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  1. #251
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    Cool Clarification of the political bureau of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan

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    PUK media: شكر المكتب السياسي للاتحاد الوطني الكردستاني في ايضاح اصدره الجمعة حرص مواطني اقليم كردستان على الاطمئنان على صحة فخامة رئيس الجمهورية السيد جلال طالباني.PUK media : thanked the political bureau of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan in the clarification issued Friday keenness citizens of the Kurdistan region to check on the health of His Excellency the President Republic, Mr. Jalal Talabani. واكد الايضاح ان هذا الموقف لهو دليل واضح على اخلاص ووفاء ابناء شعب كردستان تجاه قادته المناضلين.He explained that this position is a clear proof of the sincerity and meet the people of Kurdistan to the leaders of activists. واقترح المكتب السياسي ان يعبر مواطنو الاقليم عن احاسيسهم ومشاعرهم الصادقة بأساليب اخرى بدل نحر الذبائح.He suggested the political bureau citizens of the province to express their feelings and the feelings of sincere other ways instead of erosion slaughtered. كان يكون بالتبرع لصندوق دعم المستشفيات والمرضى والمشاريع الخدمية في المدن والقصبات او حملات غرس الاشجارHe is pledged to support the hospitals and patients and service projects in cities and towns or tree-planting campaigns

  2. #252
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    Cool Baghdad sky embrace Iraqi fighter planes

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    بغداد / هشام الركابيBaghdad / Hisham became
    استناداً الى المعلومات الواردة من هيئة الأركان المشتركة شارك وزير الدفاع عبد القادر محمد جاسم أمس في طلعة استطلاعية على طائرات هيوي 2 المقاتلة يقودها طيارون عراقيون.Based on the information received from the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Minister of Defense participated Abdul Qader Mohammed Jassem yesterday in the reconnaissance sorties Huey 2 fighter aircraft flown by pilots Iraqis. وأكد الوزير ان هذه هي البداية لعمل كبير متواصل تجسد فيه قيادة القوة الجوية حضورها في الميدان لتقديم الدعم والإسناد لقيادة القوات البرية ولعملية فرض القانون في بغداد وأضاف: ان هناك طائرات روسية الصنع في الطريق ستعمل على استطلاع شبكات الكهرباء وحماية المنشآت النفطية.The minister emphasized that this is the beginning of the work of a continuing leadership embodies the Air Force presence on the ground to provide support and backing the Land Forces Command and the imposition of law in Baghdad and added : There are Russian-made aircraft in the way will explore electricity networks and the protection of oil installations.
    ورافق الوزير في طلعته الجوية الفريق الأول بابكر زيباري رئيس هيئة الأركان المشتركة واللواء الركن قائد القوة الجوية وعدد من الضباط، كما حضرت وسائل الإعلام المحلية والعالمية لتغطية هذا الحدث.He accompanied the minister in the first team Talaath air Babacar Zebari Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Maj. Gen. Air Force Commander and a number of officers also attended the local media and the world to cover the event.

  3. #253
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    Cool Aboul Gheit. Baghdad meeting aims to demonstrate adherence

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    ابو الغيط..اجتماع بغداد يهدف الى اظهار التمسك العراقى بالوحدة الداخليةAboul Gheit. Baghdad meeting aims to demonstrate adherence to the internal Iraqi unity

    ابو الغيط..اجتماع بغداد يهدف الى اظهار التمسك العراقى بالوحدة الداخليةAboul Gheit. Baghdad meeting aims to demonstrate adherence to the internal Iraqi unity

    القاهرة - 3 - 3 (كونا) - قال وزير الخارجية المصرى احمد ابو الغيط ان اجتماع بغداد لدول الجوار العراقي يهدف الى اظهار تمسك العراق بالوحدة الداخلية والتزام الشعب والحكومة العراقية باصلاح الاوضاع الحالية فى العراق.Cairo-3-3 (KUNA) - The Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit that the meeting of Baghdad to the Iraqi neighboring states designed to show Iraq's internal unity and the commitment of the people and the Iraqi government reform of the current situation in Iraq.

    جاء ذلك فى تصريح ابو الغيط للصحافيين عقب اجتماعه مع نظيره العراقى هوشيار زيبارى والذى تناول بحث تطورات الاوضاع فى العراق والاجتماع الدولى المقبل المقرر عقده فى بغداد فى 10 مارس الجارى والذي يضم دول الجوار العراقي ومصر والبحرين اضافة الى امريكا .This came in a statement Abu Al-Gheit told reporters after meeting with his Iraqi counterpart Hoshyar Zebari, who discussed how the developments of the situation in Iraq and the forthcoming international meeting to be held in Baghdad on March 10 this month, which includes the neighboring countries of Iraq and Egypt and Bahrain as well to America.

    وحول مااذا كان الاجتماع سيبحث تدخل بعض دول الجوار فى الشؤون الداخلية للعراق اوضح ابو الغيط ان ذلك الامر سيكون احد العناصر المطروحة للنقاش فى الاجتماع.Asked if the meeting would discuss the intervention of some neighboring countries in the internal affairs of Iraq, Abul-Gheit said that this matter will be one of the issues for discussion at the meeting.

    واشار الى ان وزير الخارجية العراقى ارسل من قبل دعوة الى مصر لايفاد ممثل عالى المستوى وقال ان هناك نية لدى مصر لارسال مساعد وزير الخارجية للشؤون العربية السفير هانى خلاف ومجموعة من الدبلوماسيين المصريين للمشاركة فى الاجتماع المقرر عقده فى العاصمة العراقية بغداد.He pointed out that the Iraqi Foreign Minister, sent by an invitation for Egypt to send a high-level representative, said that there is a tendency Egypt to send Assistant Foreign Minister for Arab Affairs ambassador Hani otherwise, a group of Egyptian diplomats to participate in the meeting to be held in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad.

    واوضح انه تطرق فى مباحثاته مع زيبارى الى اجتماع وزراء خارجية الدول العربية التشاورى اليوم كما تم التطرق الى القمة العربية المقبلة فى 28 مارس الجارى بالرياض.He explained that he broached in his talks with Zebari to the meeting of Arab foreign ministers today Consultative was also addressed to the summit Arab March 28 in the next instant, Riyadh.

    واشار ابو الغيط الى انه ابلغ الوزير العراقى بنتائج اجتماعات اسلام اباد ومادار فيها بين وزراء خارجيةالدول الاسلامية السبع مؤكدا ان هناك اعداد جيد لاجتماع بغداد المقبل معربا عن امله فى نجاح هذا الاجتماع فى تحقيق الهدف العراقى والعربى.Abul-Gheit pointed out that the Iraqi minister outcome of the meetings in Islamabad and Marjorie between ministers Kharjehaldol Islamic seven affirming There are good preparation for the next meeting of Baghdad, expressing hope in the success of this meeting, in realizing the goal Iraqi and Arab.

    من جانبه اكد وزير الخارجية العراقى ان هناك تشاورا مستمرا بين الجانبين المصرى والعراقى حول قضايا العراق معربا عن سعادة بلاده باستجابة مصر للمشاركة فى الاجتماع الدولى وارسال وفد مهم لهذا الاجتماع الذى يعتبر جزءا من آلية دول الجوار.For his part, Iraqi Foreign Minister that there is continuous consultation between the Egyptian and Iraqi issues about Iraq, expressing HE his response Egypt to participate in the International Meeting and important to send a delegation to this meeting, which is part of the neighboring countries.

    وقال زيبارى ان بغداد استضافت سفراء الدول دائمة العضوية فى مجلس الامن لحضور اجتماع بغداد بهدف المساعدة فى تهدئة التوترات الاقليمية المتصاعدة معربا عن امله فى ان يكون الاجتماع نقطة تحول مهمة وجيدة فى هذا الاتجاه وربما يؤدى لاجتماعات اخرى على المستوى الوزارى.Zebari said that Baghdad hosted ambassadors of the permanent members of the Security Council to attend a meeting in Baghdad in order to help defuse tensions the escalating regional expressing his hope that the meeting would be a significant turning point and the good in this direction and may lead to further meetings at the ministerial level.

  4. #254
    Senior Member Cyberkhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hardwood View Post
    I get e-mails caught in my spam filter almost every day from someone touting the next "investment opportunity". Warka Bank is an investment firm, are they not? It would be in their best interest to state that they "think" the Dinar will be worth <insert positive value amount here> by the end of the <insert date here>. As with any investment you want someone to believe in, encouraging words equal more investors.

    But this is a nation's currency we are talking about here. Whether you used USD to buy physical Dinar or used USD to buy Iraqi investments (Warka) you are essentially buying into the same thing. The value (or future value) of the Dinar has a direct and parallel impact on both types of investors.

    Just my 2 cents worth. I believe the Warka guy has good intentions, but has no more idea of what the Dinar will be worth than any one of us. A select few know the Master Plan and it's a closely guarded secret. Not to mention it's a matter of National Security (iraqi that is...) We will know when they want us to know.

    Thank you.
    Thank you for putting this out there. Everyone is so hyped up on this guy. He is nothing more than a sales rep. for a bank. Yes I do believe that he is a very nice gentleman but I don't believe that he is privy to any insider info that would relate to an RV. Please understand that noone except a select few have any knowledge of what is going to happen.

    All these friends of a friend have no clue what is going on with the RV. It is just pure speculation and educated guessing. I enjoy these forums and love hearing any "inside info" but please remember that the only people that know about what will happen with the dinar will never tell any of us.

    We have a crack team of sleuths here and have managed to find out quite a bit before it is public knowledge but the big question...however, I'm afraid, we won't know the answer any sooner than the rest of the least the ones who are listening.

    This is just my opinion on the subject, as always, but I just wanted to relay that you should not put too much faith into this "Mr. I"
    Last edited by Cyberkhan; 04-03-2007 at 06:39 AM.
    I just need $1.47.

  5. #255
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    Default Iraq PM vows Cabinet shakeup in 2 weeks

    By ROBERT H. REID and QASSIM ABDUL-ZAHRA, Associated Press Writers
    1 hour, 52 minutes ago

    BAGHDAD, Iraq - Iraq's prime minister said Saturday he will reshuffle his Cabinet within two weeks and pursue criminal charges against political figures linked to extremists as a sign of his government's resolve to restore stability during the U.S.-led security crackdown in Baghdad.


    Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki also told The Associated Press during an interview at his Green Zone office that Iraq will work hard to ensure the success of a regional security conference.

    The conference in Baghdad, tentatively set for next weekend, is expected to bring together all of Iraq's neighbors, including Iran and Syria, as well as the United States and Britain to find ways to ease this country's security crisis.

    Iran has not announced whether it will attend, but Iraqi officials believe that Tehran will send a representative.

    Al-Maliki has been under pressure from the U.S. to bring order into his factious government of Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds since it took office last May. Rumors of Cabinet changes have surfaced before, only to disappear because of pressure from coalition members seeking to keep power.

    Nevertheless, al-Maliki said there would be a Cabinet reshuffle "either this week or next."

    After the changes are announced, al-Maliki said he would undertake a "change in the ministerial structure," presumably consolidating and streamlining the 39-member Cabinet.

    The prime minister did not say how many Cabinet members would be replaced. But some officials said about nine would lose their jobs, including all six Cabinet members loyal to radical anti-American Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, an al-Maliki ally.

    Al-Sadr also controls 30 of the 275 parliament seats, and his support for al-Maliki has been responsible for the government's reluctance to crack down on the cleric's Mahdi Army militia, blamed for much of the Shiite-Sunni slaughter of the past year.

    U.S. officials had been urging al-Maliki to cut his ties to al-Sadr and form a new alliance of mainstream Shiites, moderate Sunnis and Kurds. Al-Maliki had been stalling, presumably at the urging of the powerful Shiite clerical hierarchy that wants to maintain Shiite unity.

    But pressure for change has mounted since President Bush ordered 21,500 U.S. troops to Iraq last January despite widespread opposition in Congress and among the U.S. public — weary of the nearly four-year-long war.

    Last month, U.S. and Iraqi troops arrested Deputy Health Minister Hakim al-Zamili, an al-Sadr ally, for allegedly diverting millions of dollars in government funds to the Mahdi Army and allowing death squads to use ambulances and government hospitals to carry out kidnappings and killings.

    During the interview, al-Maliki said other top officials would face prosecution for ties to insurgents, sectarian militias and death squads — including members of parliament.

    "There has been coordination between us and the Multinational Forces ... starting at the beginning of this year ... to determine who should arrested and the reasons behind arresting them," he said.

    Al-Maliki did not elaborate on the U.S.-Iraqi coordination but said Iraqi judicial authorities were reviewing case files to decide which to refer to an Iraqi investigative judge, who must decide whether there is enough evidence to order a trial.

    Al-Maliki said he was encouraged by Iraqi public response to the new Baghdad security operation — which has led to a sharp drop in violence in the capital.

    He also defended his government, saying it managed to "achieve a lot of harmony and stability" despite attacks by al-Qaida and Saddam Hussein loyalists.

    The prime minister did not say how many politicians and officials might be targeted for formal investigation, an Iraqi legal step that corresponds to a grand jury probe.

    But five senior Iraqis — two of them generals and three from Shiite and Sunni parties — have told the AP that up to 100 prominent figures could face legal proceedings.

    The five spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk about the subject to the media. All five had direct knowledge of the case review.

    U.S. officials have said privately that a number of prominent Iraqis were believed to have ties to armed groups.

    One Shiite parliament member, Jamal Jaafar Mohammed, is believed to have fled to Iran after U.S. authorities learned that he was convicted by a Kuwaiti court in absentia and sentenced to death in the 1983 bombing of the U.S. and French embassies in Kuwait.

    Mohammed fled Kuwait for Iran before he could be arrested and returned after the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003. U.S. officials have alleged he was a conduit for Iranian weapons and supplies smuggled to Shiite militias.

    U.S. military officials have expressed concern over alleged Iranian weapons shipments and financial support to Shiite parties allied with al-Maliki. The Shiite-led government hopes the upcoming regional conference will ease tensions between the U.S. and Shiite-dominated Iran — and allay Washington's fears of Tehran's influence here.

    The U.S. also hopes the conference will encourage Syria and other Arab countries — most of them Sunni-led — to increase their support for Iraqi's leadership, despite regional unease over the Shiite-led government's ties to Iran.

    "In fact the importance of the upcoming conference lies in the fact that the Iraqi government has the ability to serve as a proper venue for solving conflicts," al-Maliki said.

    "So we will exert the utmost effort to find solutions to all pending questions, either among regional countries themselves or between them and Iraq, or between them and powers such as the U.S. and Britain and the international community."

  6. #256
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    Could be why Iaqi people are rejoicing around their radios and TVs

  7. #257
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    Quote Originally Posted by petunia View Post
    By ROBERT H. REID and QASSIM ABDUL-ZAHRA, Associated Press Writers
    1 hour, 52 minutes ago

    BAGHDAD, Iraq - Iraq's prime minister said Saturday he will reshuffle his Cabinet within two weeks and pursue criminal charges against political figures linked to extremists as a sign of his government's resolve to restore stability during the U.S.-led security crackdown in Baghdad.


    Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki also told The Associated Press during an interview at his Green Zone office that Iraq will work hard to ensure the success of a regional security conference.

    The conference in Baghdad, tentatively set for next weekend, is expected to bring together all of Iraq's neighbors, including Iran and Syria, as well as the United States and Britain to find ways to ease this country's security crisis.

    Iran has not announced whether it will attend, but Iraqi officials believe that Tehran will send a representative.

    Al-Maliki has been under pressure from the U.S. to bring order into his factious government of Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds since it took office last May. Rumors of Cabinet changes have surfaced before, only to disappear because of pressure from coalition members seeking to keep power.

    Nevertheless, al-Maliki said there would be a Cabinet reshuffle "either this week or next."

    After the changes are announced, al-Maliki said he would undertake a "change in the ministerial structure," presumably consolidating and streamlining the 39-member Cabinet.

    The prime minister did not say how many Cabinet members would be replaced. But some officials said about nine would lose their jobs, including all six Cabinet members loyal to radical anti-American Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, an al-Maliki ally.

    Al-Sadr also controls 30 of the 275 parliament seats, and his support for al-Maliki has been responsible for the government's reluctance to crack down on the cleric's Mahdi Army militia, blamed for much of the Shiite-Sunni slaughter of the past year.

    U.S. officials had been urging al-Maliki to cut his ties to al-Sadr and form a new alliance of mainstream Shiites, moderate Sunnis and Kurds. Al-Maliki had been stalling, presumably at the urging of the powerful Shiite clerical hierarchy that wants to maintain Shiite unity.

    But pressure for change has mounted since President Bush ordered 21,500 U.S. troops to Iraq last January despite widespread opposition in Congress and among the U.S. public — weary of the nearly four-year-long war.

    Last month, U.S. and Iraqi troops arrested Deputy Health Minister Hakim al-Zamili, an al-Sadr ally, for allegedly diverting millions of dollars in government funds to the Mahdi Army and allowing death squads to use ambulances and government hospitals to carry out kidnappings and killings.

    During the interview, al-Maliki said other top officials would face prosecution for ties to insurgents, sectarian militias and death squads — including members of parliament.

    "There has been coordination between us and the Multinational Forces ... starting at the beginning of this year ... to determine who should arrested and the reasons behind arresting them," he said.

    Al-Maliki did not elaborate on the U.S.-Iraqi coordination but said Iraqi judicial authorities were reviewing case files to decide which to refer to an Iraqi investigative judge, who must decide whether there is enough evidence to order a trial.

    Al-Maliki said he was encouraged by Iraqi public response to the new Baghdad security operation — which has led to a sharp drop in violence in the capital.

    He also defended his government, saying it managed to "achieve a lot of harmony and stability" despite attacks by al-Qaida and Saddam Hussein loyalists.

    The prime minister did not say how many politicians and officials might be targeted for formal investigation, an Iraqi legal step that corresponds to a grand jury probe.

    But five senior Iraqis — two of them generals and three from Shiite and Sunni parties — have told the AP that up to 100 prominent figures could face legal proceedings.

    The five spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk about the subject to the media. All five had direct knowledge of the case review.

    U.S. officials have said privately that a number of prominent Iraqis were believed to have ties to armed groups.

    One Shiite parliament member, Jamal Jaafar Mohammed, is believed to have fled to Iran after U.S. authorities learned that he was convicted by a Kuwaiti court in absentia and sentenced to death in the 1983 bombing of the U.S. and French embassies in Kuwait.

    Mohammed fled Kuwait for Iran before he could be arrested and returned after the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003. U.S. officials have alleged he was a conduit for Iranian weapons and supplies smuggled to Shiite militias.

    U.S. military officials have expressed concern over alleged Iranian weapons shipments and financial support to Shiite parties allied with al-Maliki. The Shiite-led government hopes the upcoming regional conference will ease tensions between the U.S. and Shiite-dominated Iran — and allay Washington's fears of Tehran's influence here.

    The U.S. also hopes the conference will encourage Syria and other Arab countries — most of them Sunni-led — to increase their support for Iraqi's leadership, despite regional unease over the Shiite-led government's ties to Iran.

    "In fact the importance of the upcoming conference lies in the fact that the Iraqi government has the ability to serve as a proper venue for solving conflicts," al-Maliki said.

    "So we will exert the utmost effort to find solutions to all pending questions, either among regional countries themselves or between them and Iraq, or between them and powers such as the U.S. and Britain and the international community."
    This is a great find! But I do believe that SGS posted this at 2:17pm (post 205) I'm only saying that so anyone reading this tonite will not get confussed. Again it was a great find!! I very well may be wrong, it would not be the first, nor the last time.

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    Announcement No.(875)

    D.G. of Foreign Exchange Control

    The 875 daily currency auction was held in the Central Bank of Iraq day Sunday 2007/ 3/ 4 so the results were as follows :

    Details Notes
    Number of banks 16 -----
    Auction price selling dinar / US $ 1280 -----
    Auction price buying dinar / US $ ----- -----
    Amount sold at auction price (US $) 67.810.000 -----
    Amount purchased at Auction price (US $) -----
    Total offers for buying (US $) 67.810.000 -----
    Total offers for selling (US $) ----- -----

    D.G. of Investments

    Daily price Bulletin buying and selling Sunday 2007/3/4

    Currency Code
    Selling Price In IQD
    Buying Price In IQD

    US Dollar

    European Euro

    British Pound

    Canadian Dollar

    Swiss Franc

    Swedish Krona

    Norwegian Kroner

    Danish Krone

    Japanese Yen

    The above price represent reference rate and does not from any commitment on the Central Bank of Iraq.

    Note: The prices of the bulletin issued on Sunday will adopted for Monday also due to the weekend in New York .

    Not Yet

  9. #259
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    Ya it's called WWIII!

  10. #260
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    Iraqi government decided to allow Arabs and foreigners handled shares

    (??? ??????) - 04-03-2007(Voice of Iraq) - 04-03-2007
    ???? ??? ??????? ?????HYPERLINK "mailto:?subject=News from"This issue was sent to a friend

    The Iraqi government decided to allow Arabs and foreigners circulation of shares in the financial markets

    .Baghdad hailed the Almighty : the Presidency announced the Iraqi official, allow investors to Arab and foreign circulation of shares and bonds in the market for securities of Iraq and also the composition of investment portfolios in stocks and bondsAnd the official source at the Iraqi Ministry of Finance told <Middle East> that the Iraqi presidency, and to encourage Arab and foreign investments, grants many facilities and start applying more effective official. According to the decision of the new investor was entitled, regardless of his nationality, to enjoy all the privileges and facilities, guarantees and bring them capital, which introduced to Iraq and also get dividends according to the law and the instructions of the Central Bank of Iraq
    Oh the drama....

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