave renewed support to Maliki in the phone call marking his first anniversary as prime minister.

    "The president reaffirmed his confidence in the prime minister and noted the courage he has shown during a challenging and difficult year," White House spokesman Tony Fratto said.

    Maliki stressed his commitment to reconciliation and gave an update on reconciliation initiatives aimed at drawing Sunni Arabs away from the insurgency and into the political process alongside majority Shi'ites and Kurds.
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
    - Abraham Lincoln

  2. #1252
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    Trade Minister confirms :

    The results of the negotiations with the WTO will bring a big development in the Iraqi economy

    Baghdad-Lighthouse-called diamond Elias
    The Minister of Trade, Dr. Abdel Hassan Sudanese farmer that future negotiations with the World Trade Organization to be held in Geneva late this month will be a great success in the Iraqi economy. Wali said the Sudanese told (the beacon) that Iraq had completed all the mechanisms and questions addressed to him by the International Organization as well as complete set of laws and legislation has been filed by the Council of State and Council of Ministers to be studied in order to keep up ...

    For Iraq's participation in the World Trade Organization.
    The Sudanese minister added that the negotiating team headed by successfully completing all the requirements for joining the World Trade Organization and develop appropriate responses for each theses organization and, hence, we are optimistic that the outcome of future talks to be held in Geneva with a team represented by the exit of the recommendations of the task could accept Iraq in the light of the implications of the results .

    The trade minister noted that the Iraqi government issued several laws that serve the Iraqi economy and facilitate coordination with the global economy, where the form of the investment major turning point future results will be significant movement of the market economy and to develop most of the governorates, which has been severely damaged by exposure to negligence and self - central control of the State on the economic movement.

    Dr. Sudanese Iraq's accession to the WTO does not necessarily mean acceptance of new restrictions imposed on the Iraqi economy, as some believed in the laws and regulations governing where the action team is working to achieve the higher interest of the country and the interest of the Iraqi rights before taking any action that the Iraqi economy has great potential capable of exceeded all its problems and return once again to the forefront of the economies of countries of the world.

    The Sudanese minister explained that the presence of international organizations in Iraq is important being shunned for many years and out of step with economic developments taking place in the world and it may be reintroduced this presence and keep pace with developments and their embodiment in order to serve the Iraqi economy, and thus determine the feasibility of presence in these international organizations.

    He noted Dr. Ali importance of education and public awareness in the importance of Iraq's accession to the World Trade Organization, through which the regulatory Iraqi economy and to study the experiences of the advanced countries of the Organization for the freedom to control the operations of the economy and world trade.

    The Minister of Commerce, said that the negotiating team representing the Iraqi government before the World Trade Organization in Geneva to hold several meetings workshop where many of the topics and mechanisms which will be put before the organization, which had previously been the government many of the questions asked and answers for the purpose of considering the Iraqi request seriously.

    جريدة المنارة - وزير التجارة يؤكد:

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    Sorry if already posted :

    Halliburton shifts focus toward Mideast


    DUBAI, United Arab Emirates - Halliburton Co., the Houston, Texas-based oil services company, is shifting the company's focus and capital investments away from North America and toward the oil and gas-rich Middle East, its chief executive Dave Lesar said here Tuesday.
    Halliburton shifts focus toward Mideast - Yahoo! News
    Last edited by roycepsam; 22-05-2007 at 08:55 PM.

  4. #1254
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    Participants in the Association of Religious Scholars in Britain condemn return of the Baathists and the security services consider response to American pressure, regional

    Condemned participants at the conference held by the Association of religious scholars in Britain, the resolutions taken by the Ministries of Defense and Interior to the officers and commanders of the military and security to the ousted regime and functions, which it considered a violation of the Constitution and disregard the blood of the martyrs, and demanded Maliki government to backtrack on this decision.

    His argument Islam and Muslims, Sheikh Abdul Amir Al Khafagi : As we participate in this conference to support our people in Iraq and circulation in the steps that would contribute to stop the massacres under way against the Iraqi Shiites. "find it necessary to condemn all attempts to introduce international and Arab Baathists in state institutions, especially in the area of security and intelligence, and we call on the government to reject all the pressure imposed on it, and take a brave stand for the defense of the Iraqi people and cause could materialize in foundation for the return of the Baathists, it would cause a loss of popular support Matbeki them. "

    He added Sheikh Abdul-Amir Al-Khafaji : "The tyrant Saddam regime has been unable to necks of our people only through intelligence and security services and their leaders in the army, how the government to restore the Baathists to this sensitive devices
    And dangerous "?

    His argument Islam and Muslims Khatib Husseini Sheikh Abdul Hassan Assadi, we Ansedk happening at the level of government caving in to international pressure and regional leaders to re-Baathist army and the security services, and that this represents a retreat from the principles and promises made by the government itself to be the protector them, At the forefront of blocking any attempts to restore the Baathists to power.

    He added Sheikh Assadi : that our people will hold both contribute to this project, a subsidy to enable Baathists from exercising the right to murder and chase the honor of the nation.

    He called Sheikh Assadi Iraqi Alliance, take a frank condemnation of these decisions that will cause more people to the disaster, said the Iraqi Coalition and its electoral promises made by standing in front of any attempt to return back to their jobs, especially in the defense, interior and security agencies. "

    He called on Iraqi political and informational Professor Azhar Khafaji, Maliki government to reconsider its position to allow the re-element security and intelligence and intelligence to security agencies in the Ministry of Interior.

    He warned of the serious consequences of this decision, stressing that this resolution will build on the change in the institution seriously military and security in Iraq and enable Baathists from the joints and sensitive military security in Iraq and thus be able to launch a fierce attack against the security people.

    Khafaji said in this regard : "The people were waiting for a rejection of the government to pressure the American-Malki, Saudi Arabia and other countries in the region, to restore the Baathists, and were waiting for people to approach these pressures to keep further details in this area, The surprise is that people decisions taken by the Ministry of the Interior to all elements of security and intelligence and intelligence to the security agencies who are below the age of retirement,

    This is a suspicious and hostile steps pumped identity and is in the interest of the people antigen present and future. Khafaji also denounced the Saudi allied with the Baathists and sectarian politicians in Iraq and warned Saudi Arabia to continue this approach, recalling that this hard-line position from Riyadh to impose the return of the Baathists and the use of American power in Iraq, come to add another hostile attitude of our people after the Saudi stance in promoting the issuance of fatwas penance for the Shiites of Iraq and urged young Muslims to kill Iraqis allegedly Roavi.

    He concluded his statement by saying Khafaji Pthadhireh Saudi government from the consequences of its political and security to circumvent the achievements of the Iraqi people in the Constitution and the political process, calling on Riyadh to return these positions and back down, before it is too late. Prior to rise wall between the Iraqi people and the Saudi regime, but reach over to a dead end, Khafaji asked the Saudi government to listen to chants emanating from citizens who hastening to places that are subjected to bombings and acts of terrorism, and condemning the Saudi position and opinions of takfiri and considers it as a reason behind the growing terrorist acts. Khafaji also asked with amazement and surprise on the empty Boca detained in Basra and Baekaya camps run the American forces symbols of the defunct regime and intelligence officers and top security agencies and terrorists Altkeverien, while filling those prisons sons trend sternum and elements of the Mahdi Army? ! Is it possible that all this time they accuse Shiites control the government in Iraq, what the rule of this participant is Maslub resolution and will accept the imposition of dictations and conditions. He added : "We stand with the government vigorously

    But not when they re-Baathists to intelligence and security, as announced by Gen. Abdul Karim Khalaf recently, and not when tolerated by the government of the military operations against the American trend sternum, and shut to arrest leaders and clergy-fixed charges and allegations have not seen a single piece of evidence it, To Attahrk Alekhovernmeh view American forces left the province of Diyala and Karkh neighborhoods in the capital Baghdad, the summit Saighomenatuk Altkeverien open to terrorists and Baathists "

    The many participants in the Conference of the Association of Religious Scholars in Britain on the need for political, diplomatic and media in order to save the Iraqi people, particularly the Shiites House officials attempts by the international and regional forces to restore the Baathists to power in Iraq especially in the defense, interior and security apparatuses.

    Another aspect of the supreme national body to uproot the Baath statement condemning the steps taken to restore the Baathists to the intelligence and security, and came in this statement :

    I have read the press statement Alheihali brigade Karim Khalaf director of the National Command Center in which he announced that the ministry had decided to re-associate of the former security apparatus including intelligence and the intelligence and security apparatus and public sectors who are fit for service, and referral is not fit to serve on retirement, in particular those who are over the legal age.

    The statement added :
    We would like to note that the resolution is a clear constitutional violation of Article (135) and the Council of Ministers Decision No. (130), and Order No. (2) It is a coup against the constitutional process and democracy in Iraq and what is the attempt to restore elements and henchmen of the ousted regime to the institutions that are supposed to be working on the security and safety of citizens not on tyranny and oppression (and the Ministry of Interior does not have the constitutional and legal right to issue such a decision).

    While deplore this decision of the Interior Ministry, we are surprised that the ministry continued to maintain elements of the security services detailed in the previous ministry and not excluded, although they contemplated the need to exclude them and not allowing them to return to the post, which is a clear violation of the laws in force.

    We refer to the illegality and legal resolution of this stress that we will not stand idly by, this trend clear breach of the Constitution and the laws in force and we will continue to address it through the legal means available.

    مشاركون في مؤتمر رابطة علماء الدين في بريطانيا يدينون عودة البعثيين للاجهزة الامنية ويعتبرونها استجابة لضغوط اميركية واقليمية - شبكة أخبار النجف الأشرف

  5. #1255
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunar View Post
    Trade Minister confirms :

    The results of the negotiations with the WTO will bring a big development in the Iraqi economy

    Baghdad-Lighthouse-called diamond Elias
    The Minister of Trade, Dr. Abdel Hassan Sudanese farmer that future negotiations with the World Trade Organization to be held in Geneva late this month will be a great success in the Iraqi economy. Wali said the Sudanese told (the beacon) that Iraq had completed all the mechanisms and questions addressed to him by the International Organization as well as complete set of laws and legislation has been filed by the Council of State and Council of Ministers to be studied in order to keep up ...

    For Iraq's participation in the World Trade Organization.
    The Sudanese minister added that the negotiating team headed by successfully completing all the requirements for joining the World Trade Organization and develop appropriate responses for each theses organization and, hence, we are optimistic that the outcome of future talks to be held in Geneva with a team represented by the exit of the recommendations of the task could accept Iraq in the light of the implications of the results .

    The trade minister noted that the Iraqi government issued several laws that serve the Iraqi economy and facilitate coordination with the global economy, where the form of the investment major turning point future results will be significant movement of the market economy and to develop most of the governorates, which has been severely damaged by exposure to negligence and self - central control of the State on the economic movement.

    Dr. Sudanese Iraq's accession to the WTO does not necessarily mean acceptance of new restrictions imposed on the Iraqi economy, as some believed in the laws and regulations governing where the action team is working to achieve the higher interest of the country and the interest of the Iraqi rights before taking any action that the Iraqi economy has great potential capable of exceeded all its problems and return once again to the forefront of the economies of countries of the world.

    The Sudanese minister explained that the presence of international organizations in Iraq is important being shunned for many years and out of step with economic developments taking place in the world and it may be reintroduced this presence and keep pace with developments and their embodiment in order to serve the Iraqi economy, and thus determine the feasibility of presence in these international organizations.

    He noted Dr. Ali importance of education and public awareness in the importance of Iraq's accession to the World Trade Organization, through which the regulatory Iraqi economy and to study the experiences of the advanced countries of the Organization for the freedom to control the operations of the economy and world trade.

    The Minister of Commerce, said that the negotiating team representing the Iraqi government before the World Trade Organization in Geneva to hold several meetings workshop where many of the topics and mechanisms which will be put before the organization, which had previously been the government many of the questions asked and answers for the purpose of considering the Iraqi request seriously.

    جريدة المنارة - وزير التجارة يؤكد:
    YES!!! Awesome find this has just gotta make you smile and do one of these and maybe one of these and of couse this
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
    - Abraham Lincoln

  6. #1256
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    Talks continue between officials of the Kurdistan and the Baghdad government on oil law

    21/05/2007 20:33 (GMT)

    Spokesman for the Kurdistan Alliance bloc Fried Raundozi the visit of the President of the Kurdistan Regional government Ngervan Barzani to Baghdad comes to the completion of talks on the oil initiated by Oil Minister Hussein Shahrastani with leaders of the province recently.

    He Raundozi in an interview with "Radio Sawa" expressed optimism the possibility of finding solutions to the points of contention between the government in Baghdad and oil province on the law :

    The Attorney Raundozi points of disagreement on imports of oil and contracts, saying :

    Radio Sawa - طھظˆط§طµظ„ ط§ظ„ظ…ط¨ط§ط*ط«ط§طھ ط¨ظٹظ† ظ…ط³ط¤ظˆظ„ظٹ ط¥ظ‚ظ„ظٹظ… ظƒط±ط¯ط³طھط§ظ† ظˆط*ظƒظˆظ…ط© ط¨ط؛ط¯ط§ط¯ ط*ظˆظ„ ظ‚ط§ظ†ظˆظ† ط§ظ„ظ†ظپط·

  7. #1257

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    The politicians keen to approve important laws

    Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's government of national unity to activate the initiative of reconciliation and national dialogue and continue the process of reconstruction, rebuilding and implement a plan to impose law

    And Mr. al-Maliki during a telephone call with President George W. Bush to the importance of enhancing cooperation and coordination between the Iraqi forces and the multinational force in the fight against all law-breakers to eliminate the terrorist organizations and armed groups.

    The Prime Minister told the American President keenness of all participants in the political process to discuss and approve bills that the government submitted to the House and the amendments in the Constitution and the revision of a number of independent bodies.

    Part of the new American president to support the United States to the Iraqi government and to continue the policy of mobilizing regional support for the government, including help in the success of the political process and consolidating security and stability in the country.

    أكد حرص السياسيين على إقرار القوانين المهمة - شبكة أخبار النجف الأشرف

  9. #1259
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    Economic event : papers week long cultural V : Critical Reading of the new draft bill oil (2 - 2)

    The National Oil Company

    According to Article (6) of Chapter II founding the National Oil Company to be a holding company owned by the Iraqi government to work contains the following :
    1-management and operation fields current production
    2-development and management of the discovered fields and other developed their
    3-implementation of exploration and production in new areas outside its area of operations in accordance with this law, through applying for licenses exploration and production in new areas on a competitive basis
    This means cancellation of the law No. (80) of 1961 through the delivery of special unexploited oil fields to foreign companies respectively in accordance with long-term contracts instead of national development through support of the national oil corporations which own experiences accumulated oil,

    The new exploration contracts would devolve exclusively to the national oil company, but to enter in unequal competition with the oil companies originally global capabilities and technological, administrative capital of the world for winning any new holding exploratory, This in turn lead to foreign domination almost exclusively on all areas and Iraqi oil fields

    Contracts for exploration and production
    There are clear in the draft law to the exploration and production contracts while the legislator did not mention the name of the participation of production contracts, while clearly understood law on the contracts for exploration and production is the same concept contracts known worldwide and unwanted in the petroleum industry Kingdom fully to the public sector, especially in the discovered fields, such as the giant West Qurna and crazy and east of Baghdad and elsewhere, and if there is a difference between the concepts of exploration contracts and participation ought to clarify the law, and it appears that the oil in Kurdistan was more transparent than the federal law as an expression used decades participation production.

    Notes in Article (13) of Chapter III of the time granted to the foreign investor for the completion of exploration and implementation of the development plan extending up to (37) years on each stage, This means that foreign investors will be the true owner of the oil reserves, which makes control of Iraq to control its oil resources merely legal, not actual.

    They participate in the contracts in the pre-axis basis the new law, the property of the government when it is in the reservoir, as well as government-owned production company formality but the foreign share at the time of extraction, this contrasts with the article (111) of the Iraqi Constitution, which stipulates that the oil and gas belongs to the Iraqi people.

    In contracts, or close to it is the foreign company spending on the investigation and exploration, drilling, completing the infrastructure for Oilfield ready for production, export and retreive disbursements from the company through share the company agreed to oil production and called Naft cost and internationally accepted ratio is 40% of the company and 60% the government, and when the company recover its expenses, the remaining oil called Oil profit, which is about 10% of the company and the rest of the government, but the foreign company often resort to the use of complex accounting methods related to the costs allowed downloading of total profit, and how to deal with the capital, which represents large sums paid in the years of the initial investment, The more complicated the tax system increased chance of foreign companies for tax evasion through the use of well-accounting techniques which suggested therefore to increase the share of foreign companies from the oil producer to half or so. It is strange that the draft law did not mention quotas to be granted to foreign companies for oil cost and profit and perhaps left it to the Iraqi negotiator, and, if so, there will be oil contracts vary quotas to be obtained by foreign companies.

    With regard to conflict resolution have pointed article (41) of Chapter VIII, that is the arbitration proceedings between the Iraqi government and foreign investors according to regulations and arbitration procedures for the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris and Geneva is unrepayable infringement of state sovereignty over its resources and investments.

    everything that the worst contracts that many of them contain so-called proven paragraph under which prevents the laws and tax policies to address the future of the project the contract, Homayani inability of any future government to impose stricter laws or to change the tax rates.

    The imposition of the law for investors to rent parts of the oil product development, production and at 5 and 12% of the total production of all types of mineral while should impose varying proportions of rent depending on the type of oil products, light, medium and heavy.

    On the other hand, the draft law did not specify the amount of tax paid by the foreign investor income tax note that the new investment law in Iraq, which exempts foreign investors from paying taxes on income investments for a period of up to (15) years.

    Given the draft law Territory Awalmhafezh producing the right to negotiate with foreign companies to invest in oil fields, which weakens the bargaining power to the Iraqi side, and therefore Eshettha heartbreaking national oil industry, which needs to negotiate in the central control and surveillance, especially foreign companies themselves Matemtelk of enormous resources they merge and letting certain to get Vimapinha more oil reserves in the world, and the fragmentation of the Iraqi negotiating capacity will be reflected later in oil deals puny Party and the Iraqi significant gains for foreign companies,

    Therefore, the task should be undertaken by national oil company to negotiate exclusively, especially as the state's general revenue, including oil revenues will be distributed according to the draft equitable distribution to the Iraqi people in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution

    جريدة المدى - من أوراق اسبوع المدى الثقافي الخامس: قراءة نقدية في مسودة قانون النفط الجديد (2-2)

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    Economic event : Researchers and economists stress the need to Babylon draft bill of oil and gas to some modifications

    Babylon / Iqbal Mohamed
    The researchers and economists in Babylon, that the draft law of oil and gas to be presented to Parliament need substantial modifications to ensure the benefit of major oil and gas wealth.

    The participants in a symposium organized by the Iraqi assembly to build and maintain the freedom of said Act to the need to invest Iraq's oil wealth as much rationality and realism they may deplete wealth.

    Meanwhile, the researcher Abdul Amir Alshalah during a lecture he delivered at the symposium that article 12 of the draft law which refers to Iraq's participation in the management and development of oil confiscation contravene Article 111 of the Constitution, which limits the ownership of oil and gas Iraqi people.

    He pointed out that Iraq already does not need this type of partnership that contracts be resorted to in the absence of the state's ability to finance the operations of oil or that the State lacked sufficient expertise to manage these operations or the productivity of oil wells uneconomical
    He pointed to flaws Alshalah contracts as between that under these contracts, the foreign companies which will determine the level of production and the volume of investment compared to operating expenses that the government retain legal ownership of oil reserves.

    As noted researcher least number of defects on a draft law which are related to national oil company to be restructured, including what the terms of reference since the draft granted in Article 5, paragraph a Cabinet powers continuously while the powers of the House of ending soon ratify the law, which means

    The oil wealth will be the executive authority, however, as well as defects and responding to the Federal Council of oil and gas, such as quotas and hauled devote elements unproductive and qualified membership representing provinces producing oil or gas.

    For his part, Mr. Aziz Al-Husseini, we are not against a law regulating the exploitation of oil wealth but the law to be submitted to the House bill, the oil wealth to the risks of a real and serious by linking the oil wealth production and participation contracts expiring affected sovereignty Aloutnetman through the participation of major international oil companies in the Council federal oil and gas, provided by the proposed law in Article V thereof.

    جريدة المدى - باحثون واقتصاديون في بابل يؤكدون حاجة مسودة قانون النفط والغاز الى بعض التعديلات

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