
If your a promoter and live by promoting programs online on forums, blogs etc. You can now make an extra income from all advertising sales that you bring it to Rolclub.

We will give you a
15% - Deal on all first time ads that you bring to Rolclub by promoting us. (20% if you get Rolclub Banners linked to a hyip, surf, gdp, cyclers Rateus page)
10% - Each time these admin's renew their ads(month after month). (15% if you get Rolclub Banners linked to a hyip, surf, gdp, cyclers Rateus page)
Payments - Done as soon as sale is registered to agreed payment processors.

Some of our promoters make $3-$4k a month. And this is in most cases already a higher income then placing links to programs.

If your interested in this offer, please contact our marketing department
[email protected] with email subject "Want to be RC's promoter".

