Hello to everyone reading this post.

A door of Opportunity has opened for me that I have wait on for 5 years.
But, as the universe would have it, like so many other Pipsters, I am
scrapped for cash.

I am not going to ask anyone to give me a dime. If you help yourself by
joining $7 Dollars Magic, and get others to do the same, I will acquire the
funds necessary to seize this "quiet tornado" of an opportunity.

Like PIPS, I will be able to reward you handsomely for helping me to reach
my goal. By positioning yourself to help yourself in $7 Dollars Magic, you
gain. Then, I will be able to reward financially all who help me to reach my

If I could lay everything on the table regarding this opportunity, I would.
Then, many of you would be trying to shove more than $7.00 at me.
But, in order to help many Pipsters, I am bound by the rules to remain

However, I can ask you to help me and yourself to "prime the pump" by
joining $7 Dollars Magic. You have lost more than $7.00 in other programs.
There is no "middle man" here. Everythng goes directly into your e-gold
account. No one will ever steal your money.

This is your potential earning, assuming that every member gets 7 new members each:

Your Level @New Members @@@@@@Your Earning
1 @@@@@@@7 @@@@@@@@@@@@@$7
2 @@@@@@@7 x 7 @@@@@@@@@@@$49
3 @@@@@@@7 x 7 x 7 @@@@@@@@@$343
4 @@@@@@@7 x 7 x 7 x 7 @@@@@@@$2401
5 @@@@@@@7 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 @@@@@$16,807
6 @@@@@@@7 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7@@@ $117,649
7 @@@@@@@7 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 @$823,543

Total your potential earning: $960,799.00

And what if you had more than 7 new members under your direct sponsorship?

Because '7DollarsMagic' is a forced 7 x 7 matrix, your 8th new member will be redirected
to your downline's referral site. It is called 'spillover'. In this way you help your downlines
to grow while you still make money from your own effort.

Click on the link below.