Hi, im a 33 year old male. I live in West Yorkshire, England.

I am suffering from dry eyes. They are red, sore and burn. The sensation of burning is the overriding factor.

I have a desk based job, im looking at a laptop screen all day with overhead lighting. I believe i'm now photo sensitive. It's really hard to concentrate at work with the burning pain and discomfort.

I've tried HycoSan Extra, Systane, Carbomer Eye Gel, they all provide very short term relief (say under 30 minutes).I have a microwaveable eye mask, the heat helps but it's just short term relief.

I recently saw a NHS ophthalmologist, she wasn't much help. Said my eyes look ok besides some red blood vessels visible and told me continue with the ointments and gels plus the eye mask !!
I asked her to book me in to get the eye plugs (3 month wait !!!)

I took Hyabak Caps for a month and didnt notice a difference. I've switched to Thera Tears eye nutrition 2 days ago. I'm also taking Centrum multi vitamin 1 a day tablet. I also take probiotic 1 a day.