Hey Members, Zappers, Cyclers, and Freinds. I am going back to my dayjob as of tomorrow. (See I am A Normall Member too) The Texas Laws for On The Job Injury's are very complicated. My Attornies will forsee the future of my case. My Company has ask for me to return with open arms.

I will be here still every evening and most week-ends. Yogi and Marek and I are on different Time Frames and along with the other leaders their will be no problems in the program from this. I must return the norm until we succeed in finding our gain in witch we search. I have had a wonderful 11 months will I have been able to be here 24 hours aday if I wanted. I most know cut that to 12 hehe.

I just wanted to report this incase some one thought I was not getting to pm's in my morning's. I will see you all every afternoon. Until then we move forward. My Care for this forum will never change. I promise that. No Matter what life deals me.