Many people believe that investing online and making money is an activity that is impossible. At Vodapex.Com we are changing that perception. We believe everyone should be able to invest online and make money and that is why we have created an investment service with the sole purpose of making you the investor money and for you to have a better view of online money making possibilities. We are dedicated to making investing easy and affordable for everyone.

We can help

We take a long-term approach and help investors build wealth with three solid concepts:

* Discipline
Start good investing habits using an Automatic Investment Plan—allowing you to invest in regular intervals.

* Dollar-cost Averaging
Consistently build a portfolio over time—you can choose any amount.

* Diversification
Vodapex.Com is always working towards helping you make smart investing decisions.

Name Minimum Maximum Percent (%) Capital Back (%) Insurance (%) Detail
Silver $5.00 $10,000.00 2.8% Daily 24% Expiration 150%
Bronze $50.00 $15,000.00 2.8% Daily 26% Expiration 194%
Gold $100.00 $15,000.00 2.8% Daily 28% Expiration 280%
Platinum $200.00 $15,000.00 2.8% Daily 30% Expiration 366%