An Introduction to Order Flow Trading

Order Flow Trading is a profitable form of trading. It provides professional and retail traders with information based benefits, and it offers the complicated step-by-step analysis of Order Flow in the form of charts that can be interpreted in a simple way. People have been puzzled about what Order Flow Trading(OFT) actually is.

OFT takes into account other forms of trading. The aim is to attempt to predict the prices of the stocks through pending orders of other traders. In anticipation of prices it is important to ensure that potential traders have large orders; the traders should be active market participants who have pending orders.

Scary facts about Order Flow Trading

Trade mentors have been advising the traders to trade what they see instead of trading what they think. The market does not actually move according to your thoughts and it should not. Picking levels is a risky way to exercise your trading, and has been banned by professional traders. However, Order Flow Trading cannot be implemented without picking levels, and this is the reason why OFT has been frightening for many traders.

Traders who were mentally picking up levels, and simultaneously observing the price charts discovered that the levels had been all blown away. However, things can vary by using tight stop losses and especially if you consider picking levels carefully. Consider picking levels with caution and use tight stop losses.

The Methods of Functioning of Order Flow Trading

Picking up levels is actually a complicated matter. OFT needs proper analysis power which most of the traders miss. With the help of proper training, technology and proper support you can learn how to pick levels to continue with OFT. There are methods of Order Flow Trading:

  1. The trading method, which is recommended by expert traders, is to determine the apparent resistance levels which is confirmed when the price arrives. This is one of the methods of order flow trading since the system is dependent on there being a great deal of orders on the different levels.
  2. The professional traders of order flow trade in a different way. If you know how to trade order flow then you will definitely not wait for confirmation of price action before trading order flow. This is quite a risky approach to OFT.
  3. Wait for the close of hourly candle before you enter the trade.
  4. Pick up the levels to enter a better price. This will assist in getting a higher price which will result in profits long before traders who trade with price action enter the trade.
  5. Use tighter stops to place your stop in a much better pace which is the advantage you gain while trading with level-picking.

Trading against the given trend should not intimidate you. Obvious support and resistance can be achieved through the previous highs and previous lows which is the way to pick up levels.