Welcome to Optimal-Profit.Net!

Optimal Profit is a long term high yield private loan program, backed up by Forex market trading, and investing in various funds and activities. Profits from these investments are used to enhance our program and increase its stability for the long term.

Opening an account is free. We have no withdrawal and exchange fees and no minimal amount to withdraw.

To ensure the security our site is located on the DDOS protected server. We make the back-up of our data every day.

Don't miss the chance! The promo action started. The first 50 members (but except monitors) will receive a bonus - 5% of their deposit. You will get your bonus within 24 hours.

28-36% daily for 4 days

Plan Spent Amount (USD) Daily Profit (%)
Level 1 $1 - $50 28.00
Level 2 $51 - $500 30.00
Level 3 $501 - $1,000 34.00
Level 4 $1,001 - $4,000 36.00

120-160% after 4 days

Plan Spent Amount (USD) Profit (%)
Level 1 $1 - $50 120.00
Level 2 $51 - $500 130.00
Level 3 $501 - $2,000 150.00
Level 4 $2,001 - $8,000 160.00

21-33% daily for 1 week

Plan Spent Amount (USD) Daily Profit (%)
Level 1 $100 - $500 21.00
Level 2 $501 - $1,000 24.00
Level 3 $1,001 - $4,000 29.00
Level 4 $4,001 - $8,000 33.00

First level referrals bonuses

From To Commision (%)
1 20 5.00
21 100 6.00
101 400 7.00
401 and more 8.00

Our other levels referal bonuses (not depending on number):

Level 2: 1.50%
Level 3: 0.50%
Level 4: 0.50%
For more information, visit
Optimal Profit

Added for discussion
