I am not the admin of the program.

Welcome to Forex MASTER !

Forex Master is a short term, backed up by Nasdaq, Dow Jones and NYSE trading, high yield private loan program and investing in various funds and activities. Profits from these investments are used to enhance our program and increase its stability for the long term. Forex Master offers you the opportunity to earn a daily interest rate on all funds deposited with us, depend which program you choose.

This is a passive opportunity for those who are interested in building their accounts by investing in strategic high yield investment plans.

This program is an investment opportunity, not a game. The returns are all generated from actual investments. The money you invest is re-invested in both domestic and offshore high yield opportunities.

the master of investment


What is HYIP ?

HYIP stands for High Yield Income Program. Usually they are private loans where you can lend your money to a group of forex or future market traders and they will attempt to generate a profit. Usually the interest that you will receive for lending away your money to a HYIP is 2% - 5% per day but we can offer more...

This is a very high return but the risks are also very high. Some people are just lying from the start and just want to run of with your money, others where not as good traders as they said they where. The key to all high risk investments is DIVERSIFICATION. That is where we come in. By pooling funds we are able to diversify much more effective than most smaller investors could themselves. Also many HYIPs give better terms to larger investors, by pooling funds we can be that large investor and get those better terms and higher interest rates. It also takes a lot of work to successful and for the small investor it might not be worth doing all that work, instead you could just leave your funds with us and we will take care of them and make them grow.

What we do ?

We attract global investors to join our investment fund, and add these funds to our own to do some profitable business in asia ie. Thailand (agriculture), India (software technology), Malaysia (agriculture), Brunei (oil), Singapore (bonds and stocks) and Australia (mining), all those investment is highly profitable, so we need more and more investment everyday. Then, we will pay you with the profit we make. Someone will ask that why you do investment instead of just getting more members involved in you program and using their money to cover former debts, like other programs usually do. The answer is that we are professional in this industry and able to control our program smoothly. All we do is to guarantee your profit, just believe us, we are the MASTER !

For more information, visit

Added for discussion


Please do your DD before investing in any program.