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  1. #181
    Investor chicosan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LynnRE View Post
    There is nothing to debate. The answer to either question is a simple yes or no. But in regard to your reply NO MORE DEBATE translated means they are liars,

    It's obvious that if you don't get the answers you want, you invent them. What would you call a person who does that?

    they don't exist, they never attended Johnson & Wales University, nor graduated with honors with a BS in Financial Management.

    More guess work.

    Of course you cannot debate the truth, but thanks for admitting the answers to both questions were no.
    I refuse to debate with someone whose mind is closed and neither question deserves an answer. No more debate.

  2. #182
    Senior Investor LynnRE's Avatar
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    Well, let me make this real simple for you. Johnson & Wales has no record, none, zilch, nada, zero, nil of the two hyphenated financial guru's ever attending their university, let alone getting a BS Degree in Financial Management. Answer was not "invented," nor was it "made-up," nor was it "fabricated," in short they lied. Now I wonder what else they "Lied" about? I mean they are the supposedly "financial experts" but their credentials are false, a lie, made-up, fabricated. Just in case you missed it "THEY LIED."

  3. #183
    Investor chicosan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LynnRE View Post
    I mean they are the supposedly "financial experts" but their credentials are false, a lie, made-up, fabricated. Just in case you missed it "THEY LIED."
    Just in case you missed it.....You have taken this to a point where NOBODY CARES!!

  4. #184
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    Thanks LynnRE for the valuable information!

    I, for one, do care.

    It is good to have people, like you, that lookout for those of
    us that might otherwise lose our money to scammers
    like these!

    Keep up the good work!
    Laugh when you can, apologize when you should, and let go of what you can't change. Kiss slowly, play hard, forgive quickly, take chances, give everything, never go to sleep angry and have no regrets. Life is too short to be anything but happy.

  5. #185
    Investor chicosan's Avatar
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    Don't you find it strange that only one side of the TEP market has been posted here!!!!

    "There are in fact two markets that exist with regard to endowment policy trading, the first type is the publicly Traded Endowment Policy (TEP) market which is regulated by securities regulators, which is the only market you will find any information about if you google the phrase “Traded Endowment Policies”.

    In this regulated market, the hub of which is in the UK, you must hold a TEP for 7/8 years before the TEP has accrued sufficient value to make it possible for it to be sold on, for a profit, crucially however, as well as this regulated public market in TEPs, there is also private financial market known as the a “private placement” traded endowment policy market, this market is closed to the general public because it is not regulated by the SEC or equivalent regulators, but it is regulated by the insurance regulators."

  6. #186
    Senior Investor LynnRE's Avatar
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    Now let me see if I follow this logic. The administrator's who dreamed up this program, HCI25, posted on their website they were financial geniuses who graduated from Johnson & Wales University with a BS Degree in Financial Management. They did not just graduate but with honors. Because of this entry level degree, by the way the degree offered by the university is an entry level degree program, they in turn were able to become financial geniuses.

    Since the degree never existed, this means they are not financial management experts as claimed. Now if they cannot, because they dont' have the degree that was to have taught them this trade, they somehow were able to license themselves, ooppps, they're not licensed either, but I"ll discuss this in greater detail below. So just how did they become "experts" since they claim their degree was what gave them this expertise?

    Still following the bouncing ball? Well if not it gets even better. Now we are to believe that they only deal with private placement endowment programs which are not regulated by the SEC or equivalent, but is regulated by the insurance regulators. Really. So where is the documentation that shows these policies are so regulated? But here's where the whole things falls apart. Endowment policies are regulated by the SEC and similar regulatory agencies as endowments are an investment product, not just an insurance product. In order to "sell" these policies, an insurance company has to be licensed with the SEC and the policies have to be approved for sale by the SEC. If not, the insurance company is in violation of not only the securities regulations, but also the insurance regulations. Both agencies have to approve these policies or they cannot be sold. If not you are selling "unregistered policies" which are illegal.

    Not only does the policies and the company have to be registered with the SEC, so does anyone selling them. Failure to have the proper securities license for these products puts the selling agent, and the insurance company, in violation of securities laws. Which simply means if caught, they can be charged for selling "unregistered securities" and not having a valid securities license. Now you can try to obfuscate this all you want, but these are the "FACTS." Doubt my word, then please contact your SEC regulator and see what they say. You can also contact the insurance commissioner in every state in the US, or the head of the insurance division for whatever country you reside in for proof.

    Just an aside but on the website I see where they were also proclaiming they were one of the few distributors of bank/debenture trading programs, which do not exist. Wonder what their 25 years of "experience" really was in?

  7. #187
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    Just learn to read......

    "There are in fact two markets that exist with regard to endowment policy trading, the first type is the publicly Traded Endowment Policy (TEP) market which is regulated by securities regulators, which is the only market you will find any information about if you google the phrase “Traded Endowment Policies”.

    In this regulated market, the hub of which is in the UK, you must hold a TEP for 7/8 years before the TEP has accrued sufficient value to make it possible for it to be sold on, for a profit, crucially however, as well as this regulated public market in TEPs, there is also private financial market known as the a “private placement” traded endowment policy market, this market is closed to the general public because it is not regulated by the SEC or equivalent regulators, but it is regulated by the insurance regulators."

  8. #188
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    Most informative LynnRE,thank you.

    Unfortunately there will always be those who follow these "get rich quick schemes" de****e the smoke and mirror tactics. The lure of money is king,not facts. Wait to see if this and all the other similar programmes pay out.Proof of the pudding is in the eating.

  9. #189
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dreamer View Post
    Most informative LynnRE,thank you.

    Unfortunately there will always be those who follow these "get rich quick schemes" de****e the smoke and mirror tactics. The lure of money is king,not facts. Wait to see if this and all the other similar programmes pay out.Proof of the pudding is in the eating.
    I didn't really expect either you or LynnRE to process the "2 Markets fact".

    1.This is not a get rich scheme.
    2.There's no smaoke and mirror tactics.
    3.There's no lure of's called necessary needs.
    4.You two seem to ignore some of the facts and only settle on
    the facts that suit you.
    5.Most important is that many of the RPP programs out there are
    copy cats and will likely fail.
    6.You're right....."The proof of the pudding is the eating"

  10. #190
    Senior Investor LynnRE's Avatar
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    Any Private Placement Product is regulated and must be registered with the SEC. The only thing private about them is that it is a single investor, or limited number of investors, investment, and not available to the general public. Why? You have to be a "qualified investor" to even invet in a Private Placement offering. The number of investors is "limited" and you must be invited in, meaning someone has to be willing to sell their position or there is nothing to purchase. These investments are for the long term. Most Private Placements run at least 10 years, some run 20 and many run 30 years. The average annual rate of return on these programs is in the 10% range. Many only generate 30% return on your investment for the entire duration of the investment.

    To "qualify" for an endowment policy, the "investor" must be qualified by the issuing party. That means you must answer an investment questionnaire, and all assets and incomes are "verified." Not everyone can "qualify" and many do not even try because they cannot meet the financial threshhold to purchase an endowment policy. Private Placement Endowments do not generate any profit margins any faster, or slower, than one sold to the general public. Being private has nothing to do with the speed within which these accumulate value. They are based on specific life and actuarial tables. This notion that private issued policies accumulate faster in value than public ones is not true. The only difference is the dollar amount they can be purchased in, and then as stated before you have to "qualify" to even be issued one.

    This notion that all you have to do is put up $55 or $35, or whatever $ and it will pay you an astronomically amount of money is folly. The only way you cannot get one is to falsify your application, and then maybe they won't issue the policy is pure bunk. If you lie on any application it is absolutely guaranteed they will not issue the policy. There is no maybe about it. You do have to pay premiums, unless you purchase a totally paid up policy. If so, you get it at a discount, and you sure won't get one for $35, $55, or $80 application fee. Want a paid-up $100,000 policy? Then expect to pony up $70,000-$75,000. Now there is a whole lot more about the different types of these policies, but they only differ in how much up front money you pay for obtaining one, as well as the ongoing costs to keep the policy in force.

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