Cheaper and faster than Uniswap? Discover LibraSwap, the leading DEX on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) with the best farms in DeFi and a lottery for LIBRA.

LibraSwap is automatic liquidity acquisition yield farm and AMM decentralized exchange running on Polygon network with some unique and creative features that let you earn and win.

All the presale manipulations are performed with our smart contract (Presale) and cannot be changed.
Presale starts 12th of June. Initial price is 30 LIBRA per 1 MATIC. 50% of the gathered funds will be provided to the liquidity pool LIBRA-MATIC on QuickSwap exchange with 30 LIBRA per 1.5 MATIC ratio (50% price increase) at the end of presale at 15th of June. Users will be able to claim LIBRA tokens right after presale. Half of the LIBRA-wMATIC LP tokens can be claimed at 22nd of June. All the unclaimed LP tokens will be migrated to our exchange with its launch at 29th of June, so users will not be able to claim it anymore.

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