Department include twelve persons that manage and operate Corporation investment transactions through analyze market, indexies base on new strategy provided by research department. we are responsible to determine each of online activities plan interest percent for time of processing that plan investment fund profit. also department determine any loss on investments and order to that loss have affect on online financial account balance or not. its own responsibility to publish news about investment industries and Corporation new financial strategy

John Wilson, head of dept.

Research on markets,new ones and on another type of business that Corporation include of, is department duty. research done through online and offline search and observe as business go on its line. main phase to do decision on invesments of Corporation is this department result information. online activities plans first introduced by us Juani, head of dept.

all clients activity on their financial accounts manage, observe through department. duty to certify that all financial accounts transactions goes on a right way as valid information also is ours. paid interest on investments, processing of withdraw requests from balance mostly at +0000 GMT Time done by department individuals. we are happy can ensure be with you at any time just by one ticket on support center

Michael Smith, head of dept.


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