REGISTRATION IN L7.TRADE: Incorporated registered in Seychelles and offers its customers convenient functionality for arbitrage trading. Participants will not need to register and undergo verification at dozens of exchanges, undergo verification and have large amounts of money. The company offers to register on the L7 Trade website and use its functionality to complete transactions in one click. The difference between the platform and traditional projects is that it really offers to trade crypto. For those who want to earn completely passively, there is a function of passive trading.
Marketing in the L7.Trade project
The project has unusual marketing, because participants are invited to earn money on transactions with cryptocurrency. The trading process is that the investor will earn on the difference between the price of cryptocurrency on different exchanges through the L7 Trade functionality. Daily profitability depends on how many transactions a participant will make. Since each of them will be confirmed during 4-5 hours (sometimes longer), a limited number of operations can be performed per day. This rule also applies to automated trading, which is also available on the platform. If you do not want to spend time and make transactions yourself, then go into automatic mode to pay a commission in the amount of 10% of profit.
From the information on the site it follows that you can make money on trading up to 4% per day. Judging by the reviews, participants get much more - there are those who receive 10% of profit for 50 days of participation. A major role in the final result is also played by which cryptocurrency you trade.
There are no investment terms as such - the participant replenishes his account for transactions and can withdraw money at any time. The project has its own exchanger, which will allow you to exchange one cryptocurrency for another if such a need arises.

Marketing features:
• Minimum deposit may be 0.02 BTC (0.5 ETH).
• When exchanging cryptocurrencies within the system, 0.5% of the amount is charged as a commission.
• If you have not passed the verification, then you can recharge up to 0.1 BTC.

• When withdrawing money, there is a commission, it will be 0.0005 BTC.

• The minimum withdrawal request is 0.002 BTC (0.1 ETH).
• Payments to wallets are manual, it may take several hours (the maximum period is several days).

Affiliates program:
By distributing your affiliate link, you can attract referrals and make a profit. According to the conditions of the affiliate program existing in the project, remuneration will be accrued on income - for each transaction made by your referral you will receive 21%. reviews and my opinion:
A platform for cryptocurrency arbitrage, which offers everyone to earn on the difference in exchange rates in a few clicks. You do not need to be a professional in trading or register on numerous exchanges - everything is as easy as shelling pears and in the review we step-by-step described how to trade in manual and automatic mode. L7 Trade is now gaining great popularity on the network, it is actively promoted among YouTube users, while in the hype industry there is not much distribution. Moreover, famous traders with a good reputation in their circles are even promoting the project.