Our projects stand for investment management program, and this is an investment scheme designed to deliver vast profits from investments. It is said to be one of the most lucrative money-making ventures around, and investors can make earnings of as much 30 to 40 percent in interest a month.

FOREX stands for foreign exchange, and it basically involves the buying and selling of currencies. Among all the markets in the world, FOREX is said to be the market with the most volume, with an approximated daily turnover of over US$ 1.5 trillion. In FOREX, the base currency against which other currencies are traded is the US dollar. It is said to be the most liquid market, which means that an investor can take out or cash in investments more rapidly and with a fairer market price compared to other markets.

Starter ( 200% ) 2% Daily Interest
100 Business Days
Principal Return: No
Compounding: No.
Min Deposit: $10

Professional ( 220% ) 2.2% Daily Interest
100 Business Days
Principal Return: No
Compounding: Yes
Min Deposit: $5,001

Superior ( 240% ) 2.4% Daily Interest
100 Business Days
Principal Return: No
Compounding: Yes
Min Deposit: $30,001
