Hi guys, I joined ROlCLUB several years ago, when I dropped thousands into P*PS. I was in pretty hard times, and need some hope. My own greed caused me to put more money in than I had.

Any how, since then I have managed to pay off what I borrowed to get the money in the first place. I know many people thought the world ended when things came to a stand still. I have good friends that haven't been the same since.

Any how guys the greatest inestment is in people. I can't figure even using quantum math how to develop a system that will do in a hurry what most of us want, to be secure and stable and comfortable.

If we could get a small group of say 100 people together who would shift their attention from themselves to those in the group, amazing things could happen. One of the things that I used to say when I had a lot of debt was I am going to give my self a raise, by paying off a debt. Thus the monthly payment that was freed up was my increase.

A group of 100 could do stuff for each other that we as individuals would take months or years to do for ouf selves. We couldn't create perpetual income for eachother, but we could make eachothers lives richer. We all get in a bind from time to time, and need some cash. So one thing we could do is contact our group, and make a request. Each person giving something, not a set amount but what they have to give could easily take care of small problems. Just an example. Say Joe needs a 1200 for a transmission in his car. Well that would be easy for a group of 100, each person just giving 12 dollars and Joe would have a new transmission. unless we just had a terribly unfortunate group, it would never be a strain. There would be no requirement to give, and no imidiate return on investment, but there would be commradre and a knowing that if something comes up, we would have a place to turn besides the bank.

Future things could include working to help pay off someones car or house. Imagine how you would feel right now if your house and your car was paid for, and you job was still doing good.

just a thought guys.
