I am not admin.......

My name is Steven Gant your admin. Welcome to Alert Funds. We are a verified business account holder with Alert Pay. Alert Funds uses only alert pay to process transactions. Our reason is simple. With all the scams going on in the industry today only Alert Pay offers fraud protection for the investor and the site owner. No anonymous processor can offer this.With Strict Pay all but done and Solid Trust Pay soon to follow Alert Pay is the only safe and logical alternative.

Liberty Reserve is all well and good but anonymous processors offer the investor no protection. Alert Funds goal is to provide you with the safest possible platforms to invest your money and earn a high rate or return. We want you to feel comfortable and secure in your investments with us. We promise to always communicate with all members. No excuses.

Alert Funds will be dependent on member support. We arent going to tell out members we invest all incoming monies to generate profits. We dont. Our plan is to invest a % of site funds as well as out own personal funds to help sustain a healthy site reserve fund. The site will have low initial deposit maximums to protect against hit and runners. Max deposits will be carefully evaluated. Our goal is to last indefinitely. With good member support I know its an attainable goal. With continued member support and an honest admin we can make this site the best hyip in the industry.

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