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Min deposit: $7
Max deposit: $77
Duration: 14 days
Daily interest rate: 7.77%
Payment period: daily
Return principal after the plan completion: no
Compounding: not allowed
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Min deposit: $50
Max deposit: unlimited
Duration: 28 days
Daily interest rate: 1.00%
Payment period: daily
Return principal after the plan completion: yes
Compounding: not allowed
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Min deposit: $100
Max deposit: unlimited
Duration: 42 days
Daily interest rate: 1.20%
Payment period: daily
Return principal after the plan completion: yes
Compounding: not allowed
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Min deposit: $200
Max deposit: unlimited
Duration: 84 days
Daily interest rate: 1.40%
Payment period: daily
Return principal after the plan completion: yes
Compounding: not allowed
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Accept: LR, PM
