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PT is a long term high yield private loan program, backed up by Forex market trading, Arbitrage betting trading and various funds and activities. Profits from these investments are used to enhance our program and increase its stability for the long term.It consists of an international group of traders. We are not a company, we are just a group of young and energetic private traders working and trading together. We have been trading for many years for ourselves, so why not offer this service to you. All of us have enough experience to make this work. So why not dream with professionals and achieve your financial freedom now.


Daily Plans: 1%-1.4% Daily For 180 Business Days.

Weekly Plans: 5.5%-8% Weekly For 36 Weeks.

Monthly Plans: 24%-36% Monthly For 9 Months.

Premium Plans - Principal Locked-In For 180 Business Days.

Min. INVESTMENT in any of the above plans is, $10!

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