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    Voices of Iraq: Arabia-Conference Posted by: nakr2004 on Thursday, May 03, 2007 - 02:23 PM
    Saudi commits $1 billion to support Iraq – FM
    Baghdad, May 3, (VOI)- Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal said on Thursday that his country is committed to its promise, made during the International Donor Countries conference in Madrid in 2003, to give one billion dollars for reconstructing Iraq.
    Addressing the International Compact for Iraq (ICI) in Sharm el-Sheikh and quoted by satellite channels, the minister said "The Kingdom is still committed to supporting the Iraqi government and people and to not interfering in Iraq's internal affairs."
    "All countries have to take part in supporting Iraq to help realize peace, security and stability in the country," the prince added.
    Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abo al-Gheit opened the conference earlier this morning with the participation of more than 60 states and international organizations.
    Iraq is participating in the conference with a high-level delegation led by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.
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    Word Maliki in the International Conference in Sharm el-Sheikh
    (Voice of Iraq) - 03-05-2007

    The word for a Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki
    At the International Conference in Sharm el-Sheikh

    Mr. Secretary General of the Organization of the United Nations
    Messrs. representatives of the permanent members of UN Security Council
    Messrs. representatives of the major industrialized countries
    Messrs. representatives of the European Union
    Messrs. representatives of the Islamic States
    Messrs. representatives of Arab States
    I greet you all and peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings

    Senior thanks and appreciation for the people and the Iraqi government to the Republic of sisterly Egypt, which hosted this conference and to His Excellency President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak.
    We consider the convening of this conference in Sharm el-Sheikh global demonstration in support of Iraq, the objective basis of a document to the International Covenant is to build a unified Iraq, democratic and federal enjoy all sons equitable distribution of wealth, regardless of affiliation.

    That our country, in spite of the enormity of the challenges they face, moving confidently towards establishing modern democratic state entity dominated by security, stability and the citizens enjoy equal rights and duties, and consolidate the new political system, which laid the foundations of our people full freedom and control, this system boy based on democracy and pluralism, freedom and peaceful coexistence among the components of the Iraqi people.
    We have in mind and all other forces Iraqi national endeavors to work hard to serve our country prosperous and developed to ensure that all spectrums of people justice, freedom, equality and security progress.

    Since the first day of the formation of a government of national unity, we have decided to move forward to reform the national economy and provide the conditions necessary to ensure a seamless transition, measured from a centralized economy to a market economy to achieve a diversified production base can meet the requirements of development, open economy, integrated with the economies of countries in the region to achieve the welfare and prosperity of our people.

    In order to achieve this great goal, we look forward to the support of brotherly and friendly countries in the political, technical, managerial and financial resources to assist Iraq in the face of challenges and address the economic effects of the policies that have bound Iraq more debt, which has reaped them Iraqis destruction, devastation and return the country decades back.
    Everybody knows you that Iraq has been subjected to considerable destruction in the era of the dictatorial regime, which was consulted by the scourge of unemployment, financial and administrative corruption, and after the fall of this regime sponsored organizations and terrorist groups with subversive approach adopted by the former regime to the detriment of the stability and security of the country, and the social fabric to the real risks .

    Despite these difficulties, our country has the natural resources and human potential of competencies, experience and potential scientific enough for the release of the draft figure significantly after the hurdles of financial and administrative corruption, unemployment and terrorism and the debt burden.

    We are confident that security and economic prosperity are interdependent, we can talk about security stability without economic progress benefits all social classes to ensure equitable distribution of wealth among citizens and provide more employment opportunities for the unemployed. Nor can talk about economic progress without security stability and security meant that the economy should receive equal share of attention.

    Any plans and programs for ambitious economic Aikhtba to succeed if they did not take into account combat the problems of poverty, unemployment and administrative and financial corruption. We are serious in addressing these problems in an integrated framework, and providing financial and social protection for the poor and disadvantaged groups, with a decent level of social services for citizens. We are also working to activate the work of the oversight and integrity, in order to have the capacity for evaluation and follow-up and accountability neglecters in all the state institutions are keen that their work is transparent.

    We look forward to a close and the International Covenant beginning of a new phase in Iraq's relations with all countries of the world, starting in the correct and balanced mutual relations with the international community based on mutual respect and common interests, taking into account the desire of the Iraqi people in partnership and cooperation with the international community through ratification of the House to document the international community, and welcoming the objectives and principles of this document by the Arab summit conference which was held in Saudi Arabia.

    We reaffirm the importance of continuing the exchange of commitments between us and the international community in accordance with the Madrid Conference in 2003 and social Abu Dhabi and Kuwait in 2006 in order to achieve a secure, stable and prosperous society that respects human rights under the rule of law.

    We call upon the States participating in the document the international solidarity with the government and people of Iraq and to recognize the achievements made during the past period. The success of an International Covenant requires international commitment to this document, call resolutely support the democratic experiment and the government of national unity to prevent the recurrence of the suffering and tragedies suffered by the Iraqi people over thirty five years of totalitarian rule.
    The fulfillment of the brotherly and friendly obligations towards Iraq, we can do the required reforms in various fields and strengthen the democratic experience and upgrading the economic side, the implementation of the ambitious programs in the areas of oil and gas, electric power, build state institutions, private sector development and to make it active and varied sectors and effective, and give a special role for government in organizing this sector and protection, and optimal use of resources and diversify income sources.

    Our government has been keen to stimulate the economy through the provision of the draft investment law passed by the House, and this opens the door to the law of national and foreign investments, including help in the development of the Iraqi economy and provide significant employment opportunities for citizens and to help rebuild infrastructure, as the government submitted a draft law to oil and gas the House, and the validation to ensure a fair distribution of wealth to all governorates of Iraq, and to achieve economic development, and development in all fields.

    We have initiated the government of National Unity and since the first day of its formation to expand participation in the political process on the basis of national reconciliation initiative to promote a culture of dialogue and tolerance and to avoid anything that would endanger the social fabric at risk where the government has organized conferences to support national reconciliation involving Iraqi tribes and political forces and organizations civil society and intellectuals and officers. The fruit of national reconciliation initiative by the tribes in Al Anbar, Diyala, Mosul, in cooperation with the armed forces to defeat the terrorist organization Al Qaeda and his allies have also engaged many of the armed groups in the face of terrorism and expressed full willingness to participate in the political process and the adoption of the principle of dialogue way of resolving differences.

    The government has taken important steps to activate the initiative of national reconciliation and reintegration of former Iraqi army officers to service, and to ensure pension rights for those who could not be accommodated in institutions of the new Iraqi army, along with the introduction of a bill accountability and justice to the House to reconsider the uprooting the Baath.

    In the area of legislative work of a special committee in the House to study proposed amendments to the Constitution in order to reach a formula acceptable to all before being presented to the public referendum.
    We assure you that the government of national unity is serious in disarming the militias and disarmament, however, countless state only, militias and the authority of the law to Aijtamaan opposites, as the government seeks to integrate and rehabilitate members of this militia to work in state institutions.

    That continued support will help us meet the challenges, particularly the threat of terrorism, we can complete the construction of our armed forces, including qualifies to take full responsibility from the multinational forces.
    The government has worked to consolidate national principles in the ranks of our armed forces to be its loyalty to the homeland first, and not the party's Awaltaeva or nationality, and the performance of these forces professionally, and away from political differences.

    Our thanks and gratitude to all countries that helped Iraq, and dropped their debt written off, or the bulk of them and that our people will not forget this beautiful, and because the national unity government pledged commitment to provide the necessary services to deprived people, despite his possession of huge sums, and because these services require an extensive campaign to rebuild infrastructure and large sums of money, we call on all States to participate in this conference to cancel debts on Iraq to enable it to embark on construction projects and the reconstruction, development and rehabilitation of infrastructure destroyed that your support will enable the government of national unity to complete tasks in consolidating the political process and strengthening democracy and the authority of law.

    In conclusion, I reiterate my thanks and appreciation to the participants in this conference, hoping to turn its recommendations into action programs to achieve economic and social progress and ensuring the success of Iraq's fledgling experiment and achieve the hopes and aspirations of the Iraqi people in building their modern on the basis of justice and equality

    May peace and God's mercy and blessings.

    Nouri Kamel al-Maliki
    Prime Minister of the Republic of Iraq
    5 - 3-2007

    رئيس الوزراء العراقي نوري المالكي
    Last edited by Lunar; 03-05-2007 at 01:37 PM.

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    UK announces extra aid to Iraq

    Malaysia Sun
    Thursday 3rd May, 2007

    London, May 3 : Speaking today at the Launch of the International Compact with Iraq, in Sharm El Sheikh, British Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett, thanked her Egyptian hosts and announced that the UK was now committing more money to assist Iraq.

    She announced that the UK will spend at least an additional 100 million pounds to assist reconstruction in Iraq.

    Beckett said: "This brings our total humanitarian and reconstruction support for Iraq's reconstruction to 744 million pounds or 1.5 billion dollars. Our work with the Iraqi Government building their capacity and unlocking resources already available in Iraq's budget, continues to be a British priority."

    Commenting on the importance of the two days of conferences to Iraq, Beckett told the conference: "The reforms and policies described in the Compact are challenging. Their implementation can play a key part in helping the Iraqi government deliver essential improvements in security and services to the Iraqi people. This will help reinforce the credibility of the National Unity Government and support greater stability in Iraq.

    "Iraq's potential and its people's ambition are clear to everyone. But so too are the challenges that Iraq needs to tackle. I salute the personal leadership of PM Maliki in his efforts to restore security, includinghrough the Iraqi-led Fardh Al-Qanoon security plan in Baghdad. As Mr.Maliki has said, security in Iraq will not improve until all sides reject violence. All sides must take part in national reconciliation. And all sides must help build a truly inclusive and effective national unity government.

    "Strong Iraqi leadership needs to be underpinned by constructive engagement by its neighbours. Iraq's regional partners can help reduce the violence in Iraq and encourage political reconciliation. I welcome the Neighbours Meeting tomorrow which I hope will help build practical cooperation between Iraq and the region.

    "We urge the Iraqi government to take the lead in implementing the commitments made here today. The international community will support you in this endeavour. We hope that a Compact Secretariat will be set up as soon as possible in Baghdad to monitor the progress of the Compact and of the international commitments made here today."
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jola View Post

    Voices of Iraq: Arabia-Conference Posted by: nakr2004 on Thursday, May 03, 2007 - 02:23 PM
    Saudi commits $1 billion to support Iraq – FM
    Baghdad, May 3, (VOI)- Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal said on Thursday that his country is committed to its promise, made during the International Donor Countries conference in Madrid in 2003, to give one billion dollars for reconstructing Iraq.
    Addressing the International Compact for Iraq (ICI) in Sharm el-Sheikh and quoted by satellite channels, the minister said "The Kingdom is still committed to supporting the Iraqi government and people and to not interfering in Iraq's internal affairs."
    "All countries have to take part in supporting Iraq to help realize peace, security and stability in the country," the prince added.
    Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abo al-Gheit opened the conference earlier this morning with the participation of more than 60 states and international organizations.
    Iraq is participating in the conference with a high-level delegation led by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.
    I see the reference to the loan, but nothing about debt forgiveness here - unless it's in the reference to the Madrid conference?

  5. #955
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    Default US and Iraqi forces kill top insurgent leader

    by Sabah Jerges
    15 minutes ago

    BAGHDAD (AFP) - US and Iraqi forces have killed the most senior insurgent leader in Iraq, Deputy Interior Minister Hussein Ali Kamal said on Thursday, in a major victory for the allies' security plan.

    Kamal said the militant chieftain known as Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, the head of the so-called Islamic State of Iraq, was killed on Wednesday in an armed clash in northwestern Baghdad.

    "His body is under the control of the interior ministry," the junior minister told AFP. "His body has been identified."

    The Islamic State of Iraq is an umbrella group of Sunni insurgents dominated by Al-Qaeda in Iraq.

    It has been blamed for attacks on Shiite civilians and has claimed responsibility for some of the bloodiest assaults on Iraqi security forces.

    Separately, US military spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Chris Garver said the military would hold a news conference later on Thursday to announce a "recent success against a senior leader of Al-Qaeda in Iraq."

    According to an Iraqi security official in the northern city of Tikrit, Baghdadi's mourning family had already begun receiving well-wishers in his hometown of Dhuluiyah, around 75 kilometres (40 miles) north of Baghdad.

    The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Baghdadi is a 37-year-old law graduate whose real name was Mohib and was well known in the region, itself known for its Al-Qaeda sympathies.

    Kamal said Baghdadi was killed in a clash in the Ghazaliyah neighbourhood of northwestern Baghdad, a flashpoint on one of the city's many sectarian fault lines and a focus of recent security operations.

    His death would be the first major success of a 10-week-old joint US-Iraqi security operation, which has seen tens of thousands of extra troops and police flood the war-torn capital in a bid to quell sectarian bloodshed.

    The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Qaeda have been blamed for some of the bloodiest recent attacks on Shiite civilians, and Baghdadi's umbrella group has claimed responsibility for murdering dozens of kidnapped police.

    The group also claimed responsibility for a suicide bomb attack on Iraq's parliament that killed one MP deep inside Baghdad's fortified Green Zone.

    News of the militant leader's apparent demise comes only two days after the Iraqi interior ministry and a Sunni tribal coalition claimed that Al-Qaeda in Iraq's leader, Abu Ayyub al-Masri, had been killed.

    This has still not been confirmed -- and Garver was at pains to point out that Thursday's news conference was "not about al-Masri" -- but if it is true the Sunni Islamist insurgency in Iraq would have lost both its top leaders.

    Baghdadi's name first came to the public eye in April 2006, when he was anointed leader of a new organisation uniting anti-US insurgent groups by the then Al-Qaeda in Iraq leader, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

    According to experts on the insurgency, rising dissatisfaction among rebel groups with Jordanian-born Zarqawi's brutal tactics targeting civilians spurred the formation of what was then known as the Mujahedeen Shura Council.

    With Zarqawi's death in a US airstrike in June, Baghdadi (whose name means "Omar's father from Baghdad") became the preeminent leader of the insurgency in an effort to give it a more Iraqi face.

    Zarqawi's successor at the head of Al-Qaeda, Egyptian-born Masri, was designated as Baghdadi's "war minister".

    On October 15, the alliance renamed itself the Islamic State of Iraq to confront de facto Shiite and Kurdish states, according to Islamist websites.

    Baghdadi's Al-Qaeda and Sunni insurgent supporters have been blamed for a recent surge in car bombings in Baghdad targeting the city's Shiite majority in an apparent bid to foment sectarian violence.

    Since February 14, US and Iraqi forces have been engaged in "Operation Fardh al-Qanoon" (Imposing Law), under which a "surge" in American troop reinforcements has flooded into violent districts.

    Thursday's announcement came as Iraq's Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki met senior international diplomats at a conference in the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh to discuss ways to return his country to stability.

    Meanwhile, four Filipinos working at the US embassy were killed Wednesday by a rocket attack on the Green Zone, the American mission reported.

    US and Iraqi forces kill top insurgent leader - Yahoo! News

  6. #956
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    Default Iraq wins debt relief, Rice to meet Syrian minister

    By Mariam Karouny and Sue Pleming
    45 minutes ago

    SHARM EL-SHEIKH, Egypt (Reuters) - Iraq won a trickle of debt relief pledges at a big international conference in Egypt on Thursday and the United States prepared for the highest-level contact with Syria in more than two years.

    Egypt and three East European countries agreed to waive debts owed by Iraq as part of an International Compact to support Iraqi institutions in exchange for political and economic reforms by the Baghdad government.

    The first day of the two-day conference in the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh is dedicated to the International Compact, a five-year plan to restore stability and economic prosperity through national reconciliation.

    But much of the attention is on whether the United States will abandon its longstanding reluctance to hold high-level talks with the Iranian and Syrian governments, as recommended by the Baker-Hamilton commission on Iraq last year.

    Iraq has been in turmoil since the United States invaded in 2003 and overthrew President Saddam Hussein. Tens of thousands of people have been killed, including some 3,300 Americans.

    U.S. officials said they were preparing for a meeting between U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moualem -- the first meeting at this level between the two governments for more than two years.

    But any encounter between Rice and Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki will not tackle substance, added one of the officials, who asked not to be named.

    The U.S. official said that even the meeting between Rice and Moualem would deal mainly with security on the Iraqi-Syrian border, not with Lebanon or attempts to prosecute those who killed former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri in 2005.

    "I would expect they will have a discussion on border security issues," a senior State Department official said.

    The United States has accused Syria of allowing foreign fighters to enter Iraq through the long border and is pushing for an international tribunal to try suspects in the killing of Hariri. A U.N. probe has implicated Lebanese and Syrian security officials in the killing but Damascus denies all the charges.

    U.S. officials said that if Rice does exchange words with the Iranian minister in Sharm el-Sheikh it would probably be in passing before dinner, without substantive discussions.

    This would be in accordance with the wishes of the Iranian side, the official said.


    Iran and the United States have not had relations since soon after the Islamic revolution in Iran in 1979.

    In his opening speech to the two days of meetings in Egypt, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki appealed for debt relief. "We call on everybody participating in this conference to write off the accumulated debts of Iraq," he said.

    Iraq sits on the world's third-largest proven crude oil reserves but is struggling to rebuild after four years of war.

    Iraqi Finance Minister Bayan Jabor said the three Eastern European countries -- Slovenia, Bulgaria and Poland -- would agree to forgive 80 percent of Iraqi debt but did not say how much that would be.

    He said the European Union would grant Iraq $200 million, and he expected grants from some Asian countries as well.

    "They will help us and in return Iraq will have to commit to finding real national reconciliation," Jabor told Reuters.

    But James Dobbins, an analysts at the RAND Corporation, said debt relief was of secondary importance because the Iraqis are not paying off the money they owed anyway.

    "It is a purely paper transaction. It's symbolic but it doesn't have any immediate effect," he said.

    Jabor said that Iraq had rejected as unacceptable an offer from Russia to forgive the debt it is owed by Baghdad in return for access to a major Iraqi oilfield.

    "The Russians are hesitant. They want investment in the Rumaila oilfield in return for eliminating the debt," he said.

    When Saudi Arabia announced last month that it was writing off 80 percent of the more than $15 billion it was owed by Iraq, Jabor estimated his country's debt at $140 billion.

    Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal renewed the Saudi promise at the opening session on Thursday but said the details were still under discussion.

    "It (Saudi Arabia) has submitted all the information it possesses to the Iraqi side, and the matter is still at the discussion stage ... to reach an appropriate settlement. Our treatment of the question ... will be in accordance with the guidelines (of) the Paris Club," he added. The Paris Club has recommended waiving 80 percent of Iraqi debt

    Iraq wins debt relief, Rice to meet Syrian minister - Yahoo! News

  7. #957
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    اPolitical first : the government's security plan, and the awakening clan forced a lot of Al Qaeda elements to flee

    دمشق - الصباحDamascus-Sabah.

    At a time when the Iraqi forces continued security implementation of the security plan in Baghdad began feelings of frustration and despair prevails among some of the armed groups after painful blows received by the great leaders in Iraq, especially from the terrorist group al-Qaeda
    According to informed sources on armed groups existed in Damascus to "Assabah" The pressure exerted by the Iraqi security forces and the raids and arrests of the heads, in addition to the great awakening tribal leaders in areas of western Iraq and other cities forced a large number of armed men, especially Arabs to flee from Iraq and the attempt to enter the land Syrian or through other neighboring States Sources confirm that the Al Qaeda elements operating on the selection of new spheres of influence far from the control of the security services or the American forces, whether in or outside Iraq, where a large number of armed Arabs who enrolled in the ranks of "Al Qaeda" terrorist to return to their countries they came after having trained for combat experiences in the hands of military personnel have considerable expertise in the field of war. The fears that starts in the ranks of Al Qaeda, especially in the popular revolution witnessed several regions of Iraq, especially in Anbar and by the rescue of Anbar, and a number of clan elders in Diyala and other cities to launch military attacks wide campaigns to purge major cities in cooperation with the Iraqi government which led to Migration counterproductive suddenly made the most of the group's leaders in the road collapse and confusion. The information obtained by "Assabah" that the Syrian authorities have tightened the grip on the border outlets and most entrances illegal smugglers to facilitate the infiltration of fighters into Iraq. It explains that relations and the continuing positive contacts between Iraq and Syria, especially in the security file yielded tighten control and follow-up of the elements that contribute funding armed financially and logistically or sending volunteers to Iraq, and so many of them arrested in the index to positive Syrian role aims to encircle the fire raging in Iraq and to prevent its spread to the region.
    It confirms that the Syrian security services arrested in the past few months dozens of suspects from different Iraqi and Arab and even from West Asia, reaching about 150 people. He admitted, "Ebeid al-Shamri" close to an armed group in Iraq, which refused to reveal his identity and who is in Damascus, the security plan being implemented in Baghdad forced many of the armed groups to reconsider its calculations and think seriously in a way that contributes access to the common point for improving the situation in Iraq. He emphasized that many of the groups armed absolutely refuse practices Al Qaeda in Iraq and their negative showing that the majority of armed groups fighting the Americans off from national attitude and stand the foreign agenda or ambitions cross-border. He said contacts had been made between those close to the Brigades Revolution Square and the Islamic Army, mediators carrying messages talking about serious negotiations and the possibility of reaching a solution before about 5 months ago, but that these contacts have been stopped resume until now despite several attempts being made in this regard. The spe******ts Islamic groups that reverse migration taking place in the Iraqi arena and escaped many of the "armed men" Arabs to their carrying military experience will be similar to what happened in Afghanistan after the withdrawal of the former Soviet Union in a phenomenon known as timely as "Afghan Arabs" and now known as "returnees from Iraq," where they will unload the "power" in their country, which means a wider spread of terrorism in the countries suffered previously as being in Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, which have instructed the security services in several Arab countries return of some suspected of affiliation with other fundamentalist Surrounding any attempt to destabilize the situation in these countries.
    جريدة الصباح - عزم الحكومة والخطة الأمنية وصحوة العشائر أرغمت الكثير من عناصر القاعدة على الهرب

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    جريدة الصباح - قطعـات فـرض القانــون تـبدأ معـركة شــاملة في أنحاء بغــداد
    Political first : the imposition of law units begin a comprehensive battle around Baghdad
    Qasim confirms death of the Egyptian people and the protection request

    بغداد - الصباحBaghdad-Sabah.

    Units began to impose law a comprehensive battle in areas of Baghdad to tighten the noose on terrorist groups and to achieve stability and security in the capital.
    As alluded spokesman plan Baghdad, Brigadier Qasim Atta that the battle started yesterday and may continue until the end of next week, the Followers link between it and the killing of Abu Ayub Egyptian and retreat before Qaeda reprisals clans and the security forces packages

    He announced that Brigadier General Atta forces to impose the law yesterday, Wednesday, characterized by broad categories in the Karkh did not give further details but said : "We will announce the results after the end of duty.
    These processes are part of a large-scale battle spokesman said : they erupt against terrorist groups in the areas of Karkh and Rasafa, to achieve security in Baghdad.
    These statements give additional impetus to instil confidence among the citizens who observed a great slump in the plan measures in the past few days.
    The leaders stressed that the imposition of law partitioning operations are continuing to pursue the activities of outlaws, commensurate with the size of a large-scale battle against terrorism outside Baghdad had killed Al Qaeda leader Abu Ayub Egyptian offender.
    He noted widespread intensive citizens Wednesday of the Iraqi forces and the multinational force in the streets and squares yesterday, and it seems as references to a comprehensive battle against terrorist groups invested in the soft areas of the implementation plan ends with what the gangs killing of assassination operations in all regions.
    The news prompted the killing Egyptian dose of hope to the citizens of vanquishing the forces of Al Qaeda, which wreaked havoc and kill infidels.
    A spokesman for the law to impose the death of Brigadier General Qasim Atta al-Qaeda leader in Iraq Abu Ayub Egyptian and seven of his colleagues, following reports of some satellite channels aired yesterday on Al Qaeda denied to the murder. He said in a press conference yesterday : he made a telephone call with Sheikh Abu Starr brushes President of the Save Alanbaralde confirmed killed Egyptian Abu Ayub and seven of his aides, one of them carrying Saudi nationality and there were five holding Iraqi nationality "
    He added : "The Iraqi forces and the support it was able last week to arrest dozens of terrorist elements and hundreds were arrested during raids carried out by these forces"
    .. He pointed to Atta : "The Iraqi forces were also able to arrest terrorist Saad Eddin Kamel Mahmoud in the Salikh in hung has admitted to committing several acts of killing, displacement and rape against citizens have been handed over to the judiciary, which passed by a death sentence.
    He said a brigade Muthanna one Iraqi army formations able to arrest Amir organization Ansar al-Sunnah and thirteen of his aides with seizures of weapons and ammunition in their possession.
    He reported : "The Iraqi forces were moving methodology loitering without having been able to restore 628 of the displaced families in all partitions" He explained : "It was an explosive device control 50 of 30 liters capacity and large quantities of nitric acid used in the manufacture of explosives as well as seizures of rule Alcivor highly explosive.
    He said : "The Iraqi forces had reopened a number of packing plants, which was closed during the last period as the mobilization station was reopened Cairo Square gas station and the great door Abu Kalam, as well as station and Mahmoudia station July 24 and gas Square neighborhood of Justice.
    Nevertheless, citizens contacted the relatives of the session Mostagithin crimes of terrorists and emphasizing the weak performance of the security forces.


    franny, were almost there!!

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    Default Voices of Iraq :-$ auction (economy)

    Books : dhrgham on Thursday, 03 May 2007 2:51 PM-BT

    High demand for the dollar to record level
    Dargham of Muhammad Ali
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)
    Increased demand for the dollar purchase auction Iraqi Central Bank to a record during the month as the volume of demand today, Thursday, at the end of week 100 million and 640 thousand dollars, the highest volume during the month, compared with 78 million and 750 thousand dollars yesterday.
    Such purchase orders by 16 million and 575 thousand dollars in cash and 84 million and 65 thousand dollars in the form of remittances outside the country covered by the bank fully exchange rate reached 1267 dinars low one point on the exchange rate yesterday to become the decline in the exchange rate for the current week three points at each meeting point at meetings Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.
    With advanced banks of the 16 participating in the auction, offers to sell million dollars lower than yesterday offers $ 2 million purchased the bank exchange rate amounted to 1265 dinars low point of purchase price yesterday.
    Mr. Ali Yasiri, one dealing with the World News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent said that "depreciation of the exchange rate by one point during the past three days encouraged both speculators and transferors on purchase price that will stabilize due to the auction to be held on Friday and Saturday, is expected exchange rate stability Sunday."

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    Last edited by pipshurricane; 03-05-2007 at 01:48 PM.

  10. #960
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    Political first : Sharm el-Sheikh Summit : debt cancellation, security, reconciliation and the withdrawal and disarmament of militias

    Baghdad Sharm el-Sheikh : Sabah

    The 50th state meet in Sharm el-Sheikh today in the adoption of an international commitment to support Iraq for a period of five years and envisages Iraq participants condemning terrorism and recognizing the right of the Iraqi people to determine freely their future, it calls for universal participation him to pass successfully circumstances
    It focuses the International Covenant and the two neighboring Iraq Evithama Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki today and tomorrow on the debt cancellation and the withdrawal of multinational forces and the disarmament of the militias and security and reconciliation.
    According to the information the Special b (morning) that Mr. al-Maliki held upon his arrival in Sharm el-Sheikh yesterday afternoon meeting Minister of State Condoleezza Rice lasted 45 minutes.
    The Al-Maliki told reporters : "We have come not only to extinguish the debt or economic support, but to gain international support in the battle against terrorism, and expressed optimism that the conference will yield positive results reflected in the whole region.
    Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari : Iraq is seeking to hold a meeting between Washington and Damascus and Tehran.
    On his part, government spokesman yesterday, Wednesday, at Skinner : that Iraq will demand the States participating in the Sharm el-Sheikh summit to cancel the debt of Baghdad and assist in achieving security and the rehabilitation of its infrastructure and human forces so that it can play and recover.
    The adviser and American Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to Iraq's affairs David Satterfield on Monday that Saudi Arabia will announce in the Sharm el-Sheikh summit in Egypt cancel 80% of Iraqi debt.
    The Riyadh debt Iraq owed them between 15 and 18 billion dollars.
    On the security situation in Iraq, Skinner said : "We believe that the security issue is not the responsibility of Iraq, stressing that only the neighboring countries have an interest and an obligation to help the Iraqis to overcome these security crisis.
    He warned that the security situation in Iraq threatens not only Iraq but threatens all neighboring countries.
    Skinner emphasized that the document the international community to Iraq, which will be signed at the conclusion of meetings Thursday include mutual commitments to the international community and Iraq, which F C commitment to the foundations of good governance and respect for human rights and the involvement of all Iraqi parties in the political process and reconciliation among all components of the Iraqi people.
    It warned American Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice last night Iraq's neighboring countries, it has much to lose if it did not use its influence to bring about stability in Iraq, asserting that Iraq is the center of a stable Middle East or the Middle East is unstable and we all should unite our policies and means to contribute to stability.
    She countries in the region but in our view not move for the interest of a stable and unified in a reference to Iran and Syria, without designation.
    جريدة الصباح - شرم الشيخ: إلغاء الديون والأمن والمصالحة والانسحاب ونزع أسلحة الميليشيات

    franny, were almost there!!

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