I actually think Windows 10 is the worst Windows ever, even worse than the much maligned Windows ME.
It’s basically an inferior, bloated, sluggish version of Windows 7. I am talking from a power-gamer, efficiency-hungry perspective. I am the type of guy that presses Ctrl-Shift-Esc every minute to check what’s happening behind the scenes.
Windows 10 is the most bloated, resource-hungry Windows I have ever seen. Worse than Windows XP. It’s always doing something on the network, always sending stuff up to the cloud and I have no idea what it’s doing and grabbing all sorts of useless junk I don’t need to read or know about. There’s so many services running that won’t stay dead. Windows 7 was great. I had a lot of control. It was lean, mean and amazing, it looked great, and ran games like butter.
Windows 10 is much sloppier. Windows 8 screwed a lot of things up, but it was actually less busy than Windows 10. I am not sure why Windows 10 got such good press but from a pure performance perspective, Windows 8 was actually better, and Windows 7 was leagues better.
Yet for some reason everyone loves Windows 10 and thinks its the best thing since sliced bread. It boggles my mind.