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    كربلاء- امنKarbala - security
    كتب: alin في يوم الجمعة, 26 يناير, 2007 - 03:21 PM BTAlin wrote : On Friday, January 26, 2007 3:21 PM-BT

    الوائلى يباشر الخطة الأمنية فى كربلاء إستعدادا لزيارة العاشر من محرمAlowaeli start the security plan in Karbala in preparation for the visit of the 10th of Muharram
    من علي الناشيFrom the young
    كربلاء-(أصوات العراق)Karbala - (Voices of Iraq)
    قال محافظ كربلاء اليوم الجمعة إن هناك دراسة تجرى الآن لكى يباشر وزير الأمن الوطني شيروان الوائلي بنفسه الخطة الأمنية التى سيتم تنفيذها فى كربلاء إستعدادا لزيارة العاشر من محرم التي تصادف الثلاثين من الشهر الجاري ذكرى استشهاد الإمام الحسين في واقعة الطف عام 61هـ.Karbala governor said today, Friday, that a study is being conducted now to start the Minister of National Security Shirwan Alowaeli own security plan which would be implemented in Karbala in preparation for the visit of the 10th of Muharram, which coincides with the 30th of this month anniversary of the martyrdom of Imam Hussein in reality the fighters in 61 e.
    وقال المحافظ الدكتور عقيل الخزعلى انه من المحتمل أن يصل الوائلى إلى كربلاء خلال اليومين القادمين .The governor said Dr. Aqeel khaz'ali that it is likely to reach Alowaeli to Karbala in the next two days.
    وأوضح أن الخطة الأمنية تم تعزيزها بعد الأحداث التي مرت على كربلاء طوال أسبوع وان أكثر من عشرة آلاف شرطي موجودون الآن ،وتم تعزيز الخطة بلواء من الجيش وآخر من الشرطة الوطنية من بغداد .He explained that the security plan was strengthened after the events that have elapsed since the Karbala throughout the week and more than ten thousand police officers are now, the plan has been enhanced brigade of the army and another from the National Police of Baghdad.
    وقال المحافظ في تصريحات خلال جولته داخل المدينة اليوم "عززنا الخطة الأمنية من خلال لواء من الجيش العراقي إضافة إلى لواء من الشرطة الوطنية للامساك بحافة الطرق ومداخل المدينة الخارجية ومحيط كربلاء لمنع الإرهابيين من قصف المدينة."The governor said in statements during his tour in the city today, "we have enhanced the security plan through a brigade of the Iraqi army in addition to a brigade of the national police to take rim roads and entrances to the city and the area around Karbala Foreign Affairs to prevent terrorists from bombing the city."
    وأشار الى أن" وزارة الامن الوطنى تتدارس الآن ان يرأس غرفة العمليات وزير الأمن الوطني شيروان الوائلي الذى من المحتمل أن يصل كربلاء خلال اليومين القادمين للإشراف على الخطة الأمنية."He pointed out that "the Department of Homeland Security is now studying to head the operations room and Minister of National Security Shirwan Alowaeli, which is likely to reach Karbala in the next two days to supervise the security plan."
    وشهدت كربلاء خلال الأسبوع الحالي عددا من الأعمال كان من أهمها الهجوم الذي شنته عناصر مسلحة لم تعرف هويتها بعد على غرفة التنسيق المشترك في قيادة شرطة كربلاء الملاصق لمبنى المحافظة وقتل خلاله خمسة جنود أمريكان وجرح ثلاثة آخرون، كما شهدت سقوط قذيفتي هاون ليلة الثلاثاء على منزلين قرب محافظة كربلاء أدت إلى إحداث أضرار في المنزلين، وسقوط قذيفتي هاون مساء أمس الخميس في منطقة الإسكان أدت إلى إصابة مواطن، وانفجار دراجة بخارية ليلة الاثنين امام مركز للشرطة في حي الحسين.There Karbala during the current week a number of business was the most important of which is the attack launched by armed elements did not know their identity after the Chamber of joint coordination in the police command in Karbala adjacent to the building of the governorate and the murder of five American soldiers and wounded three others, also witnessed the fall of two mortar on Tuesday night at the houses near the governorate of Karbala led to cause damage to the houses, and the fall of two mortar evening yesterday, Thursday, in the area of housing led to the injury of a citizen, and the explosion of motorcycle Monday night in front of a police station in the neighborhood of al-Hussein.
    وقال الخزعلي فى وقت سابق" سيعاقب كل مختار وعضو مجلس بلدي إذا ما انطلقت الهاونات من منطقته."Khaz'ali said in the earlier "punished each mayor and member of the country if they launched mortars from the area."
    فى الوقت نفسه، قال شهود عيان اليوم إن حماية محافظ النجف أطلقت النار أمس الخميس على (حماية ما بين الحرمين) في مدينة كربلاء أثناء زيارته لها بعد أن طالبتهم الحماية بتسليم أسلحتهم، فيما قال شهود آخرون إن إطلاق النار كان من مكان آخر مما ولد حالة من الفوضى كادت أن تؤدي الى كارثة.At the same time, eyewitnesses said today that the protection of the governor of Najaf fired yesterday, Thursday, the (protection between the Holy) in the city of Karbala during his visit to that demanded protection surrender their weapons, while other witnesses said that the shots were fired from another place which is a situation of chaos, which could lead to disaster.
    وقال شاهد عيان كان متواجدا ساعة الحادث لوكالة انباء (أصوات العراق) المستقلة" ان محافظ النجف اسعد أبو كلل زار كربلاء ليلة أمس، وان عناصر (حماية ما بين الحرمين) طالبت حماية ابو كلل تسليم أسلحتهم فحدث شجار أدى الى ان تقوم حماية أبو كلل بإطلاق النار على عناصر الحماية. "An eyewitness was present hour incident News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent "that the governor of Najaf, As'ad Abu tirelessly visited Karbala last night, and that elements of (protection between the Holy) called for the protection of Abu tirelessly to surrender their weapons, you fight that led to the protection of Abu tirelessly opened fire on the elements of protection. "
    وأضاف" ان شجارا حدث بين الجانبين وسمع صوت إطلاق نار أدى إلى تفريق الزوار الذين كانوا مكتظين في تلك المنطقة التي تعتبر المركز الرئيسى لزيارة العاشر من محرم الحرام"He added that the "quarrel happened between the two sides and heard shooting led to disperse visitors who were herded together in that region, which is considered the main center for the visit of the 10th of Muharram land"
    فيما قال شاهد آخر انه سمع إطلاق نار من خارج المنطقة التي كان يتواجد فيها محافظ النجف وعناصر حماية ضريح الإمام الحسين مما ولد حالة من الاحتقان لان مصدر النار لم يكن معروفا.With another witness said that he heard gunfire from outside the region, which was occupied by the governor of Najaf, and the protection of elements of the tomb of Imam Al-Hussein, which is a situation of tension because the source of the fire was not known.
    يذكر عن (حماية مابين الحرمين) هى قوة مخصصة للحفاظ على الامن داخل الأماكن المقدسة فى كربلاء وليس لها سلطات خارج هذه الأماكن.Reportedly (Between the Two Holy protection) is a dedicated force to maintain security in the holy places in Karbala and have no powers outside these premises.
    ح مH M
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    Maliki insists militants will have 'no safe haven'

    26 January 2007 (The Daily Star)

    Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki vowed Thursday that his new crackdown in Baghdad would leave militants nowhere to hide, winning unanimous support from Parliament - including supporters of hard-line Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr. But underscoring the difficult task that lie ahead, bombs killed at least 28 people in the capital on Thursday.

    In a speech to Parliament, Maliki urged politicians on all sides to support his security plan, backed by some 17,000 US reinforcements, which is seen by many as a last chance to stem sectarian violence in Baghdad.

    "There will be no safe haven - no school, no home, no Sunni mosque or Shiite mosque. They will all be raided if they are turned into a launch pad for terrorism, even the headquarters of political parties," he said, adding that carrying weapons in public would be banned. "There will be no state within a state."

    Maliki said his determination had already borne fruit.

    "I know that senior criminals have left Baghdad, others have fled the country. This is good, this shows that our message is being taken seriously," he said.

    The new security measures even won the backing of MPs loyal to Sadr, whose Mehdi Army militia has been targeted in series of raids by Iraqi and US forces against militias blamed for the violence.

    All 160 MPs present in the 275-seat Parliament raised their hands in favor of the plan, including the 32 lawmakers from the Sadr bloc which only ended a two-month boycott of the Iraqi government on Sunday.

    "I believe everyone here is for disarmament and law enforcement," said Deputy Speaker Khaled al-Atiyya.

    Bahaa al-Aaraji, a lawmaker from the Sadr bloc, told Parliament: "We are in favor of this plan. The parliamentary bloc of Sadr announces its support for this plan as presented by the prime minister."

    Maliki said five committees will be set up to work in conjunction with the military as it and US troops conduct the security plan to deal with political, media, public services, economic and community outreach aspects. He said Baghdad would be divided into nine sectors and Iraqi troops would be in the lead, backed by American forces.

    Criticized for not doing enough about Shiite militias linked to some of his allies, Maliki has vowed to take on armed groups regardless of sect or political affiliation.

    "We have worked hard to get professional officers to lead this plan, with no political affiliations. So let's all help these officers," Maliki said, answering criticism that the Iraqi Army and police are infiltrated by sectarian militias. He rejected suggestions that his plan was a last chance: "The battle between us and terrorism is an open-ended battle. It does not stop with the end of this plan."

    Maliki also had a warning for Iraq's neighbors.

    "We utterly reject interference in our domestic affairs, as we do not interfere in the affairs of other countries," he said.

    In the bloodiest attack Thursday, a car bomb ripped through a shopping district in central Baghdad, killing 20 people and wounding another 20, a police source said.

    Another car bomb and a motor-bike bomb exploded in other markets, killing five people, while a roadside bomb killed three, police said.

    Two rockets landed in the fortified Green Zone housing the government and embassies.

    The mayor of Baghdad's Sadr City said he reached a pact with political and religious groups to keep weapons off the streets and has presented the deal to US and Iraqi government officials in an apparent attempt to avoid a crackdown.

    Maliki insists militants will have 'no safe haven' | Iraq Updates

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    An authorized in the House of Representatives that the President of the Council, Mahmoud Almshahadani decided to convene a meeting of the Council tomorrow, Saturday, to complete the discussion of the budget 2007.

    بدايته.The source added there was a project study by the Legal Committee of the Council for presentation at the third session of the legislature, which starts next March provides for the replacement of leaders who did not attend the mass meetings of the Council will be absolutely confirming demand parliamentary blocs to replace members who were absent for 25% of the Council meetings held since its inception.

    من جهة.On the other hand, a delegation of students from Mustansiriyah University of the Chamber of Deputies to provide security and protection for all universities and teaching cadres and students in particular so as not to repeat the tragic Mustansereya again, which greatly affected the cruise teaching at the university. This came during the reception of the delegation by Deputy House Speaker Sheikh Khalid al-Attiya.

    من .For his part, Sheikh Khaled al-Attiyah condemned the bombing and whose energies targeting youth and young minds that constitute the nucleus of the new Iraq and daughters of the first to build on the foundations of justice, democracy and equality, by terrorist groups takfiri obscurantism does not want the good of Iraq and Iraqis, and promised to pursue the sovereignty demands and provide all ways to enrich the scientific process in Iraq.

    /النهاية// End /
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    Dollar demand higher in Iraqi central bank auction
    By Dergham Mohammed Ali
    Baghdad, 26 January 2007 (Voices of Iraq)

    Dollar demand moved higher in the Iraqi central bank daily auction on Thursday reaching 101.510 million compared to $65.810 million on Wednesday.

    In its daily statement, the bank said it covered all bids which were $15.110 million in cash and $86.400 million in foreign transfers at an exchange rate of 1,292 dinars per dollar, three ticks lower than yesterday.

    Fourteen banks participated in Thursday’s auction and offered to sell $10 million, the highest over a year, that the central bank bought all at 1,290 dinars per dollar rate.

    Ali al-Yasseri, a trader, told the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI) bids will increase in the daily auction for the finance ministry is seeking dinars to cover the 2007 budget in Iraqi dinars.

    Dollar demand higher in Iraqi central bank auction | Iraq Updates

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    Gulf states fear Iraq violence spillover

    DOHA: The pro-Western monarchies of the Gulf, Sunni-ruled but with significant Shia communities, are increasingly fearful of a spillover of the sectarian violence raging in neighbouring Iraq.

    Shias, in the minority in all but the small island state of Bahrain, say the Gulf states’ immense oil wealth has helped to prevent the acute sense of grievance fuelled in Iraq by the oppressive policies of Saddam Hussein’s Sunni Arab dominated regime.

    But Sunni analysts say the growing clout of Shia-ruled Iran and its struggle for influence with regional powerhouse Saudi Arabia risk fomenting dangerous tensions.

    “There is a real danger of sectarian sedition in the Gulf region,” Kuwaiti writer Abdullah Nafissi told AFP. “Iran is going through a phase of arrogance,” he charged, pointing to the growing influence of the Tehran-backed Lebanese militants of Hizbullah since their devastating summer war with Israel.

    “Regrettably, Gulf regimes are too slow” to react, he complained. Qatari academic Yussef Mohammed said the empowerment of Iraq’s majority community after the US-led invasion of 2003 had also emboldened Shias in the Gulf, who make up some 12 per cent of the region’s 24 million citizens.

    “If the Shias of the Gulf feel that their strength is growing with the increasing role of Iran in Iraq, this will cause tension in certain Gulf countries,” said Mohammed, vice-dean of Qatar university’s theology faculty.

    “Some Shias are working hard to preach for their school of thought in the Gulf,” he charged. In recent weeks, Saudi officials have repeatedly warned Iran not to meddle in the region’s affairs.

    “We think interference in our affairs is dangerous, that’s why we’ve been voicing our concerns to the Iranians about their influence in the Arab world,” Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal told French daily Le Figaro.

    Saudi government adviser Nawaf Obaid even warned in November of a “massive Saudi intervention” in Iraq on the side of the Sunni minority if US troops withdrew, although his comments were later disowned by the authorities.

    Shia leaders however downplayed the risks of sectarian conflict in the Gulf, saying any grievances were not serious enough to provoke a resort to armed violence.

    “There will be some impact on the Gulf states from the events in Iraq but it will not escalate into a sectarian confrontation, thanks to the strong governments and institutions,” said Sayed Diyaa al-Mussawi, a member of Bahrain’s appointed consultative council.

    He said that inequalities between the two communities in the Gulf states were relatively small, “despite a few Shia complaints here and there.” Qatar-based Sunni Islamist Sheikh Yussef Qaradawi, who has repeatedly spoken out against what he says is Iranian sponsorship of Shia death squads in Iraq, had no doubts about the risks of a spillover.

    “Surely, there must be an impact for the events in Iraq on the Gulf communities,” said Qaradawi, who heads the International Federation of Muslim Scholars.
    The News - International

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    Turkey mulls 'invading' Iraq
    By Jonathan Gorvett in Istanbul

    Turkey considers the PKK a terrorist group and continues to fight it in the southeast [EPA]

    Turkey's parliament went into secret session this week to debate sending troops to invade and occupy northern Iraq for security purposes.

    More than 30,000 people have been killed in the confrontation between the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) and the Turkish army – about 400 last year alone, according to Turkey's Human Rights Association.

    Onur Oymen, the deputy chairman of the Opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP), said: "Northern Iraq is the only place in the world where a terrorist group can operate without being pursued."

    "If the Iraqis and the US are not prepared to take action over this, then we must."

    Oymen referred to bases in northern Iraq belonging to the PKK which has been fighting Turkish troops since the 1980s to try to establish a separate Kurdish state in southeastern Turkey.

    Northern Iraq has been effectively independent of Baghdad's control since the early 1990s.

    "The US are doing nothing and the Kurdish authorities are doing nothing"

    Onur Oymen, CHP deputy chairman

    Casualties mounting

    The PKK have bases around Kandili mountain in northern Iraq, and despite requests from Turkey for Iraqi and US occupation forces to attack these bases, Turkey says nothing has been done.

    "The US are doing nothing and the Kurdish authorities are doing nothing," Oymen said.

    "But we have the right to secure our borders – and if they act against an intervention by Turkish troops, then we must take the necessary action in response."

    US officials deny that they have been inactive. On January 17, US and Iraqi Kurdish troops moved in on the Mahmur refugee camp in northern Iraq, which Turkey had long claimed was a PKK training and recruiting camp.

    However, the troops said they did not find any weapons or explosives.

    At the same time, Nicholas Burns, the US ambassador to Ankara, said that the US was "trying to find what can be done to stop PKK attacks on the Turkish military" without the need for any further "resort to the use of force".


    Ankara also has concerns over the Iraqi city of Kirkuk, which will hold a referendum on its future status this year.

    The oil-rich city has a Turkomen and Arab population that Ankara says is being sidelined by Kurds in a rush to take control.

    A recent conference held in the Turkish capital to discuss the status of Kirkuk drew criticism from Kurdish leaders, who saw it as interference in Iraqi internal affairs.

    Erdogan said Turkey has every
    right to discuss Kirkuk [EPA]

    This prompted Recip Tayyip Erdogan, the Turkish prime minister, to hit back, saying that Turkey had every right to discuss the city and could not "remain indifferent to the plight of the Turkomens and Arabs … in Kirkuk".

    But Massoud Barzani, leader of one of two main Iraqi Kurdish factions, the Kurdish Democratic Party (KDP), said last week: "These threats are worthless. We are not afraid of Turkey."

    Border trade booms

    Tough talk between Ankara and the Kurds in northern Iraq has done little to halt the flow of goods over the border.

    Zeki Fattah, a senior economic adviser to the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in Erbil, the northern Iraqi capital, said: "If you want to see what’s really going on, go down to the border.

    "At the border you’ll see a queue of trucks, stretching for over 20km, bringing with them all manner of goods from Turkey."

    Since the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, business between these two former warring neighbours has mushroomed.

    About 70 per cent of all government and private sector contracts issued in the KRG area have been to Turkish firms, according to the KRG’s Kurdistan Development Corporation (KDC).

    Mia Early, the KDC's head of investment promotion said: "At the end of 2006, the Erbil Chamber of Commerce had 385 active international companies registered.

    "The majority of them were Turkish."

    The Kurdistan Region in Iraq – as the KRG calls the three, predominantly Kurdish northern Iraqi governorates under its jurisdiction – relies a great deal on this trade with Turkey.

    "There are four to five million people here in the region," Fattah said. "We do maybe $2bn to $3bn of trade with Turkey every year – it's our main partner.

    "The only discussion is over sending troops [to Iraq] on a limited cross-border operation against the PKK"

    Cengiz Candar, Referans

    "The relationship is also becoming more cultural and organic too. We're now even trying to do a deal whereby Kurdish football teams will match up with Turkish ones."

    Energy ties

    Energy is also a big area of investment between the two neighbours. The Kirkuk region holds about 10 billion barrels of proven oil reserves.

    Joost Hiltermann, the International Crisis Group's deputy programme director for the Middle East and North Africa said: "Being landlocked, the Kurdish region is very dependent on Turkey to transport this oil … Turkey also realises this."

    The relationship may run two ways as well.

    "As Turkey moves towards European Union membership, it will become a major energy conduit for the European countries," Fattah said.

    "To help them in this, we want to become their back yard for oil and gas. We're looking to build refineries along the border and use our energy revenues to boost Turkey's prospects too.

    "Under the future distribution of funds from Iraqi oil and gas, the Kurdish region will get an enormous increase in income, providing a major market for Turkey as well."

    Tough election talk

    Nevertheless, political jibes continue.

    "This year is a double election year in Turkey," Hiltermann said.

    "In April-May, there will be presidential elections and in October - November, parliamentary. Combine these with the upcoming referendum over the future of Kirkuk and there are some difficult consequences."

    "Where is sending an army going to get anyone, especially in this region? The Americans tried that, and look where it got them"

    Zeki Fattah, KRG economic advisor

    Cengiz Candar, a Middle East expert and columnist for the Turkish daily Referans, agrees.

    "The upcoming elections have given a big push for nationalist and populist rhetoric here," he said.

    "No one is seriously thinking of sending troops to Kirkuk. The only discussion is over sending troops on a limited cross border operation against the PKK."

    However, in the complex politics of the region, even that may not prove necessary.

    "Being secret, the parliamentary session already dramatises the issue," Candar said. "It sends a signal of disquiet to the US and the Iraqi Kurds.

    "This secrecy is its own drama of deterrence, which is why I don't think it’s realistic to expect anything from the debate itself."

    Meanwhile, convoys of lorries moving across Turkey's southern border are carrying washing machines and TV sets, rather than soldiers.

    "These people who talk about sending in the tanks just don't see the big picture," Fattah said.

    "Where is sending an army going to get anyone, especially in this region? The Americans tried that, and look where it got them."

    Al Jazeera English - Europe

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    Saudi fears Iraq chaos is strengthening Iran

    26 January 2007

    RIYADH - Saudi Arabia fears the Iraq conflict has sapped America’s ability to guarantee Gulf Arab security and breathed new life into the threat from Iran, according to analysts.

    The war toppled Saddam Hussein, once seen by Washington and its Sunni Arab allies as a bulwark against the influence of Shia Iran, and replaced his minority Sunni Muslim regime with a coalition dominated by parties from Iraq’s Shia majority.

    The Iraqi Shias, some allied to Tehran, have consolidated their power, and fighting between Sunni insurgents and Shia paramilitaries has driven the country to the brink of civil war.

    Saudi Arabia fears the violence spreading over its own borders. Its own Shia minority is concentrated in the oil-rich eastern region near Iran and Iraq.

    Saudi policy wants to ensure that the US security umbrella in the region remains in place to protect the world’s biggest oil exporter from radical and envious neighbours, Western diplomats in Riyadh said.

    “Even more so now because of Iraq -- there is increased Iranian influence in the region,” one said.

    In addition to 134,000 troops in Iraq, the United States maintains a significant military presence in Kuwait, Qatar and Bahrain, which houses the US Navy’s Fifth Fleet.

    “The bottom line is that the Saudis are more loudly sending signals that they do not want the US to retreat in haste” from Iraq, said analyst Neil Partrick of the Economic Intelligence Unit.

    The United States accuses Iran of planning a covert nuclear weapons programme. Iran denies this.

    “The disinclination to ... ’give’ Iraq to Iran could yet see a direct US-Iranian confrontation as events in Iraq bring them into direct fighting,” Partrick said.

    Saudi debate

    In December the Saudi ambassador to the United States Prince Turki al-Faisal resigned without explanation. That, and comments by a Saudi security adviser suggesting Riyadh could send troops to protect Sunnis in Iraq and lower world oil prices to pressure Iran, have spurred talk of sharp policy disputes within the royal family.

    Saudi officials have denied they would use oil as a tool of pressure, but analysts point out that Gulf Arab countries resisted Iraqi calls to cut production and raise prices when Iraq was in a perilous state after the 1980-88 war with Iran.

    US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice visited Riyadh last week and obtained Saudi backing for the US plan to send more troops to pacify Iraq this year, though Saudi officials expressed reservations over the intentions of Iraq’s Shia leadership.

    “After the visit and Saudi approval of the US plan, the king (Abdullah) has said ’stop’ (the arguments),” said Mustafa Alani, an Iraqi analyst visiting Riyadh.

    “The Saudis were worried by the Baker-Hamilton report that the Americans would negotiate with Iran. But they got assurances on Iraq, (Saudi) security and containment of Iran,” he said.

    He was referring to a recommendation by a bipartisan commission of elder statesmen led by former secretary of state James Baker that the US administration should find a way to exit gracefully from Iraq and engage Tehran on how to ensure stability there.

    Saudi troops in Iraq?

    Western diplomats in Riyadh do not take seriously the idea of Saudi troops in Iraq, partly because it would break with a pattern of using money to get proxies to fight instead.

    “Criticising Iran for meddling in Iraqi affairs is one thing, and playing an active role inside Iraq to counteract this supposed Iranian influence is something else,” said Fahad Nazer, a Washington-based Saudi analyst.

    Gulf Arab states have said they will pursue their own nuclear energy plans, in an apparent sign to Washington that an arms race will ensue if Iran is not checked.

    But Riyadh and Tehran have meanwhile stepped up diplomatic contacts.

    Ali Larijani, Iran’s top nuclear negotiator, held talks in Riyadh last week with King Abdullah in what Saudi sources have said was an attempt to seek Saudi help with Washington and to reassure Saudi Arabia over the nuclear programme.

    A Saudi envoy visited Tehran this week for talks which Saudi media said were an effort to put an end to civil strife in Lebanon -- where both Tehran and Riyadh are backing rival groups in a power struggle.
    Khaleej Times Online - Saudi fears Iraq chaos is strengthening Iran

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    A press statement-Prime Minister Meets Minister of Oil

    (Voice of Iraq) - 26-01-2007
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    Press statement

    Prime Minister Nuri Kamel al-Maliki in his office in Baghdad today, the official Oil Minister, Dr. Hussein Shahrastani, and discussed with him ways to resolve the crisis and oil derivatives as soon as possible, as was discussed in the process of speeding up the building of refineries and fuel purification stations and increase the production capacity of oil.

    franny, were almost there!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    i believe our cashcow portion of the program is what we await. the big money contractor, hcl.

    all the rest are complete and await the hcl to complete the 'economic package' that were going to know and love.

    oh, btw, i concur with the 'more than we expect' statement.
    I also believe the HCL is holding up the Reval. I also believe the HCL must be completed before Feb 7th, 2007. This needs to be completed once and for all without any more talk about so and so not being happy. Iraq must step up to the plate and show the rest of the world that they are capable of taking care of ALL Iraqis. I know this has been stated on numerous occasions on this forum, but I totally agree that the young men of Iraq must be given opportunities to engage in work to keep them occupied and to provide a sense of PRIDE. Pride meaning that they can take care of their families without sacrificing their lives for whatever reasons. IMO the Reval will be an overnight adjustment and not this slow (and painful to us investors) drawn out dinar adjustment. Anyway, these are a few of my thoughts to be taken for whatever one would consider them worth. Come On Reval

    Oh yeah. Thanks for the "Thanks" button and the "Shout Box".
    Just want to CASH in at $1.50 or higher
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    Parliament completed discussion on the budget tomorrow

    (Voice of Iraq) - 26-01-2007
    This issue was sent to a friend

    - BAGHDAD / voices / of the al-Muhammad

    An authorized in the House of Representatives that the President of the Council, Mahmoud Almshahadani decided to convene a meeting of the Council tomorrow, Saturday, to complete the discussion of the budget 2007.

    The source added there was a project study by the Legal Committee of the Council for presentation at the third session of the legislature, which starts next March provides for the replacement of leaders who did not attend the mass meetings of the Council will be absolutely confirming demand parliamentary blocs to replace members who were absent for 25% of the Council meetings held since its inception.

    On the other hand, a delegation of students from Mustansiriyah University of the Chamber of Deputies to provide security and protection for all universities and teaching cadres and students in particular so as not to repeat the tragic Mustansereya again, which greatly affected the cruise teaching at the university. This came during the reception of the delegation by Deputy House Speaker Sheikh Khalid al-Attiya.

    For his part, Sheikh Khaled al-Attiyah condemned the bombing and whose energies targeting youth and young minds that constitute the nucleus of the new Iraq and daughters of the first to build on the foundations of justice, democracy and equality, by terrorist groups takfiri obscurantism does not want the good of Iraq and Iraqis, and promised to pursue the sovereignty demands and provide all ways to enrich the scientific process in Iraq.

    /النهاية// End /

    franny, were almost there!!

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