Design feature: [ SSL ][ Exclusive Script ][ Registered Company ][ Verified PM ]

About the project:
Originally, a company «IRFK» was got up, as a private investment close-end fund, in January, 2013. As for results of the company, during 2015 founders decided to open new opportunities of fund for everyone, who wants, for the reason, that a created team of professionals and based concepts give a chance for cash disbursement nearly 100 million dollars USA. Nowadays «IRFK» orientates on Russian investors and this company is an active participant of the innovative trends of investment in the CIS countries and near-abroad countries. The president of the company, a professional of the investment - Grinchenko Anton. We always work to provide a service on a higher level for our clients, because their interests gain the lead! Thanks to our permanent clients, we grow and prosper! Our main reward is an attraction the new clients, due to friends of our clients. A stable team: most of leading specialists have been working in the company from the moment of its creating. A mission of the company is to quicken a development of the science and medicine, investing a research and innovations. Charity: every year we give 10% our funds for works of mercy. Independence: most of investment funds are the parts of larger financial groups. «IRFK» is outside these groups and it prevents the pressure all around. Our own analytics: «IRFK» has its own staff of highly proficient specialists, which allows to enhance quality and hot to waste time for its performance

Investment plan:
0.5% daily for 365 days
Minimum deposit 10.00$

Payment system: PerfectMoney
Referral commission: 5%
Site in Russian and English
IP Address - 48 other sites hosted on this server
IP Location United States - Arizona - Phoenix - Cloudflare Inc.
ASN United States AS13335 CLOUDFLARENET - CloudFlare, Inc. (registered Jul 14, 2010)
Valid from February 7, 2016 to August 14, 2016
Serial Number: 3d35e091073637cbbcab2f2a5d084bdd
Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256
Issuer: COMODO ECC Domain Validation Secure Server CA 2

Please Registration

My contribution:
Pay system : PerfectMoney
Date: 02/08/2016 12:26
Batch: 119355750
From: U1426715
To: U10384872
Amount: -100.5
Currency: USD
Memo: Sent Payment 100.00 USD to account U10384872. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. User 34520,