i am not admin !Welcome to worldfinancialclub.com
WorldFinancialClub is open for investors from all over the world in 08 Sep 2011.
WorldFinancialClub - Making More of Your Investments.
In a nutshell, WorldFinancialClub.com is a financial company. Founded in 2003, we began with brick-and-mortar offline trading operations and
gradually evolved into an online financial company that trades forex, stocks and derivatives while maintaining extensive offline operations.
Plan A 1-unlimited USD/EUR 7% daily for 40 days
Plan B 100-unlimited USD/EUR 8% daily for 50 days
Plan C 500-unlimited USD/EUR 150% after 5 days
Plan D 1000-unlimited USD/EUR 170% after 7 days
Plan E 5000-unlimited USD/EUR 200% after 10 days
<1>.Hacker protection.
<2>.Independent Host Services.
<3>.Server data every hour of back-up once.
Secure 256-Bit SSL;
Real Whois Details;
Strong DDoS Protection;
Godaddy DNS Servers; Godaddy dedicated Server;Anti-virus and Firewall Protection;
Real Company ;
Real Investors;
Large Reserve Fund;
Stable High and Low profit
high risk and low risk plans;
Direct Automatic Payments;
worldfinancialclub.com offers not only a short term on-line investment assistance, but we build funds resouces for long terms and reliable
investment programs. Payout time: your first interest payment will be deposited directly to your LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney account tomorrow
0:00-24:00 GMT-08:00
[QUOTE]If you get more information,please visit their website here: worldfinancialclub.com