I am not the admin of the program.


Welcome to Surf Dream!
Hello! I am samuel galarpe from Norway and I quite excited to present to you a proven effective way of earning and promoting through my program.

Surf Dream is here for of all of us to benefit from advertising, whether you are an individual who wants to drive enormous traffic and hits to your websites , or simply a person who want to earn some bucks by referring friends and acquaintances.

Surf Dream will be operating as long as the members want it to. While I provide the fast service and amazing earning opportunities, you in turn provide the support and be an accolade for the longevity of the program. I have no time for pretensions so lets make things as simple as that.
free members upgraded members

# Advertise only 1 site
# Surf for credits only
# No Maximum Surf per Day
# Referral Commission: 5%
# Sell Commission: 20%
# Earn 12% Daily for 12 Days
# 200credits for every upgrade
# Advertise up to 10 sites
# Min upgrade Pack: $5.00
# Referral Commission: 10%
# Surf 20 sites to earn
# Sell Commission: 20%

For more information, visit

Added for discussion


Please do your DD before investing in any program.