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FXHarmony Inc. is an international investment firm specializing in currency trading. Established in 2008, the firm is managed by our director and head of research, David Cerny, a nineteen-year veteran of the Forex market. FXHarmony Inc. is regulated by the BVI financial control authorities & has a share capital of $ 2.5 million.

It is simply not possible for any trader - whether amateur, professional or anywhere in between - to avoid every single loss. But limiting the losses and preserving your capital are the key factors of success in trading. Our unique loss-limit system is an easy and powerful tool designed to allow you to monitor and control your losses. The gist of it is that you can track the current loss (if present) of each of your deposits in real time. The statistics is updated daily between 8-11 a.m. GMT.

If the loss of some of the deposit exceeds 10%, you will be allowed (but not obliged) to withdraw the remaining part of this deposit at any time (even before its maturity). So, even in the worst scenario your possible losses are under full control.

Of course, we could set the limit to 1-2%, but then it would lead us to trade until the first unprofitable day and dramatically decrease our efficiency.

If you have the flexibility to deposit your money for a specified period of time, we can offer a choice of terms, a guaranteed fixed rate, and interest that is paid daily.

Investment plan

Term Min. deposit Max. deposit Deposit returned? Total return
1.4% Daily20 business days $/€ 10 $/€ 99 Yes 128%
1.6% Daily40 business days $/€ 100 $/€ 499 Yes 164%
1.8% Daily60 business days $/€ 500 $/€ 999 Yes 208%
2% Daily80 business days $/€ 1,000 $/€ 4,999 Yes 260%
2.2% Daily80 business days $/€ 5,000 $/€ 9,999 Yes 276%
2.4% Daily80 business day s$/€ 10,000 $/€ 50,000 Yes 292%

The essentials

* Available to anyone aged 18 years or over
* Preferential fixed rate of 2.4% for our VIPs. Please read further for details *
* Interest is paid every business day Monday to Friday, so you can watch your profits grow
* No request necessary for withdrawals - interest is paid directly into e-currency
* At maturity, your deposit will be returned in full

* You will become VIP when your total deposit amount exceeds $10,000. Once you are VIP, your interest rate is always 2.4% daily, even if your following deposits are less than $10,000

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