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    An example of true love

    How can we understand the importance and benefits of loving and being acquainted with our Prophet Muhammadﷺ ; mercy to all creation and the greatest gift Allah has given mankind?

    Firstly, it is integral for our syahadah. it is important to be acquainted with Prophet Muhammad ﷺ because Allah has commanded His servants to believe in this noble Messenger [Quran 64:8]. To believe in Him demands that we come to know about our Prophet Muhammadﷺ: his merit, his perfections, his refined and noble manners, exalted character and beautiful attributes.

    Secondly, Allah linked and promised His love, forgiveness and guidance to those who follow the Prophet Muhammad. Inhere, to follow requires one to love and in turn requires one to be acquainted with the Rasulullah ﷺ Quran 3:31, Quran 7:158]

    Thirdly , loving Prophet Muhammad ﷺ will earn us Allah’s favours and gifts. [Quran 4:69]

    Forth, Allah has warned against loving and prioritising our worldly desires and possessions ahead of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Allah has made it obligatory for believers to love the Prophet more than their fathers, children, spouses, families, businesses and wealth. [Quran 9:24] Prioritising one’s lowly desires and worldly possessions above the teachings of the Prophet ﷺ causes one to fall into misdeeds, dangers, loss, emotional instability and bad ending.

    Fifth, loving Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is a manifestation of one’s obedience and love to Allah. As the Prophet mentioned, “Whoever loves me, indeed he has loved Allah. And anyone who obeys me, indeed he has obeyed Allah”.

    Sixth, one will taste the sweetness of faith and will attain the perfection of faith [iman].

    Seventh, one will be with the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in the day of resurrection, in the hereafter.

    Reasons how loving Prophet Muhammad ﷺ will make you victorious and successful.

    It is a formula guaranteed by Allah Almighty that will guarantee success for the one to adopts it. One who loves and obeys the Prophet ﷺ will be given Divine favours, guidance and help. Moreover, the one who is attached and follows the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is loved by Allah. When Allah is with you, will there be anyone or anything who can overcome you?

    The Prophet ﷺ is the perfect role model. No one is better than him in knowledge, strength nor anything else. The Prophet ﷺ never acted and instructed from his own whims and desires, except that it was the command of Allah Almighty. Learning and adhering to the Prophet’s ﷺ teachings will allow one to unpack all the recipes, secrets and treasures there is about life in this world and hereafter. Striving to emulate him will allow one to be as close to perfection as possible, thus attaining happiness and success.

    It is tried and tested formula achieve by many of our predecessors. The achievement these great individuals attained are not only limited to this world and also assured paradise, high ranks and salvation in the hereafter. For example, Sayyidina Umar, is one of those companions promised by Allah in the Quran and through the words of the Prophet Muhammad to have attained paradise and Allah’s pleasure. During the time he became Caliph, Islam spread throughout the world under his leadership. Many great scholars in recent times also succeeded in benefit humanity greatly because of their love of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

    It addresses the trials and tribulations of the end of times. Loving the Prophet ﷺ necessitates that one learns about the Prophet ﷺ and this is only attainable through acquiring of knowledge about the religion from the proper teachers and proper methodologies. When an individual studies about the shamail (characteristics) of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, one becomes aware of who the true guide is who is also known as the Muhammadan inheritor. A means and fruit of being attached to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is to do selawat. When one does selawat, Allah, the Prophet Muhammad will pray and guide you in return bringing you from darkness to light, difficulty to ease, confusion and uncertainty to certainty and clarity.

    How then do we bring ourselves to love our Prophet ﷺ?

    Amongst the ways as taught by scholars is to:

    - be in the company of those who love him

    - be making abundance of selawat upon Rasulullah

    - learning about him

    How to Love Allah and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) more than Oneself and become a True Momin? – Dr Zakir

    Loving the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

    نصارى يتعرفون على سبب بطلان دينهم | محمد علي

    American boxer Gervonta Davis converts to Islam

    كان متشدد بدينه ولكن فجأة شُرح قلبه للإسلام وأعجبته قصص الرسول والصحابة

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    The prophet peace be upon him says: (day of resurrection will not come till money increases between you .

    1 - Prophet Mohamed peace be upon him told us about many signs for the imminence of day of resurrection as he said: (one of these signs is that money will increase and trade will increase) [Narrated by Al-Nasaei] today, trade became the backbone of the world economy. That wasn't known at the time of the prophet when trade was known but agriculture was the most famous activity. Who told our prophet about that?

    2 - The prophet said that day of resurrection will not come till: (husband obeys his wife and to be impious to his mother and turns away from his father) {Narrated by Al-Termizi}, today courts are full of cases between parents and sons and daughters because of the impiety of those sons and daughters ....... that wasn't known at the time of the prophet. Researchers confirm that the phenomenon of impiety is increasing which is a clear evidence that day of resurrection is near. The question is, who told our prophet about that?

    3 - The prophet peace be upon him says: (day of resurrection will not come till money increases between you) {narrated by Al-Bukari}, today we can see there are a lot of money between people so that we can find some people who possess billions, this phenomenon wasn't known at the time of the prophet, don't we be ready for day of resurrection?

    4 - Today, women are playing a vital role in economic and politics and also they have a basic role in factories, information and many trading positions and there are separate associations for business women. All of these weren't known at the time of the prophet and no on even thought that it may happen. The prophet peace be upon him said: (day of resurrection will not come till women participates withtheir husbands in trade) {narrated by Ahmed}, Glory to Allah Almighty.

    5 - The prophet says: (day of resurrection will not come till man do adultery with woman in the street), look at some western countries where people are used to do such action in the streets and on beaches. Unfortunately some Muslim countries are used to imitate these western countries. Who told prophet Mohamed peace be upon him about that?.

    رسول الله ليس هو آخر نبي؟! أحمدى قاديانى في حوار مع محمد حجاب

    مناظرة جميلة* هل تتبعون يسوع (عيسى)؟ عدنان رشيد وهاشم في حوار مع امرأة مسيحية*

  3. #123
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    qibla change in islam

    There are 2 billion Muslims in the world, and each time they pray, they turn their faces in one direction, towards Mecca. The Islamic term for this direction is qibla. When a Muslim prepares to pray, no matter where he is, he turns towards the qibla, the direction of the Kaba. The Kaba is a small cube shaped building in the courtyard of the mosque known as Masjid Al Haram, in the city of Mecca, in the country of Saudi Arabia.

    “For every nation there is a direction to which they face (in their prayers). So hasten towards all that is good. Wheresoever you may be, God will bring you together (on the Day of Resurrection). Truly, God is Able to do all things. And from wheresoever you start forth (for prayers), turn your face in the direction of Al-Masjid-al-Haram (at Mecca), that is indeed the truth from your Lord. And God is not unaware of what you do.” (Quran 2:148-149)

    Muslims do not worship the Kaba, or its contents, it is simply a focal point. Muslims worship One God, the Most Merciful, and the Most Wise. God decreed that when Muslims pray they all face one direction. It is a sign of unity that encapsulates the unity embedded in the religion of Islam.

    The Arabic word for prayer is salah and it demotes a connection between the believer and God; when all believers face the same direction it adds an extra dimension to the connection. The prayer connects the believers to God and the qibla connects the believers to one another. It has been said that if one could observe all the Muslims at prayer we would be able to see lines of worshippers bowing and prostrating like the petals of a flower opening and closing in unison.

    The qibla was not always oriented towards Mecca. The first Muslims prayed towards the al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. Around sixteen months after Prophet Muhammad and his followers migrated from Mecca to the city of Medina, the qibla was changed to the Kaba. According to accounts by Prophet Muhammad's companions, the change happened very suddenly. During the noon prayer, Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, received a revelation from God instructing him to, "Turn your face towards the Masjid al Haram".

    “Thus, we have made you real believers in Islamic Monotheism, true followers of Prophet Muhammad and his legal ways, a just nation, witnesses over mankind and the Messenger a witness over you. And We made the Qibla (prayer direction towards Jerusalem) which you used to face, only to test those who followed the Messenger from those who would turn on their heels (i.e. disobey the Messenger). Indeed, it was great (heavy) except for those whom God guided. And God would never make your prayers to be lost (i.e. your prayers offered towards Jerusalem). Truly, God is full of kindness, the Most Merciful towards humankind.”

    “Verily! We have seen the turning of your (Muhammad) face towards the heaven. Surely, We shall turn you to a Qibla (prayer direction) that shall please you, so turn your face in the direction of Al-Masjid- al-Haram (at Mecca). And wheresoever you people are, turn your faces (in prayer) in that direction...” (Quran 2:143-144)

    Changing the direction of prayer establishes Mecca as the fixed central point for worship. It establishes a common sense or purpose.

    Throughout the centuries, mathematicians and astronomers have established correct ways to determine the qibla (direction) from any point on the earth’s surface. There are two precise moments each year when the sun is directly above the Kaba, thus the direction of shadows in any sunlit place will point away from the qibla. There are also two moments per year when the sun is directly over the exact opposite position of the Kaba, thus pointing towards the qibla.

    It is important the Muslims make every effort to face the right direction when praying; however, slight deviations do not invalidate a person’s prayer. Prophet Muhammad said, “What is between the east and the west is qibla”.[1] Nowadays it is easy to locate the qibla. It is a simple matter to look at a map and draw a line between your location and the city of Mecca. Compasses and computer programs that locate the qibla are readily available and most mosques throughout the world have a niche in the wall to indicate the qibla.

    Islam is a religion of unity. Muslims are united by their belief in One God. They are one brotherhood united in the language and ritual of prayer and united by the direction of their worship. The qibla is not only about degrees of latitude or longitude it is about unity. It is about humankind united in the worship of the One God, Creator, and Sustainer of the universe

    مسيحي يتحدى المسلمين أن يروه نبوءات لسيدنا محمد فجاءه الرد

    Change Of Qibla From Jerusalem To Kaaba By Nouman Ali

    Concept of Aqeeda e Risalat in the light of Incident of Change of Qibla by Tahir ul Qadri


    Cartel Bosses are Stunned How Islam is Changing its Members!

    American NFL Superstar Jeremiah Owusu-Koramoah Converts to Islam

  4. #124
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    you have to know where to find solutions to all the problems:

    To answer this question,

    Solution to all problems is none but God.
    God sent prophets for guidance to mankind. This guidance is within prophecies found in original divine books.
    Where to find divine original books? To the best of my researches, the only religious holy book unchanged or not distorted up to this very day is Qur'an. Therefore, if people are to look for Pure Divine Guidance or Divine Constitution, they should use this book.

    And who are using this book? Answer: Muslims. And what is the religion of Muslims? Answer: Islam.
    Therefore, Islam is likely to be a solution to all problems if implemented and interpreted properly. This is a view of scientific researchers supported by scientists of European Union. After reading all the Qur'an, the famous British writer William Shakespeare concluded : “ The author of this book can be none other than God”. This prompted many including scientists to research about the book especially in the field of science - comparison of scientific facts and Quranic verses. They matched at all times.

    Here is one of the scientific researches:
    When the late French president François Mitterrand took over in 1981, France requested from Egypt in the late eighties to host the mummy of Pharaoh - this Pharaoh known as King Ramses 3 is the one who challenged the prophet Moses from delivering children of Israel from bondage in Egypt - to conduct archaeological tests. The mummy was then brought to the French archaeological centre where the top surgeons led by Professor Maurice Bucaille started to study the mummy and discovered its secrets:

    • It was discovered that there were remnants of salt in the mummy of Pharaoh's body. This was the evidence beyond any reasonable doubt that Pharaoh died during drowning and his body got extracted from the sea after the drowning.

    • But Professor Maurice Bucaille wondered how had this particular body remained intact from other mummies that got rotten and decayed long ago! While still puzzled, someone told Dr Maurice Bucaille that the whole story of Pharaoh drowning and body preservation are already revealed in the Qur'an though the mummy got detected in 1898 while this Qur'an has been there over 1400 years ago!

    • Professor Maurice Bucaille got interested in this Qur'an book and was shown a verse in it where the Al-mighty God says ( Qur'an chapter 10, verse 92 or Surat Jonah 10: 92): “ So this day We shall deliver your (dead) body (out of the sea) that you may be a sign to those who come after you! And verily, many among mankind are heedless of of our signs.” This later led the Professor to believe in the book and made further researches that are written in different books - available even on line, just click Professor Maurice Bucaille researches on U-tube or Google.

    This is one if the major reasons Islam is the fastest growing Religion all over the world due to consistency of the scientific prophecies in Qur'an discovered recently in modern science.

    Dr.Zakir Naik - Islam The Solution For Problems of Mankind (Full

    فتاة بريطانية تسافر مسافة طويلة لتسأل حمزة عن الإسلام في نهاية رائعة

    ملكي صادق - الرب الذى لم يُعبد قط

    أحمد ديدات - عِدّة الأرملة من معجزات العهد الأخير - رائع

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    cleanliness is not only limited to the physical aspect but also extends to the environment. Muslims are required to keep their surroundings clean and pure. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught that a person’s cleanliness is half of their faith. He also emphasized the importance of cleaning one’s home, removing any impurities and keeping it tidy.

    In Islam, personal hygiene is considered an essential part of maintaining good health. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) advised Muslims to brush their teeth regularly, trim their nails, and groom themselves. He also encouraged Muslims to take a bath regularly and wear clean clothes.

    Islam also teaches the importance of maintaining cleanliness in food and drink. Muslims are required to consume only halal (permissible) food and avoid eating or drinking anything that is considered impure. Muslims are also encouraged to wash their hands before and after eating, and to use clean utensils.

    Cleanliness is a fundamental teaching of Islam, and it is considered an essential aspect of the religion. Muslims are required to maintain a high level of personal hygiene and cleanliness in their surroundings. The teachings of Islam emphasize the importance of cleanliness for physical and spiritual purity, good health, and the attainment of peace and tranquility.

    The Significance of Cleanliness in Islam:

    Cleanliness holds great significance in Islam, and it is considered one of the fundamental teachings of the religion. Islam places great emphasis on cleanliness as it is believed to be a key component of faith. Here are some of the reasons why cleanliness is significant in Islam:

    1. Spiritual purity: In Islam, cleanliness is linked to spiritual purity. Muslims are required to perform ablution (Wudu) before prayer to purify themselves both physically and spiritually.
    2. Health and well-being: Cleanliness is essential for maintaining good health and well-being. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized the importance of personal hygiene, such as regular bathing, washing hands before eating, and brushing teeth.

    3. Environmental cleanliness: Islam teaches Muslims to maintain a clean and healthy environment. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized keeping one’s home and surroundings clean, free from litter and waste.

    4. Respect for others: Maintaining cleanliness is a sign of respect for oneself and others. Muslims are taught to keep themselves and their surroundings clean to prevent the spread of diseases and illnesses.

    5. Social interactions: Cleanliness plays an important role in social interactions. Muslims are encouraged to maintain good personal hygiene, wear clean clothes, and keep their homes and surroundings clean to enhance their social interactions and relationships.
    Cleanliness is significant in Islam as it is linked to spiritual purity, health, well-being, respect for oneself and others, and social interactions. Muslims are encouraged to maintain cleanliness in all aspects of their lives, from personal hygiene to environmental cleanliness. By doing so, they not only fulfill a religious obligation but also promote good health and well-being for themselves and their community

    لماذا تستنجون بورق المرحاض وليس بالماء؟ - حوار منصور مع ملحدين
    Why do you use toilet paper and not water? Mansour's dialogue with atheists

    Jewish Scholar TESTS Prophet Muhammad ﷺ AFTER THAT HE ACCEPTS ISLAM

    Christian Lady RAISED BY NUNS converts to Islam RIGHT NOW!

    Why Jay Left The Mormon Church and Accepted Islam (What They Believe)

    مختصر موضوع هل القرآن كلام الله - ذاكر نايك Zakir Naik

  6. #126
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    there are a number of statements in the Qur'an which prove that neither Satan nor anyone else can interfere in the process of revelations, nor that the Prophet ever harbored any intention to compromise With the leaders of the infidels
    nor that there is ever part interpolated anything in the text of the revelation


    the Qur'an cannot come from Satan because it is cursed, despised and condemned outright to hell. Moreover, Allah asks Muslims to seek protection from Satan at all times and even to ask for this protection when one begins to recite the Quran.

    According to the principle of Jesus (pbuh): How can Satan cast out Satan? Any kingdom divided against itself is devastated, and any city or house divided against itself cannot stand. If Satan drives out Satan, he is divided against himself; how then will his kingdom stand?

    According to this principle straight out of the mouth of Jesus (pbuh) in the Bible, Satan cannot cast out Satan and therefore the Quran which drives out Satan cannot come from Satan. CQFD.

    Besides, would Satan be so stupid for:

    1 - put an end to polytheism in the region?
    2 - to develop a religion which imposes the worship of God the One?
    3 - make the disciples of this religion believe that he is the number 1 enemy of Humanity?
    4 - force believers to recognize one God, give alms, pilgrimage, impose the liberation of slaves as well as alms for all the faithful?

    Would Satan be an ass to destroy his own kingdom on his own? It would really take that the devil was a totally failed ***** and finished to invent a monotheistic religion which castigates him as being the worst enemy of humanity, which curses him and which, above all, puts an end to polytheism in the region by imposing worship of the One God.

    In other words Satan cannot dig his own grave let alone bury himself. It is therefore illogical and pretentious to argue that Islam is the work of the devil.the Qur'an is rigorous in the construction of its sentences. Each word has a very precise place for a very precise reason, all the nuances are taken into account even for two fundamentally identical situations, the harmony and the balance in the choice of the words is numerically ascertainable and finally,the Qur'an has a specificity literary specific to the Arabic language, namely that there are 34% of the 3-character radicals of the Arabic language and that it is proven that the elite of Arab linguists can only use 5% at most in their writings are almost 7 times less than in the Qur'an .

    Yet no madman in the world has been and will be capable of such a linguistic feat. The hypothesis that the atypical thematic narrations and structures of the Qur'an are the result of a disturbed mind therefore does not stand the test of logic.

    "For those who claim to present a work similar to the Qur’an, ask them to present a book free of contradictions that remains intact for 14 centuries and gathers around it two billion believers who recite it and cry when they listen." The Quran


    الإله لا يموت! هاشم في حوار مع مسيحي الجزء الأول


    يسوع يلعن شجرة التين! هاشم في حوار مع مسيحي الجزء الثاني

  7. #127
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    Kill the disbelievers! A verse quoted out of context.

    In the media, the verses of the Quran are quoted out of context and one of the most cited verses outside of its context is in Sura At-Tawbah,
    "Where you find a disbeliever kill him" but if you are going to read in the Qur'an:

    “5.But once the Sacred Months have passed, kill the polytheists ˹who violated their treaties˺ wherever you find them,1 capture them, besiege them, and lie in wait for them on every way. But if they repent, perform prayers, and pay alms-tax, then set them free. Indeed, Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

    6. And if anyone from the polytheists asks for your protection ˹O Prophet˺, grant it to them so they may hear the Word of Allah, then escort them to a place of safety, for they are a people who have no knowledge.7. How can such polytheists have a treaty with Allah and His Messenger, except those you have made a treaty with at the Sacred Mosque?1 So, as long as they are true to you, be true to them. Indeed Allah loves those who are mindful ˹of Him˺. "[The Quran, Sura At-Tawbah, 9: 5-7]

    They quote verses from the Quran out of context, as do the Hadiths (sayings of the prophet). When one reads the previous verses, one realizes that there was a peace treaty between the Muslims and the pagans of Mecca and this peace treaty was unilaterally broken by the pagans of Mecca. Through the revelation of verse 5 God gives an ultimatum to the pagans of Mecca "to end hostilities within the next four months otherwise war is declared. And on the battlefield God says to the Muslims : "do not be afraid, fight and wherever you find the enemies kill them".

    A leader to motivate his troops would say the same thing, he still won't say where you find your enemies get killed. So the context of the verse is in a battlefield. And in this context God tells Muslims not to be afraid to kill their enemies rather than let themselves be killed.
    Now imagine if the U.S.A was at war in Vietnam and the president said on the battlefield to motivate these troops "kill every Vietnamese you meet", you would have to pay attention to the contexts. If you take this president out of context and say that today the American president is calling for all Vietnamese to be killed, you would sound like a dishonest person because it is taken out of context.

    Many detractors of Islam quote this verse from the Quran out of context, they quote verse 5 of sura and they just jump after verse 7 by dropping verse 6 because verse 6 responds to the criticism: “And if anyone from the polytheists asks for your protection ˹O Prophet˺, grant it to them so they may hear the Word of Allah, then escort them to a place of safety, for they are a people who have no knowledge. "[The Quran, Sura At-Tawbah, 9:


    If the enemy asks you for asylum, don't just let him go! Accompany him to his place of safety so that he can hear the word of God.

    The most lenient army in the world would tell you, if the enemy wants to go then he goes.

    But the Qur'an says: if the enemy wants peace, don't just let him go, escort him to a place where he will be safe. And all the verses of the Koran which speak of war are followed by verses specifying that peace remains the best solution. Because Islam is a religion of peace

    كيف عرف النبي ذلك؟! - حدث تاريخي مفصل يذكره القرآن بدقة ويفشل الكتاب المقدس في ذكره

    الليبرالية في مقابل الإسلام! حوار جميل وهادئ بين صبور أحمد وزائر

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    Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon himworshiped God (the Father) alone, like Christ and all the prophets before him

    Christ said
    3 Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.
    John 17:3

    Christ did not claim divinity and restricted divinity to God (the Father) alone
    He did not say that he is a god or that the Holy Spirit is a god

    Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him despised false worship to any man-made gods or images or anything in creation as a god. He hated all of the complexities and degradation to which it leads.

    This is in direct obedience to the second commandment "Thou shalt not make any graven images."

    But we find pictures and statues in churches, and some Christians prostrate to the statue of Jesus and prostrate to the statue of Mary

    Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, performed these same ceremonies in worship to what we find the prophets doing before him, bowing to toward the ground and prostrating (falling on the face) while praying and worshipping.

    Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, never drank alcohol or strong drink, even though it was a very normal thing for people of his time and place.

    "O you believers! Intoxicating drinks, gambling, fortune telling, etc. is the hated work of the devil. So stay away from all of that horrible stuff, that you will be successful."

    From Atheist to Imam! - Stressful Shahadah Moments! @UTICAMASJID

    I Wanted To Kill Muslims — Now I Am One | AJ+

    Most Feared Yakuza Gangster Becomes a Muslim

    U.S. Soldier Converts To Islam

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    Recently, scientists had discovered that forelock area (upper and front of the brain) controls right decisions making, so as long as this are is active and efficient ,the taken decisions would be more accurate and wise .prophet Mohamed (Peace be upon him) says in his supplication (oh god, my forelock is between your hand) [Narrated by Ahmed].

    in this supplication there is a full submission from the prophet to his god be he exalted as god is controlling however he wants and is predetermining whatever he wants . Also scientists discovered that forelock area plays a vital role in realizing, steering, problem solving and creation. So that prophet Mohamed had submitted this area for his god.

    After long studies for brain activities, scientists had discovered that the most important area is the forelock (forepart of the head ) as this area is responsible for creation and steering operations so prophet Mohamed (Peace be upon him) confirms that this area is so important , and this is a miracle which testify that the prophet is sincere .

    How could he know about that issue in a time when no one knows anything about it? God taught him all of that as god says: (and taught you that which you knew not. And Ever Great is the Grace of Allah unto you) (An-Nisa'- verse 113)

    الزوجة أو العشيقة؟ محمد حجاب في حوار مع زائر

    أسلم يا ريتشارد! هاشم والشيخ محمد في حوار مع المسيحي ريتشارد

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    The request for forgiveness must be from God (the Father) directly, without intermediaries who cannot forgive themselves

    Christ also asked the Father for forgiveness directly

    Your book is distorted and you follow Paul, who destroyed the original Christian doctrine

    The straw that broke the camel's back came when the Pope issued in Rome huge quantities of indulgences, which he signed and stamped with the official seal, to be sold to the public who wished to be forgiven for the sins they had committed.

    The Pope's representative would go around the cities and villages selling indulgences that erased the buyer's sins because the Pope He is God's representative in this world, and God must honor His promise of forgiveness.

    When this idea succeeded in hoarding huge amounts of silver and gold for the church, the Pope’s mind developed another idea: purchasing indulgences in the name of dead relatives in order to help them enter the Kingdom of Heaven. This was the straw that made the German priest Martin Luther write his book “95 Theses” in 1517.

    P 1

    يدخلون الإسلام أفواجاً - شمسي

    هل ستدخل الجنة الأم تريزا والطبيب مجدى يعقوب والصالحين في الدنيا من النصارى والملل الأخرى ؟

    لماذا الإسلام يحرم الشذوذ! طالبة بريطانية وشمسي

    احمد ديدات كيف يتيقن المسلمون من المغفرة ودخولهم الجنه

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