Texas Holdem Freeroll Schedule that is updated to the minute!

Im just recently started playing Poker Freerolls and have been able to win small amounts of real money playing in them. If you new to poker and dont know what a Free roll is Ill do my best to describe one,

Poker Free roll = Most often, a freeroll refers to a touranment with no entry free. These sorts of tournaments are generally promotions run by poker rooms to attract customers. For example, a $5000 freeroll means that the poker room is putting up $5000 in prize money for a tournament, and there is no entry fee into the tournament.

Ok, now that you know what a Free roll is, where do you play them, well most of the Poker rooms online have Freerolls that are open to anyone and the cash prizes of course vary, I was able to located this Poker Resource site that has a up to the minute schedule that I find invaluable when Im looking for a Freeroll, you can find this schedule at the following link

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